Status: active. please comment! xx.

This Couldn't Be More Complicated.


Addison’s POV

The door flew open and Max stumbled in, still a little drunk. My mother sat up in her seat and Zack stood still, but clenched his fists to the point where his knuckles were white. A policeman rushed in after him and grabbed his arm.

“No, it’s okay” I said to the cop, who nodded and let his arm go as I figured out that it must have been Max. “Could we talk alone for a minute?” My mother nodded and stood up, gestured to Zack and they both left the room. After the door had shut behind them Max practically jumped on the bed and started apologizing profusely.

“Max calm down!” I nearly yelled. He slid off the bed and sat in the chair my mother had just occupied. He held his hands in his lap and looked like a child. I sat up in the bed and touched his hand.

“Addison I am so sorry! It was a complete accident I thought I was hitting-“ I interrupted him.
“Max. Stop. I know it was an accident. Even though I am really annoyed at you right now, I forgive you.”

Max’s face lit up and pulled me into a hug. He released me slowly, holding up my chin with his hand and inspecting the large black bruise I now had on the side of my face. His face fell. I closed my eyes and suddenly went red. His thumb began to stroke my cheek and I felt his lips graze just under my eye. I lifted my head and our lips touched slightly. His hands grabbed the sides of my face as he deepened this kiss. A flash of pain ran through my head and I flinched.
“Shit, sorry!” Max yanked his hands back and looked at me worriedly. I blushed and let out a small laugh.

There was a small knock at the door and the doctor walked in.
“Now, Miss…McGinley. Although you had a concussion and were knocked out for a short time, we are releasing you into your mothers care.” My mother appeared behind him in the doorway, looking at Max cautiously. “You aren’t to attend school for 4 days and you must report back to the hospital after those days for a checkup, then you will be free to resume schooling. Are you pressing charges against this individual?” He nodded his head toward Max, who looked up looking scared. My mother and I both spoke at the same time.

“Addison! He punched you”
“By accident!”
“He still hit my child I want to officially press charges”
“Mother! No! do not press charges. He is my friend and it was an accident and he has already apologized.” My mother glared at me and threw her hands in the air, sighed and left the room yelling ‘fine!’ down the hallway. I smiled and Max thanked me again. The doctor pursed his lips and wrote something on his clipboard.

“You have another visitor, before you go”
“Oh? Who is it?” I say excitedly
“He calls himself Ronnie? But I am not a messenger. I am a doctor. Be quick, our waiting room is filling up” the doctor turned on his heels and left the room. Max’s eyes narrowed.
“I’ll talk to you later okay Addie?” he left the room quickly and I sat alone for a minute.

Ronnie poked his head in the door.
“Housekeeping” he said and let out a small chuckle. I smiled and he entered the room.
“Hey how are you doing?”
“I am okay, as good as I can be”
“I can’t believe that asshole. First the whole..thing upstairs then this? Fuck that dude has changed”
“He’s…he is okay. He was really drunk” He was obviously upset with my defending of Max.
“How can you defend him? He punched your face” I looked down and started to fiddle with my hands. Ronnie let out a small sigh.

“I know I only met you a few hours ago, Addison. But I really like you. I don’t get how you can like someone like Max.” It wasn’t until then that I realized I really did like Max. Even after everything that had happened. I felt like an idiot. Ronnie stood up and hugged me.
“I will compete with him for you Addison” He lent and whispered in my ear. “and win"

He kissed my forehead gentlely and left the room and I sat there feeling confused and awful. Not only did my head ache but I liked these two guys I had barely even gotten to know, Max a week and Ronnie a few hours. I had gone from no boys liking me to two liking me at once. And I liked both of them. In a matter of a few hours I had kissed more than I ever have and it made me feel cheap. I slowly got changed and gathered the rest of my things and went to meet my mother in the waiting room.
♠ ♠ ♠
mean doctors. xD

comments please!!