Koi no Kisetsu (Season of Love)

Koi no Kisetsu (Wish #1)

Koi no Kisetsu 恋の季節

Wish #1

I was finally 20 years old and about to embark on my first ever trip overseas alone, without the accompaniment of my parents. Sure, I would feel jittery all over without the company of my family, and I was a total wreckage when left alone, for I was also found as a lout or clodhopper by nearly everyone who were on close terms with me. However, I was sure 20 years old sounded way too old for anyone- and it was time to grow up. In the future, my parents would have to leave me for the afterworld nonetheless, it's a natural process of life- death befalls anyone.

Setting my mindset in that direction, I mustered enough courage to take another step forward in the airport. It was jam-packed with people from all walks of life, either families of departing family members or basically, the passengers themselves. Huge luggages were found being towed around on trolleys all around, wheeled in and about the airport, as people frenziedly did their last check to make sure everything was in place.

The marble-tiled floors of the airport gleamed, as if to welcome my arrival at the airport. I stared at the spotless floor, marvelling at the hard work and effort from the assiduous workers, most probably acting like some freak for staring at the floor while dragging my luggage behind me. I didn't mean to attract attention to myself- I just did.

Moments later, I lifted the ticket in my hand gingerly, looking at it with a wide grin plastered across my face. The tickets to Japan.

I've been dreaming at least 10 years ago. Today was the day I had been waiting for for eternity- a hard-to-come-by chance to set foot in Japan, my Wonderland. I've always admired Japan for ages, they made amazing Japanese cartoons, or better known as animes, they have the best mangas in the entire world, and they are, and always had been a leading country in technology. I loved animes and mangas, and I could be what you call... One of those sloths who always goofs around the house reading them.

I was flying over to further my studies, a splendid chance given by my school, and at the same time to brush up on my manga-drawing skills. It was definitely a dream come true. It tastes sweet, and feels marvellous.

"Pei Yun," Out of the blue, a familiar voice seized my attention as I promptly halted my footsteps and cast a glance behind my back. I realized it was my whole family, here to send me off on my journey to Japan. I grinned, turning around and waving enthusiastically at them.

My name's Pei Yun. Well, I'm a Singaporean, and it's not very appalling for me to have a Chinese name, though it sounds really, really weird. I'm not used to calling my name in English sometimes, for it sounds odd- or perhaps too odd for my liking. In Chinese, it sounds perfectly normal. That's why, I had came up with a Japanese name for myself to be used at Japan- Michiyo Fujiwara. This was the name to give to any new acquaintances of mine at Japan, if any.

I look extremely normal, and I DO NOT look pretty in any way. I have been devoid of any guy's romantic affection forquite a long time, and I have just came to conclusion that I was way too ugly to really be able to attract someone's liking to myself. I was fine with it however, knowing I was still at least a thousand miles far away from finding love. Someday, I will find my destined one. That, I'm ascertained.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad!" I greeted, and they approached me with pats on the shoulder and a short ruffling of my hair. My Mother, with her wrinkled face and fluffs of white hair that she had always been complaining was a thorn in her flesh, took a long, satisfied at the grown-up me.

"My daughter's grown. I still remember when you are 10, oh, you were so funny, still having to suck out of a bottle while you sleep! Oh ha ha!" she started laughing in self-delight as the brilliant memories from the past seeped back lovingly.

"Shh, Mum!" I snapped sheepishly, looking around in embarrassment, "This is the public, please! Don't say that so loud! People would think I really am so freak! You know, just now I was walking with my eyes to the floor, looking really overjoyed, as if the floor was made of gold... What the hell? I was only admiring the floor, yes I'm weird but...!" I continued talking animatedly, getting a little agitated when I thought about the fact that people mistook me as some retard.

Mother gave me a peck on the cheek. "Take care." she told me, holding my hand in hers reassuringly. I gave her a nod as a response, and wrapped my arms around my Father, before I gave another one to my little Brother. He was disgusted normally, but this time, he accepted it without any rants. Perhaps because today was special.

"You are so big now, Pei Yun," My Mother muttered, and I laughed, a little reluctant to leave their sides now, having heard my Mother say those words. I approached the Terminal with much dragging of my feet, always staring behind at my family who was waving at me as they watched intently as I past the gates and the Security Officers who checked my passports.

I clasped my other hand over the one that Mother had held ever so tightly- recollecting of the warmth that I've felt. The warmth of the world. It feels so blissful to have a family. It was only a short trip, I reminded myself as I sauntered over to the checkpoint, a short and uninteresting trip. I would be back home soon.


Have I ever told you that it was boring on the plane?

I supposed I haven't, so I could warn you this right now! It was hard to fall asleep even- my back ached because of my sitting position, but if I re-adjusted myself, I would feel nauseous. The elderly man sitting beside me was sleeping like a log, with saliva dripping from his lips. It was revolting, but I could tell you- this was exactly a replica image of how I would sleep too.

The stewardess came over to my seat occasionally, asking if I wanted food or drinks, and I had ordered several drinks- orange juice, apple juice, Cola and Pepsi. WhenI had finished them, my bladder felt like it was bursting, so I scrambled to toilet. After using the toilet, I finally felt worn out and fell asleep on the plane.

When I woke up, the man next to me had already woken, and was feasting on some food that the plane offered, staring out of the small window by the side. I envied him, for I loved sitting by the window as well. I peered out as well, and noticed of green plains beneath us, and as the plane flew past those plains, the message that we were landing boomed through the speakers.

A frisson of excitement rushed through my body.

Oh, finally in Japan! Excited, I started to look about, wondering when we were landing. At least 5 to 6 minutes later, I felt the plane slowly descending from the skies, and as we all watched the sceneries outside the plane- we saw the first signs of Japan's airport. It was rather obvious when you see kanji letters all around the place, if it wasn't Japan... Where else could it be? NAPAJ?

After alighting from the plane, I proceeded to get my passport checked, though I accidentally dropped my passport in front of the duty officer, and caused her to laugh. I told you before- I was a wreckage.Unlucky things like that always happen to me, for I was always so clumsy. After all the needed procedures were done, I could finally settle down on a seat in the airport, as I took a long, careful look around the place.

It was Japan. It was Japan! I couldn't believe it. I was finally here! With a grin, I started looking around, bustling with excitement, visiting some random shops at the airport, before I then proceeded to leave the airport, with an address of a dormitory that I was supposed to head to in my hands. I hailed a taxi and could finally see for myself the life in Japan.

People hurried along the streets in business suits or elegant dresses,either going for work, or students dressed in school uniforms, laughing as they walked. It wasn't that different as a scene in Singapore, yet it had a different feel to it. Maybe it was becauseI was in Japan. Though it was all mundane views, it felt special to me- like I wasin a completely foreign world. When the taxi dropped me off at the dormitory, I was welcomed by the attendants for they had been expecting my arrival after instructions given from my school. They led me to my dainty yet comfy room, exquisitely designed, and I was very pleased with it.

I sent an SMS with eager fingers to inform my family about my safe landing in Japan, and my feelings of thrill, knowing it was so expensive to actually make an overseas call, and my parents had reminded me for countless times before my trip that should I call them for any trivial issues, they were going to maim me, slice me up, and stash my body parts in different parts of the world. Man, are they seriously violent or what?

I commenced lessons at an International School that welcomed students abroad to study. Once I reached the school, I was surprised to find local students standing by the entrance, welcoming my arrival. I had been slightly later than scheduled, and apologizing while I made my dash into the school, I headed straight to the classroom under their guidance.

When I sat down at my desk in the classroom, I couldn't help but imagine scenes in all the animes and mangas that I have watched that depicted school life, and how I was actually in a school in Japan right this instance. All these thoughts made me all the more joyous.

Lessons were much fun and adored. The teachers were comical and were always coming up with innovative ways to bring the class alive. He even spoke in multi languages, both to impress us and to enlighten the mood. When the Japanese lecturer tried speaking in Chinese, he sounded so hilarious that everyone burst out into uncontrollable laughter. It was curt; that I'm aware of, and we apologized afterwards, but the lecturer himself made fun of it too.

Over the weekends, where I had no lessons nor school to attend, I began my stroll around the streets. With a leap in my steps, I began an 'adventure' as I visited shopping centers, walked about the streets and listening to street performers performing- all talented people, went and indulge myself in the noisy arcade center, did window shopping and also to take a look at schools and everything in the way. I boarded the train by following what everyone else did, and I practically travelled to lots of places in my day's run.

It was sometime near sunset. Orangey glows filled the skies as the clouds started turning a light tint of pink. The air got refreshing and the clamorous crowds of people on the streets lessened as everyone hurried home for dinner. My last destination in mind for the day was none other than the convenience store, for I had always read about them in mangas, and would love to be in it.

When the glass door to the shop was pushed open, a little bell jingled and chimed. The shop assistant on duty immediately chirped, in Japanese, "Welcome! What may I get for you?"

I smiled meekly at her, waving my hands, "A-A-Ah, n-nothing... Just looking about!" I declined politely, seemingly flustered. The shop assistant nodded, chortling as she sat back down by the counter, both eyes of hers fixed on me, tailing me as I walked up and down the shelves,rifling through all the items thoroughly.

A convenience store was almost just like a supermarket itself. It had nearly all the food items on its shelves- bread, biscuits even fresh meat, and prepared instant bento. Bottled or packet drinks lined up in the freezers by the sides of the shop. I got myself one of the instant bento set, wondering what the hectic people were eating when they couldn't fix themselves a decent meal.

"Thank you!" I thanked the shop assistant as I took the plastic bag with the bento in it off the counter. The shop assistant bowed to thank me for patronizing the store, before she sat back down and started counting the money in the cashier. I smiled, looking down into the plastic bag, and went on to reach for the handle of the door, preparing to jerk it open. However, before my fingers grabbed hold of the handle, it was suddenly swung open from the other side, causing the side of the door to bang intomy nose.

"Ouch!" I winced and yelped in distress, grabbing the small bruise on my nose.


I heard a guy's gentle and smooth voice, and I was instantly besotted with it. It felt like an angel was actually speaking to me, sounding so mellifluous. When I realized it sounded like a guy's, I was beyond bewildered. I felt a bump- someone tripping over, and before I knew it- I was in a gawky position.

Leaning slightly behind to support the falling figure, I realized that both our fingers had inevitably interlocked with each other, as the figure leant in towards me, trying hard to prevent himself from toppling over me. We two looked like a pair of dancers, with the other partner accidentally losing composure, and about to fall on me. I was the one trying to hold him in place.

I looked up at the guy. He was wearing dark sunglasses, but I was sure he was looking back into my eyes at the same time. Our sight locked for a moment or two, before we finally released ourselves from each other and steadied ourselves.

"I-I'm... sorry! Ah, I need your help," Swiftly, he slid behind me and squatted down, holding onto my waist and using my tall back as some shield from someone outside the convenience store. I was still baffled by the situation, but I stood straight, trying to ignore the fact that some guy was in an intimate position with me and was even holding my waist. I trembled as I broke into cold sweat, staring outside in confusion.

Soon after, a guy ran up to the convenience store, looking about frantically as if searching for something, before his eyes met mine for a second, and he disappeared down the alley.

I noticed that the guy behind me propped his head out by the side of my back, before he quickly withdrew his hands from my waist and stood up in a fluster, rubbing the back of his head- abashed by his own actions.

"I'm very sorry," he apologized in his gentle, angellic voice once again, taking a short bow at me, before he tiptoed and stared outside the shop. The shop assistant was watching us cautiously, and seemed to be scrutinizing the guy beside me intently, as if trying to recognize him. Then, her eyes fell to the ground as she pointed, "A-Ah, Miss, your bento set..."

I looked down to the floor as well, not knowing what was there, till I saw that the plastic bag that I was holding onto had fell to the floor, and its contents had scattered about the floor, creating a dirty mess. Panicked, I immediately asked for the mop, requesting to clean it up but the shop assistant refused kindly, offering to do the job for me.

"It... was my fault, wasn't it?" The soft and addicting voice came once again, touching and melting the depths of my heart. I spun around to gawk at the guy who was wearing a thick black coat and dark sunglasses, with a woolen beanie over his head. I assumed he was afraid of the cold weather that was going on nowadays.

"N-No... Uhh... It was my..." Before I could even complete my sentence, the guy had moved over the shelves with the bento sets and reached out to grab three of them. I hurried over, trying to stop him from buying me a new one, since I did not exactly need it that badly.

He moved over to the counter, but accidentally dropped one of the bento to the floor. Fortunately, the bento was still in one piece. We both bent over at the same time and reached out for the bento set in unison. I picked it up first and handed the bento set over to him with a smile and a chuckle, "We are both clumsy people!"

He laughed as well.

Our hands touched for a brief moment when I handed the bento to him, as our eyes met each other's once again. A sweet sensation bolted through my body as my cheeks gradually tainted itself a faint shade of pink.

"A-A-Ah..." We both muttered out of discomfiture, as we stood to our feet and both looked in the opposite direction, not knowing what to do next. The shop assistant had just finished cleaning up the area, and hurried back to attend to the guy's purchase.

"Here," he said as he passed me the plastic bag with one of the bento sets in it, "Take it. I'm very sorry!" he apologized, before he grinned, revealing a set of beautiful teeth. I was mesmerized for a second, before I snapped myself out of my reveries and accepted the plastic bag with gratitude. My heart raced as I looked down at the plastic bag, really touched by this guy's sweet gestures.

Even if he had sunglasses on, concealing his true looks and everything- I could tell that he had good looks. Itwas perhaps the first time that Ihad gotten into such close proximity with a hot guy. Most of the times, it wasn't me, and I was most likely just be left by the corner.This trip to Japan was definitely great, allowing such a sweet incident to happen.

I clutched the bag close to my heart, smiling foolishly to myself. I looked up at the guy approaching the entrance of the convenience store, knowing it would definitely a worthwhile memory.

If only I could know his name... It was definitely one of the most demanding wishes I had ever made, considering he was such a cool and hot guy with an angellic voice while I, on the other hand was some.... Nondescript.

At that point, I thought everything would end so much better if I could acquire his name. We didn't had to be friends or anything, I just want to know his name. It would be such a captivating memory if I did.

I would feel very contented if I could know his name.

Little did I expect, there was actually more to come between the two of us than this chanced meeting.
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This is Chapter 1 to my new Tegoshi love story! I hope everyone enjoys it. Firstly, if you can't see the kanji at the beginning, beside Koi no Kisetsu and would like to see it, please change your computer's... codec or something. Change it to Japanese, under control panel and language. Koi no Kisetsu means something like Season of Love! And, this story belongs to D3stinyx, thank you!