Sequel: Eternal Rest 2: 4 AM

Eternal Rest

Chapter 1

Waking from the same damn dream that she had been having for the past four nights Elainia sat up in bed and looked around. The sun was streaming in through the open curtains and she could smell coffee. Her roommate and best friend Alyx was already awake and starting her day as Elainia walked out to the kitchen. Shaking her long strawberry blonde hair out of her face and pulling it into a ponytail like she did every morning she sat at the table grabbing an orange out of the fruit bowl in the center. She smiled as she peeled the orange. Alyx watched her carefully to see if she was okay before she began to speak.

“You know Elainia, you were screaming in your sleep again.”

“I was not!” Elainia said concentrating really hard on her orange.

“You were do you wanna talk about it?”

“No I don’t. It was just a stupid dream. It wasn’t real.” And that was exactly what she kept telling herself as she got ready to go to work that day. As she walked out wearing her sneakers, black jeans, and a light blue three quarter length shirt she sighed as she walked the ten blocks from her apartment to her office. It was casual Friday and it was going to be hell on her. She was a real estate agent and she hated her job. She lived in LA and she was basically the realtor that showed the rich and famous to their new playgrounds. Today was going to be one of the worst days of her life. She hadn’t gotten any sleep and she had at least two scheduled clients for the day. And that could take all day anyway. Walking into her office she glanced across the room to the only other person that she shared the office with. Her friend Adele Marie Guerra, she had gone to school with Adele and they had both been hired around the same time here at West Coast Market Realty. She smiled and acknowledges her by raising her cup of coffee toward the woman that just walked in the door.

“Hey, your first appointment of the day called to cancel, something about a late night out and she couldn’t make it. Although I don’t believe that for one minute, I think her and her boyfriend just happened to get into a fight and broke up so they aren’t moving in together.”

“You’re probably right Adele. So what’s your schedule like this morning?”

“Absolutely boring, I have to go through the listings to look for at least five houses that a client wants. How about you?”

“I have to find the two best for the client for this afternoon. Exactly to his specifications. And if I can’t then our reputation here will be ruined.” Elainia said as she laughed. The two friends sat quietly at their desks working when the owner of WCR Christian Mantel walked through. Elainia rolled her eyes as Adele practically undressed their boss with her eyes. Even the secretaries that worked for Elainia and Adele knew that Adele had the hots for their boss. Some things were better left not discussed though. When lunchtime hit, normally the two friends would get together and eat, but Elainia had to meet her client. She grabbed the keys to the black Mustang that she had left parked here last night and drove the twenty minutes to the place where she was to meet her client. A young actor named Marius Draften. She got to the restaurant with five minutes to spare and she took a moment to freshen up her caramel lip gloss and straighten her shirt. The day was hotter than she had expected it be so she pulled the sleeves of her shirt up past her elbows. She grabbed her purse and stepped out of the car. She picked him out of the small crowd already waiting to be seated. Luckily for her she had reservations. She walked up to join him and motioned for him to follow her. She managed to politely make her way to the hostess and was immediately seated.

“Very efficient Ms Matthews.”

“Thank you Mr. Draften” Elainia responded. She didn’t like the way that he was looking at her but she knew that it couldn’t be helped. She had to play nice. He had only been in LA for a month and he already had a trail of broken hearts in his wake. She kept up appearances during the meal and then because he insisted they take his limo they headed out to the first house that she was going to show him. They got there and he immediately without waiting for the chauffeur to open the door got out and she followed suit. He walked up the walk and she stepped in front with the key. As she unlocked it she got this horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She walked in and immediately began to talk about the house and when it had been built and do the whole tour. She eased the feeling out b keeping her mouth moving and walking from room to room. When they were done at that house she locked the door behind her and turned to him.

“Next house, I would like to compare them before I decide.” Nodding Elainia slipped into the back of the limo and looked up to see that the sun was setting. It was late and she knew that the other house was bigger and it would take more time to get there as well. It was going to be a late night.

The next house had a more of a gothic feel to it and the minute that they walked in she felt her throat begin to constrict and she felt as if she was losing oxygen and fast. She sank to her knees and her eyes flew to Marius. He was grinning wickedly and immediately told her he would take the house. She could care less. What she saw made her unable to move. She had become immobilized by fear. He had fangs. Suddenly her nightmare was no longer a nightmare but a reality. She tried to swallow but couldn’t. He moved closer to her and she tried to scream, she wasn’t able to. His mouth was inches from her neck when Marius was suddenly on the other side of the entry way. She found that she no longer had trouble breathing and that she could move. She backed up and found her back against the wall. She screamed as she watched Marius and whoever had saved her fight. There was blood everywhere and all she could think was please don’t let it be mine. She didn’t see the Chauffeur walk up behind her.

“SYN THE GIRL!” the man fighting Marius shouted when he saw that she was in danger. She felt a knife plunge into her side and screamed in pain. The dark haired man who she had deducted was Syn came out of nowhere and lunged at the man that had attacked her. She looked down and saw the blood pouring from her wound. Oh god she was going to die here. She began to feel light headed and dizzy and right before she passed out Elainia knew she was being carried out the front door by someone and placed in a car. Then she was out cold.

Syn looked down at the clothes he had worn that night and shook his head. He began stripping out of the bloodied clothes and tossing them into the hamper that all his dirty clothes were in. It seemed no matter what he did one way or another he always had blood on his clothes. At least they had been able to save Marius’ latest victim. She would wake up a little disorientated in the morning but she would be fine. However, what they didn’t know was how much she would remember. She hadn’t lost much blood thanks to Zacky’s quick thinking and pulling the knife which hadn’t been that deep in her side out. And pressing a piece of cloth to the wound. The bleeding had stopped almost immediately. Stepping into the hot spray of the shower Syn sighed as the water rinsed away the evidence of his battle with Marius. Once out and dressed in a pair of clean jeans, he walked barefoot to the walk in pantry in his kitchen that held a second fridge and pulled out a bag of blood. He took it to the kitchen and pulled out a glass and a quick fix microwave dinner. He heated up the meal, and poured half of the bag of blood into the glass. When his dinner was done he dumped the last little bit of blood over his meal. It was the only way he would eat microwave meals. Sitting at the kitchen table he looked up as Zacky walked in. He looked clean and refreshed too. The younger man had a gash above his left eye, but it was already starting to heal itself.

“Where’s Draften?”

“He got away but his goon didn’t. Instead of talking to Shadows he put a stake through his own heart.” Zacky told his friend. Syn nodded and the two of them ate their meals in silence. By the time that they were done the sun was getting ready to rise. Syn shook his head. He needed to get at least four hours of sleep if he was going to be able to do his job that afternoon. Heading up the stairs he yelled down to Zacky that he was welcome to crash there for a few hours. Zack told him he needed to head home and feed his dog, but thanks for the offer. Setting his alarm Syn heard the door shut behind Zacky and as he lay down he was out before his head hit the pillow. It had been a hell of a night.

Elainia slowly opened her eyes and when she did she tossed her legs over the side of the bed and screamed in pain as she sat up. A searing pain ran up her side and it felt like it exploded on her left side. She lifted her tank top, which she didn’t remember putting on last night, and saw the bandage that was over a spot on her side. She pulled it off and her eyes widened, there was a pink line about two inches long. She tried to remember the night before but she couldn’t. She looked at the clock and panicked. She was late for work. She got up and walked through the apartment. She didn’t find Alyx anywhere. There was a note on the fridge that said she had gone shopping and would be back before the concert that night. When she saw the note she realized that she didn’t have to work today it was Saturday. At a knock on the door Elainia picked up a pair of jeans that was laying on the floor in the living room and started to fold them. Alyx always left clothes everywhere. Looking out the peephole she smiled and opened the door for Adele.

“Girl what the hell happened yesterday, you were supposed to call me when you got back to the office. We were going to meet for dinner. We have to go shopping. The concert is tonight. Remember? Alyx got backstage tickets and everything. It is Alyx’s birthday, remember?!”

“Uh I was just tired that’s all. Lemme go change and I’ll be ready to go.” As Elainia walked back through her bedroom she spotted the clothes she had worn to work the day before, they were covered in blood. She threw them in her hamper and tried as she pulled on a pair of shorts and a white Jack Daniels T-shirt to remember what happened the night before. She couldn’t. She grabbed her purse and slipped on flip flops and followed her friend out the door.

They were at their third shop when they ran into Alyx. She was debating over shoes. Elainia grinned and walked up behind her friend. She tapped her on the shoulder and when Alyx spun around she grinned when she saw her friend was there.

“Happy birthday Alyx!” Elainia and Adele said. Alyx rolled her eyes. The concert started at eight. It was five by the time that they all got back to Elainia and Alyx’s apartment and it was almost six by the time that they were dressed and ready to go.

As the girls were arriving at the concert someone was walking into the apartment. Marius looked around and when he got the bedroom that held her scent he grinned. She wasn’t there though. Where the hell would she be? She had been stabbed last night. She wouldn’t be out and doing anything for at least a few days. He found the bloody clothes from the night before and his grin fell. Where the hell was she? He needed to finish what he started. Throwing the bloody clothes down on the floor he went from room to room taking out his rage. When he got to the second bedroom he froze. The scent of the person that lived here was familiar. He saw a photograph on the nightstand and smirked. After five hundred years he had found her. She couldn’t run anymore, not now that he knew where she was and she didn’t know where he was.

As they were waiting for the concert to start which would be any minute Alyx turned to Elainia.

“What the hell happened to you last night?”

“What do you mean?” Elainia said trying to play dumb, because she had no clue.

“You came home and were barely able to stand. You didn’t use your key to get in. You rang the doorbell. You were bleeding, and looked almost ready to pass out.”

“Uhm…” then it came back to her. The dream… only it hadn’t been a dream.

“Alyx do you remember that crazy dream I told you about?”

“That one with the vampire in it?” Adele asked, breaking into the conversation.

“Yeah that one.” Alyx nodded

“Well this time it wasn’t a dream. No don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I was at the second house with that client and all of a sudden I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t move. Then just as the guy was about to bite me which is usually where I wake up, this dark haired guy comes out of nowhere and tosses him half way across the room. Then this other guy ends up saving my life after the other bad guy stabs me in the side. I can’t remember but the first dark haired guy said his name. I can’t remember what it was though.” Alyx listened to her and Adele rolled her eyes.

“Elainia you need to quit drinking after work before you go to bed.”

“What was the client’s name?” Alyx asked. Elainia looked at her friends and sighed.

“Marius Draften…”

“No!! No!! No!!” Alyx practically hissed out. “This can’t be happening.”

“Let’s just get through the concert and then we’ll talk when we get back to the apartment.” Adele said watching the reaction on Alyx’s face. When the guys walked out onstage and the front man started playing the piano they joined in the screaming. After all Avenged Sevenfold was one of their favorite bands. When the singing started and you could actually see M. Shadows face Elainia froze. She looked from him to the guitarist that was almost right in front of her. It was them. Then it hit her. Guy number one had called guy number two Syn. Shit Syn was short for one thing; Synyster Gates. What in the hell?

“Alyx, it’s them… the guys from the house, the guys that saved my life.” Adele looked over and so did Alyx. The look on their faces was one of confusion. And when the first song which was Critical Acclaim was over they watched as Syn’s eyes landed on Elainia and they saw recognition on his face. Alyx looked at Elainia and mouthed we need to talk. When the concert was over and they were headed backstage, they weren’t all that shocked to find that the two men were seeking Elainia out. They all came face to face at the same time. Behind Syn, was the rest of the band.


“Not here, come with us.” Syn said quietly. The trio followed them and Elainia took Adele’s hand and Alyx wrapped and arm around her shoulders. It was going to be a long night. They walked into a room that said AVENGED SEVENFOLD ONLY and the one named Syn motioned for them to sit down. They did, side by side.

“Uhm so last night…” Elainia started but was cut off by the really cute left handed guitarist.

“How’s your side?” He asked

“Uh fine, just a scar… I don’t remember how I got home…”

“We got you home and left the rest up to Alyx.” Syn said. Alyx swallowed hard. It was time to tell her secret.

“What the hell you two know each other?” Adele asked looking from Syn to Alyx.

“He’s my half brother. We have the same dad. And Brian, she said it was Marius…”

“It was” Someone said from across the room. He had a Mohawk and was holding a beer.

“Before this gets confusing if you’re going to be calling him Brian I think introductions are in order.” The tallest of the group said.

“Uh yeah whatever.” Brian said.

“Umm you guys this is Brian Haner, Matt Sanders, Johnny Seward, Jimmy Sullivan, and Zack Baker. Their like me, Vampires.” Elainia who was already on freak out mode moved away from Alyx.

“Elainia, we don’t want to hurt you. We saved your life remember?” The one she had called Zack said quietly.

“But… but what about Marius Draften?” She was scared and she could tell Adele was as well.

“We can take care of him. I have been tracking him for a long time and when I find him I am going to kill him.” Brian said.

“Take it easy Brian, that was years ago.”

“He killed our dad, and my mother.” Brian explained to Elainia and Adele who were just somewhat shell shocked.

“Umm so do you guys…?”

“Drink blood?” Matt said anticipating her question and finishing it.

“Uh yeah that.” Adele finished.

“Not from the source, unless it’s an emergency. We drink bagged blood, and yes we eat regular food as well.”

“Uhm yeah so why did Marius want to kill me?” Elainia asked turning back to the original conversation.

“No idea, unless it was to get to Alyx.” Johnny said joining the conversation.

“Uh yeah sorry to cut this so short but we need to get back to the other fans… Alyx be careful and don’t let your guard down.” Jimmy said as he walked out the door. The others followed but not before quickly grabbing a black water bottle each out of the little fridge. Elainia shuddered and tried not to think about what might be in those bottles. Great so her favorite band was a group of Vampires, who happened to be Bad Vampire hunters, and frigging gorgeous? Her life sucked right now. As the trio made their way out to the parked car Alyx stopped dead in her tracks. She looked around and they all saw movement off to the side near Alyx’s car. Then there was an explosion and Alyx was knocked back several yards. Adele and Elaina ran to her but it was no use someone got there first. She was staked through the heart and already dead. Adele and Elainia stood and stared and turned just as someone rushed forward. She automatically ducked. She saw someone out of the corner of her eye and then heard him yell at her.

“REV GET HER OUT OF HERE, ZV FIND HER FRIEND!” she heard the order come from Matt and she found herself running with Jimmy. She didn’t look back. She was scared, and the only thing she could say when they got to her apartment and started to walk in was Alyx is dead. She was crying.

“Well well what do we have here? James Sullivan, escorting the little mortal home. It’s been a long time since I saw you.” Elaina’s head snapped up at the sound of his voice.

“Marius” Jimmy said and lunged at the same time as the other man.