East Lake

“Wwwhhattt?” she splattered into the little gray phone. All she heard was some mumbling about her grades being low last year and that she needed to improve. That conversation went on for a few more minutes until Emma came back all dressed and ready and told Julie to hurry up.
“fine.” Julie yells as she hits a red button to end the call and runs back to her room. Quickly, she tosses on her East Lake Academy uniform and starts to fix her hair.
“We’re going to be late!!” Emma called loud enough to reach Julie’s room.
“I’m hurrying!” Julie cried.
Come on. Emma thought as she watched her friend run from room to room grabbing different objects and doing whatever she needed to do to finish getting ready.
“Okay. I’m ready, let’s go...” Julie said, opening the door.
Then they both walked down to East Lake Academy.
  1. Chapter 1
    Begining of a Weird School Year