Status: This is sort of on hiatus for a little while, I don't think I can write it at the moment due to personal situations, really sorry.



He had this uncontrollable urge to touch her, like if he didn’t keep touching her she wouldn’t exist and she would disappear into thin air like fairy dust. He gently stroked her face, and she shivered beneath his warm hand, giggling she placed her lips onto his. Kissing for them was as important as breathing and Amelia often craved his lips on hers.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a lighter and pack of cigarettes. She took one out from the box, slowly and put it into her mouth lighting the cigarette and watching the flame flicker and then burn out. She took a long drag and blew out the smoke, watching it escape into the air, dancing. She loved watching the smoke dance in the air, it was probably one of the only reasons she started smoking. She didn’t care much for the taste or smell, but when the smoke danced in the air she couldn’t help but feel her heart swell a little bit.

“I wish you wouldn’t smoke those things,” Finley sighed. She looked at him for a second, and smiled awkwardly. “I wish I could protect you,” he sighed whispering into her hair.

“I don’t need protecting.” She shrugged him off and took another drag of her cigarette, her eyes focussing on the dancing smoke once more. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, and jumped off the park bench they were sitting on.

The bench had been chipped and had names and little hearts carved into it. It even had their names, in little delicate writing declaring Amelia’s love for Finley. Much like most of the girls that had carved their names and their boyfriends onto this tattered wooden bench. It was there forever, on this stupid bench and it meant nothing to anyone else but them and they liked that. It was nobody but theirs.

The park itself was run down and no one really used it, except for the occasional drug user and teenagers getting drunk in the middle of the night. No children ever graced the parks presence and it sort of upset Amelia because she loved the park. She loved sitting on the swings for hours and just looking up into the sky. She felt weightless.

“We should get going, it’s getting dark,” he sighed moving her hair from her face. The night had slowly crept up on them and the stars had started to twinkle in the evening glow. The sun had pretty much set and soon it would be too dark to see where they were going or what they were doing.

“I don’t want to. I like the stars,” she smiled, blinking a few times and looking up at the sky. She stepped off the bench and walked over to the wet grass, covered in broken glass and dirty needles.

“Amelia, what are you doing?” She grinned and lay down on the grass, closing her eyes and breathing in the smell around her. “Amelia, you can’t lie there! It’s dirty, you’ll get hurt,” he shook his head and sighed once more.

“It doesn’t matter,” her loose gold dress rode up her leg slightly as she stretched out across the grass, showing her thin legs covered in black tights with several ladders in them. “Live a little,” she reached over to her bag once more. He expected her to have another cigarette, but instead she took out a little plastic bag containing two powdery white tablets.

“What’s that?” Finley’s face lit up out of curiosity and panic. “Is that...drugs?” managed to escape his lips in stuttered form. She slowly took one out of the bag and popped it in her mouth, smiling as she swallowed.

She passed him the bag “Go on, it won’t hurt,” she closed her eyes again and ran her hand through her hair. She bit her lip gently and beckoned Finley to join her on the floor. He carefully sat down making sure he wasn’t on any broken glass or needles. He looked down at the little packet in his hand containing this little white tablet that he didn’t even know what it was. She sat up and pushed gently onto his chest, making him lie down next to her.

“Wow,” she giggled staring up into space, and grinning widely. Finley relaxed a little and joined her in looking up into the night sky. It was dark now and the stars were shining brightly. He placed the little packet in his pocket, ready to throw away later. He took hold of Amelia’s hand and she giggled quietly and snuggled up into his chest leaving a couple shaped patch on the bed of broken glass.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally posted the first chapter, sorry it took me so long! Thoughts?