Status: active. please comment! xx.

This Couldn't Be More Complicated.


It was currently the third day of my forced incarceration and I was losing my mind. My mother was not letting me have any visitors, not even Zack and especially not Max. All I had done for three days was look in the mirror at my bruise every few hours, watch the clock and contemplate escape. I had my doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning and I was counting down the minutes until I could get out of there. I had no idea what was going on with Zack and Max at school because I wasn’t allowed to use my phone either. I am the one that gets knocked out yet I am the one being punished? I suppose it was because I didn’t want to press charges, and my mother was out for blood.

“Addison!” I hear from downstairs. I jump off the bed and bound down the stairs. My mother was standing at the front door. “Zack is at the front door.” I nearly explode with happiness.
“Thanks mum!” I hug her tightly and yank the door open to find Zack standing there with a bunch of books and papers.

“He bought your homework over for you. 5 minutes.” My mother pressed her lips tightly together and went back to her study upstairs. I sighed and turned back to Zack, who immediately hugged me tightly.

“Addison, school sucks without you!” he muffled into my hair.
“Hey! You still have me!” Max stood up from behind my rubbish bin. “Hey Addison, thought I would sneak a visit” I smiled and hugged him. Clever ploy by Zack. Pretend to bring my homework around and make it a social catch up.

“This is the only way your mum would let me see you.” Zack said as he handed me the stack of notes and books. “Some of it’s mine, if you wanna do it”
“And mine” Max added with a grin. I frowned and shoved it back into Zack’s hand. He laughed and put it back in his backpack, minus mine of course.

“How has school been?” I asked eagerly. They both let out ‘umm’s’ and ‘ahh’s’ and looked around. “Well what? Quick my 5 minutes is almost up”
“Well…” Zack started. I flicked his ear to get him to hurry up.
“Uh, every day after school, Ronnie has been sitting in the car park like some sort of fucking stalker” Max said bitterly. Zack nodded.
“He’s creepy, Addie, don’t bother with him” I took a step backwards, looking at them puzzled. Zack took a step towards. “We know he is into you, but seriously Addie, don’t go there”
“He is bad news” Max added quickly.
“God, you guys are acting like we are together. I haven’t even seen or spoken to him since the party. I don’t even know his last name. Chill.” Max nodded and looked up behind me. I whirled around and my mother was standing at the top of the stairs.

“YOU!” she shrieked as she made her way to the door.
“We will be off now, thanks Mrs. McGinley, bye Addison” Zack said hurriedly, as he stifled a laugh. The two ran to Zack’s brother’s car and sped off.

My mother ordered me back to my room, homework in hand. I trudged up the stairs and collapsed on my bed. Ronnie was waiting to see me? I let a smile cross my lips. My mother was letting me go back to school the next day. I wonder if he will show up again.

I decided that I didn’t care what Max said about him. From my experience, he was a nice guy. And I wanted to get to know him better. Max can wait.
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i seriously hate this chapter.