Hide from the Black Parade

Small Town

3 Cheers for Sweet Revenge was released; ‘I’m Not Okay (I Promise)’ was the anthem for My Chemical Romance, Lauri was pleased to hear.
They also had a new drummer called Bob, plus Gerard had been clean and sober since Bob had joined the band.

Their path’s crossed once more, this time in the UK. The Rasmus were due to be on Top of the Pops, while My Chemical Romance had a couple of gigs in the city. They all met up at the hotel that Lauri and the rest of the band were staying in.

Frank jumped on Lauri to hug him, while he said his hello’s to the rest of the band; but still didn’t let go of Lauri.

“Hey,” Gerard greeted him with a smile.

“Hey,” Lauri noticed how different he looked from the last time he saw him, he was healthy looking, and his eyes were clear and more focused. Gerard had been reborn.

Frank moved on to annoy Bob, a well built man with blonde hair.

“What do you think?” Gerard asked him, as they had a smoke; while the other’s had gone into the bar.

“He’s a good drummer,” Lauri commented, on the few times he’d seen Bob drum on the video links.

“Not what I meant,”

“Gerard, you’ve cleaned up. It’s a positive step,” Lauri told him; “You don’t need my approval,”

“No, but it helps to have it,”

“Your band helps, that’s what counts,”

Gerard nodded; “So, are you going out?”

“There is a bar near that we’ll wind up going to,” Lauri looked carefully at Gerard; “Of course, we can go else where,”

“Nah, it’s fine, so long as I don’t drink,”

“You’re strong enough?” Lauri asked, and he nodded; “All right,”

“This time I’ll return the favour,” Gerard said with a grin and Lauri laughed.

As they walked Lauri thought to himself; it was the bands day off and he had been planning on getting wasted, but with Gerard there he might have to leave it.

Of course that night the drink would always win through, and Gerard continued to keep him company even if he went from English to Finnish constantly.

As Gerard watched, he felt his inner demons wanting to come out and play, knowing that he was jealous of Lauri for being about to drink so much and not be enslaved by it. That he would always be focused, not letting his problems get on top of him; but the drink allowed the inner demon to come out, at least for Lauri.
All Gerard could do was listen and calm his down when he felt Lauri was getting a bit too violent.

“This is… Touring… Selling yourself,” Lauri barely managed to say, though Gerard didn’t catch everything he could hazard a guess that Lauri was tired from touring all the time.

He sighed, looking at the time on his ceil phone and noticed it was nearly three in the morning. He began to pull Lauri up and they walked back to his hotel; only to find that Lauri didn’t want to go back.

“No… I just want me,” Lauri told him, struggling to speak the English that he was normally fluent in and began to pull away.

“All right, come back to my hotel. You’ll be alone,” Gerard suggested and he complied.

He managed to hail a black cab and once inside Lauri began to cuddle into him; though he just put one arm around the other man’s shoulders. Not much point in trying to fight something when the battle wasn’t worth it, not if Lauri didn’t remember anything.

The cab stopped outside the hotel, and Gerard paid, giving the man a tip and pulled Lauri out as they went inside to the elevators.
Lauri still clinged to him, and once they got to his own room Lauri pulled off his shoes and collapsed onto the bed.
Gerard just looked at the man before him, realising that Lauri probably wasn’t that much younger than he; maybe a year or two. His jealousy loomed again, but he was quicker to squash it. Lauri was younger and obviously could deal with problems better than he. He took off his shoes and lies next to the young Finnish, stroking some hair out of his face and fell asleep; dimly aware of someone arms wrapped around his waist.