Only One Beautiful Girl but 5 beautiful Guys



3rd P.O.V

Bian had lunged for Lyle’s throat but he quickly moved out the way. Athan, Louie, Roe, and Luke headed towards Bian and started to wound him several times. No budge. But he was trying to get passed to Hayden, but she had grabbed a knife off of the counter and came towards Bian.

Lyle was on the ground and before Bian could kill Lyle, instead of him striking Lyle, it struck Hayden instead. She had tried to save him. She lye unconscious on the floor, and he didn’t move.
Athan punched Bian in the face while he had a chance. Bian flew to the ground and Athan and Louie started the torture him until death. Luke went to go comfort Kate while she shuddered in the corner of the kitchen.
Lyle, Roe, and Louie ran up to Hayden and tried to get her to wake.
They repeated her name several times, and did plenty maneuvers. No answer, but Lyle slowly bent to put his head on her chest so he could hear her heartbeat. But the problem was, there wasn’t one.
“NO!!! HAYDEN! NO!” he cried.
No answer.

Hayden’s P.O.V

It was like that dream again. The longing ocean and I was sitting on the dock looking out to it. But no one was here to disturb me, until I heard voices.
“Hayden! Hayden!”
I shook my head and ignored the noise. But they kept getting louder and louder. I blinked my eyes a few times, and the scenery changed from the longing ocean to Lyle, Louie’s, and Roe’s face.
Lyle had tears coming down from his eyes, and he kissed me on the mouth and hugged me to his chest.
“Shh..don’t talk. You’re weak. You’ll be okay.”
I nodded and looked around.
I found Luke by Kate, and Athan and Louie dragging someone towards the door. But the body wasn’t alive. I got up. And trust me, it was HARD. My arms and legs shook as I stood up and went to go look at the body laying on the steps up the underworld.
Bian’s body lye there. He’s dead. I cried. And it was a mixture of happiness, fear, and anger. Did I really have to explain myself why I felt all of those three emotions at the same time?
“Fuck.” I heard Athan whisper.
I looked back at the body and a red glowing circle illuminated from Bian’s body. His eyes went from being cold and dead to crimson red. Could it be?
He blinked a few times, and looked up to see us looking at him. Lyle gripped me tighter to him, and stepped back.
Bian got up and starred at me, and a something glistened in his eyes. I knew it was Love, but I didn’t want to believe it.
He eyed all of us and looked at Lyle and I mainly.
“I’ll be back for Hayden. I’ll never get up until I get what I want.”
His eyes flickered with my regular Bian in them.
His body turned into red dust and he was gone.