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This Couldn't Be More Complicated.


“Shit!” I heard Zack curse in the bathroom which adjoined his room. I giggled. I turned to the girl in his bed;
“I am so sorry about this, but, ZACK WHOSE IN YOUR BED?”
“Shit, Shit, Shit!” He cursed some more, but still did not come out of the bathroom. The girl in the bed sat up, holding his sheets against her. She was obviously naked.
“Oh my god, you’re not his girlfriend are you?” she asked me, horrified.
“Oh, hahaha no, no. I am the best friend. I will just, leave you for a moment” I walked out of his room and sat by the door. Zack;s mother walked past me and stood over me.
“See now this is what girls and boys who have friendship should have” she shook her head at me as I scrunched up my face and looked at her in horror. I like to think this is an ongoing joke we have, and that she actually likes me. I saw a hint of a smile as she walked down the stairs.

“Zack! Who the fuck was that?” I could hear yelling in Zack’s room.
“She is my friend, Rose..”
“Yeah right!” she opened the door, fully clothed and glared at me, slammed the door behind her and ran down the stairs. I heard the front door slam, when Zack came out of his room
“Well thanks, D. You just lost me a girlfriend!” He held his hand out and helped me up.
“ A girlfriend? Please. You knew her 5 minutes. And she was the what, 4th girl this month?” Zack blushed and looked at his feet.
“I’m sorry,” I said to him. “Didn’t mean it like that”

Zack shrugged and went downstairs. I followed him and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. Zack was a player, that was for sure, but I didn’t realize he was so sensitive about it.
“Zack” I started. He cut me off with a wave of his hands as we sat on the lounge.
“Look don’t worry about it I was just being stupid.”

The rest of the afternoon was filled with awkwardness. I kept apologizing and explain that I didn’t realize, and he got steadily more annoyed. I had to leave before it exploded and we started fighting. I got up off the lounge and said a very mediocre goodbye and left. I drove home but didn’t want to go inside so I just started walking.
I don’t know how far I had walked before I started running. I don’t know why I was running. My feet were pounding the pavement and it began to rain. I was so worried and nervous about Zack. I didn’t want him to hate me because of a few stupid little words. I don’t understand why this was different. We have had fights before. Why have I suddenly cared more about this one? I was running along the footpath whilst watching my feet when I hit something large and hard and fell on the hard ground.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” I hear a male voice yell down to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
is a little shorter than the first
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either is appreciated.