America's Favorite Past Time

Joseph Adam Jonas

There was always something special about the game of baseball. They way the dirt covered white ball collides against a leather mitt with such force leaves me in awe. The fresh cut, clean grass is always ready to be played on. When the ball hits the wooden bat with a satisfying popping noise, all you can do is just feel the crowd cheering the players on to victory.

It was different in an empty stadium, filled the one man of my dreams, and his brothers. I never saw why his brothers and himself play so much better, considering they always loose. But he insisted I joined him.

I pulled my long brown hair into a high ponytail, getting it off my sweaty neck.

Taking the time to look at my surroundings, I saw Nick standing behind Miley with his arms wrapped around her waist. Kevin was pressing Danielle up against the wall of the dugout, whispering something in her ear.

Then I looked to the field. I saw Joe bent over, showing off his white underwear through his shorts. I could only laugh to myself. He would be so embarrassed if that picture showed up on the internet.

I heard the sound of a baseball hitting the fence in front of me. I turned my head to look at Joe, he just smiled at me.

I sighed, and laid back on the plastic seats, closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes slowly, being blinded by the sun.

My feet were in Danielle's lap, and my head was in Miley's.

"Morning sleepy." The two greeted me. I rubbed my brown eyes.

"Are they done yet?" Miley played with my ponytail.


I looked out into the field and saw Joe jumping up and down. "He is such a dork." I smiled to myself.

Finally, they all came running towards us. I got up and met Joe at the fence. He jumped over quickly, meeting me face foreword.

He pressed me up against the fence as I ran my hands along his chest. "You’re so beautiful, Emily." I blushed, my cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Joseph, the baby is kicking." I gasped.

His jaw dropped just before he got down to his knees, looking at my stomach. He put them on my stomach, and spoke.

"I cant wait until your born Baby J. I want to love you, just like I love your momma."

I smiled at how corny he was. He flipped his hat backwards, then came back up, kissing me on the lips.

"Guys, were leaving." We both heard coming from behind, stopping all of our actions.

"Alright, Nick." Joe called back.

Joe came back to me and whispered in my ear. "I love you."

I melted against him.

I think I could learn to love baseball, especially if he was going to be like this every time.