He Tastes Like You, Only Sweeter


It’s been weeks of touring, and everything’s going –less than awful- great. The boys, plus Val, eventually found out about my little ‘guitar accident' and because of that, Val has been nagging any of the boys (minus Brian) to swap sleeping places with me. Meaning I haven’t slept once in the couch since we last left the hotel.

I’ve finally seen Avenged Sevenfold perform live in a very long time. Along with My Chemical Romance, every show was just amazing. I can’t even put it into words.

And when the boys had their ‘rest’ days, Alicia, Val and I had these bonding moments together. Just doing the normal girl thing like visiting the salon, shopping, forcing Johnny and Bob to come along to carry our bags. You know, those things. If I were by myself though, I’d explore the place and have my Polaroid ready.

I’ve also gotten to know the MCR boys more. They were even crazier than my boys!

If you’re asking about Brian, well, he’s been keeping his distance. So was I. There weren’t any shouting or any form of violence in a good while. We don’t even cross paths anymore. What's even better is that we haven't slept in any hotels lately, so me and Haner haven't shared a room in forever. Which was, a good thing. I just hope it stays that way.

Yeah. Everything is going fine. If this keeps up, I’d still be living after this tour.