Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

I woke up to the sound of my mother’s voice outside my door.

“honey, wake up.”

“I'm still sleeping…”

“open the door, please” she said stern for a second, but then back to the cheerful voice she had on.

I stumbled my way to the door.

“good morning darling, I heard you got back from the party last night. Or should I say this early morning.” She crossed her arms.

“I- um, I-uh”

“no worries, I trust you that you didn't do anything stupid,” she hugged me.

No actually, she hugged me to smell me. She does this to check if I smelled like smoke, or marijuana, or alcohol, or even drugs. She does this every time I had a party.

“okay,” she said after she’s satisfied with my form. Well she doesn't’t really care much about the alcohol drinking. Just not so much until your wasted. That’s what she said.

“so, if you knew I just got back like what- 4 hours ago? why did you wake me up..? it’s Sunday mom…” I whined.

“actually, I have a favor to ask you,”

“why am I not surprised…” I sighed.

“okay so me and Stephanie are going to have lunch together today,”

“and by lunch you mean going to the spa, shopping…and stuff like that?”

“aw…you know me so well,”

Lunch is actually mine and my mom’s code whenever we want to get away from everyone. Have a girl time to talk and we do sometimes spend a day, without arguments, in a spa, relaxing and stuff like that without disagreement even once. But it’s just for that day only.

“ what’s the favor?”

“would you mind babysitting Lily and Josh while we’re gone?” Margaret Lily is actually my little sister, Maggie’s real name. my mom insist us on calling her Lily, but I like to call her Maggie.

“Where’s Maggie?”

“LILY... she’s outside, playing with Josh. And Aiden will also help you babysit today. So no worries. You’ll be fine with his help,”

“nah, it’s okay..i can do it alone. He’s tired. You know, Maggie and Josh is getting really close. I bet when they’re older they’re gonna go out and marry each other,” I told her.

She giggled and started to walk away, “yeah, wish it could happen now between you both,” she muttered quietly, sighing.

“what did you just say?” I asked to make sure what I heard is right.

“oh, nothing dear, Aiden is downstairs already. Get ready quickly. Don't wanna keep him waiting do you?”

“right, have fun mom..”

I got in the bathroom and showered straight away.

I took out my pink tank top, and a blue shorts. And I put on my graffiti flip flop and went downstairs.

“hey Sammy-,” Aiden greeted while playing horsey with Maggie. Josh is happily clapping his hands watching them.

“hey, having fun down there?” I laughed.

“hey Sam!” josh running towards my reach.

“hey how are you? I hugged him.

Aiden got up. “morning,”

“so, what are doing today?” I asked eager Maggie and Josh.

“let’s play tag,” Maggie suggest.

“let’s play…tag- in the water!” Josh finally said.

“okay!” Aiden agreed.

“okay, let’s swim..” great. Swimming. “first, go change to your swimmers. Ask Layla to find it.”

“did you bring your pants or something?” I asked Aiden.

“as a matter of fact, I did.” He smirked.

“you planned this didn't you?”

“I didn't suggest it OK,”

“whatever, I m just gonna get change. You can- um go to that room and change,”

“see you in your bikinis..”

“excuse me?” my eyebrow raised.

“nothing” he has those smirk again.


I really don't feel like going in the water today. Aiden can play with them. I’ll just be the…lifeguard..that’s what I'm gonna tell them.

I got out my black and pink polka dot bikini and a pair of surf pants to cover it so I wont be too exposed to Aiden or Josh.

I got out my drawing book and my ipod and my glasses and quickly get downstairs. I don't really care if I actually get tanned because people do say I'm pale white.

I went outside in the backyard and saw Aiden already in his shorts, and his shirt off.

My eyes were wide and I couldn't talk. He must’ve work out or something

His abs are fabulous!

No, stop. what am I talking about?

But seriously, he must lift weights. He had a perfect six pack. And his biceps...


"Sammy’s here!" He interrupted my thoughts.

I closed the door behind me and walked in casually. I looked away from him, because when I looked I kept thinking about his six pack.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"" I stuttered. and I quickly put my stuff down on the chair to distract my attention.

He stared at me quizzically. I looked away again, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see he shrugged.

"Was it because of my awesome six pack?" He snickered.

I froze. "Huh?"

"I saw you come in and went robot." He laughed. My mouth dropped open. but I quickly close them again before he could react to that.

He smirked. Apparently, he did, "Couldn't resist, could you?" My face flushed.

"It was an accident!" I yelled.

"Sure. No need to get defensive. I work out." He winked jokingly. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, I have an awesome six pack, admit it." He said.

My face was hot.

"Yes, yes, yes!” My head screamed.

“Keep dreaming’ kid." I said.

He grinned like idiotic person, “so what's up with the book? and the pencil-,” he snatched my book away.

“give me my book back!” I reached out but his hands are long, and hard…- stop it Sam.

he hold me back with one hand while the other is trying to flip the book open.

he looked at the drawings and sketches, then he let go off me.

“wow Sam, you’re incredible. You are amazing at drawing- this is great,” he said then pointing to one of my drawings of a ‘beach’. I drew it when we went to a holiday in Bali. it was in the evening. and the waves are just so beautiful with the sun shining to it. but in my drawing, it’s not that pretty.

“well, thanks. but I don't think-, it’s not that good,” I took the book back from his hand.

“are you kidding? that drawings are sick! dude, you got talent,” he look at me wide eyed.

“nah, but thanks anyways. okay, so the reason I brought this book down, is because I don't want to go in the freezing, blue water,” I look at the pool weirdly.

“what- why? the weather’s great, the water’s perfect, and Maggie and Josh-,” I cut him off

“you talk like a woos. ‘the weather’s great, the water’s, perfect. aha ha…!” I mimicked him.

“fuck it, c’mon…Maggie, Josh…Sammy here don't wanna play with us…” he called to them and whined.

“Sammy, please…it’s REALLY fun in here!” Josh said.

“yeah Sammy, I thought you liked tag…” she put on her fake sad face.

“No thanks…I’ll just be right here,” I patted the seat, “and it will still be as fun, I’ll be the- lifeguard,” I smiled widely hoping for them to get me.

“aw Sammy’s scared…poor baby..she’s just scared of the wittle water…but I know she will eventually get in the water..” he turned to me and smile his ‘evil’ smile. “I know I can make her..”

“uh no. I don't think so,” I said as he came closer to me.

“yay! Sammy’s playing!” they both squealed.

“uh no-,” Aiden is 5 inches from me now.

I can feel his abs on my tummy. his six pack grinding on my not-so-fit tummy..his hands around my waist pulling me closer..his beautiful face millimeters from mine…WHAT AM I THINKING??!!

I tried to keep my voice as steady as possible, “uh- um- what-, what a-are you d-doing?” dammit, I failed. just hope he doesn't’t notice.

He pick me up bridal style and stand by the edge of the pool. i immediately know what he’s thinking right now. “let me down Aiden..” his face inches away from me.

I can feel he’s breathing. Smells good. “nope,” popping the p.
“please, with cherry on top.”

“not gonna happen” he smirk.

I bit down on my lower lip, unsure of to what I should do now. I tried to snuggle out of his grip but his grasp tightened. He got sexy abs, hard arms. yummy.

“Put me down! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Please! Put me down!” I said trough laughter/

He shook his head and then threw me into the pool. I felt the cool, refreshing water run over my face as I sunk down.

I pushed off the bottom with my feet and surface the top of the pool, I saw everyone laughing and this time I wasn’t upset. Because usually if someone does that to me, they end up having a black eye.

“Aahhhh! Ade…you, ooh you’re so-,” then I remembered the little kids, “naughty,”

He laughed.

“yay Sammy, now you can play tag with us!” Josh chirped

“thanks Aiden!”

Aiden jumped in the pool gracefully. he has perfect body and his jump is just perfect.

I bet I look like shit right now. god. I went in the water to fix my hair out of my face.

He’s right. the water is just nice to cool of tension.

I come up out of the water and out of nowhere, Aiden is in front of me, real close. “Boo,” he scoff.

“v-very matured Ade,” I look into his eyes. they are sparkling at me. Stop, Sammy.

“I am matured. That’s why I get to do this,” he pulled me in really close until our bodies touch, and his hand tighten around me. he cupped my face with his free, wet hand.


(Brandon’s pov)

I was bored at home. not that I have nothing to do, with the guys, but I don't feel like hanging out.

So I decided to go to Sammy’s house. I’ve missed her. I should have come to the party.
Sean saw her and that new douche dancing together, let me rephrase that, dancing intimately.

She hasn't even told me about it. or she’s probably not planning to.

So I'm going to her house to ask her about it and also, to see her.

I missed the beautiful face, I missed her touch and her soft lips. Make me the most happiest every second she’s with me. But I feel like I died when she’s not with me.

So I changed to my pants and Hollister shirt.


I press the intercom on the huge door. “Brandon’s here,”

the door open and revealed one of the maids smiling from ear to ear. “come in, Sam is in the backyard.”

“um thanks,”

I walked in and saw Maggie and this unfamiliar little boy playing ball in the water.

The box that I was holding, that has a promise necklace I got for her fell. Next to them, I found Sammy, with Aiden, running his hand through her face. They are looking at each other with her body in his embrace, bodies touching.

What the fuck?!

“Sam,” was all I said. I felt limb.


(Sam’s pov)

Aiden is seconds away from crushing his lips to mine. He look at me intently with his glistening eyes. My hand on his bare, muscular chest. I could feel his heart beating, fast. Like mine is.

“Sam,” a familiar voice said, interrupting my ‘moment’ with Aiden.


we quickly broke our embrace. Aiden’s face was just priceless.

“Brandon, what-.” I stopped talking because his focus is on Aiden. “I can explain-,”

“Explain WHAT!?” he said enraged as ever. but there is also hurt plastered in his face.

“I- um, Maggie, Josh,” I look at the both of them who looked surprised and scared at the same time, “do you want to go inside and ask Bertha to bake you something, so we could eat them after swimming? ooh, I feel like eating chocolate chip cookies. can you do that?”

“um sure Sammy, we could go make them too- right Josh?” Maggie apparently understood the ‘awkward’ situation she and Josh is in.

“can't we-,” Maggie pinched him. in normal times, I would have laugh by now but I didn't. “okay, ooh, let’s put extra chocolate in it, you like chocolate Maggie?” he asked while they quickly walk inside, wet.

I waited until they went inside.

“Brandon, I can explain,”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's a little bit what do you think?
comments please..I'll be great if i know some people do like this story so far=D
thanks for reading