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This Couldn't Be More Complicated.


I think I was a little too relieved to see Max break the awkwardness.

“Hi Max!” I said a little too enthusiastically, He raised his eyebrows and smiled.
“Glad you have finally warmed up to me McGinley” I decided not to take the conversation any further.
“Uh, I’ll see you guys at school, I got to go, sorry.” I rushed to the door before either of them had the chance to reply. As I was halfway down his driveway I heard Max yell.
“You know you want in my pants!” He let out a loud laugh. I just gave him the finger without looking and speed walked home.

Zack’s POV

“Dude, it’s clear she does not want in your pants” I laugh and say to Max. He shrugged and joined in the laughter
“What was up with her man, what happened before I got here?” I looked at my feet, remembering how awkward but wonderful it had been when she noticed my eyes.
“Uh, nothing dude, she’s a bit weird lately” I decided to say.

“I think I might ask her out” Max said nonchalantly, after a couple of minutes, sitting on the couch. I felt a twinge of jealously.
“I don’t think so man, she’s not really a boyfriend kind of chick” I said, hoping he would get the hint. He looked at me and sort of nodded in understanding.

“You know what you should do, try and get with her at the party, like get her drunk and stuff” He sat up and pointed toward the door which Addison had not long left.
“What? No, I do-“ I started.
“Dude, it’s obvious, plus it’s obvious she likes you back”
“Fuck. Do you think she can tell? I mean, you can” I said nervously.
“Oh, dude no way. I’m a guy. Now, I’m going to invite my friends from my old school to the party that cool with you?” I looked up; I had wanted to meet Max’s friends ever since he mentioned them. Addison was cool and all, but I wanted some guy friends. I nodded.
“Cool, man, see you tomorrow night” He let out a huge grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “You’re getting lucky tomorrow night! I am sure of it”

He got up and closed the door behind him. I slumped back into the lounge, grabbing my bag of M’n’M’s from under the cushion. Did I really want to go there with Addison? What if it ruined our friendship? But then again, what if we got together? I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how I feel tomorrow night.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey just a little filler chapter before the party :)
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