Status: I think Im back in action! Im editing this story and continuing :D

Eternal Dawn


As Bella and I walked away from Rene, I could feel the tears well up in her eyes behind us. Bella was definitely not excited to be going to Forkes...she hated rain and wetness. Me, on the other hand, I enjoyed it. In fact, I hated the sun.

So this is the story of us sisters. Twins, but not alike at all.

Three hours later, the plane landed in the small and cozy airport of Forkes, Washington. We hadnt seen Charlie for years and my excitement was unbearable. My dear sister was ruining my mood, being sullen and all.

Like i imagined it, the airport was a small lobby with about one pair of restrooms and I got a feeling we were in a motel. Just then, I sited Charlie. Boy was i glad to see him! He saw us and I ran into his arms after what felt like a million years. Bella and Charlie uncomfortably greeted each other but that didn't seem to bother me.


"This is you girls' room," Charlie said. "I should be off to work now, but we have Billy coming in this evening to welcome you both."

"Thanks, Charlie!" I beamed at him, 'You really didn't have to do all this for us."

"Yea...thanks," Bella mumbled.

"Bye...Bella..Annelli," with those last words, Charlie walked out of the room.

We spent the rest of the day unpacking and arguing like we always did. Since Charlie didn't seem to have anything proper to eat at home, we even managed to go out on foot and find the grocery store since this town was so small. By the time the doorbell rang, we had enough delicious food cooked for atleast ten people! That might've been too much, but we could have the leftovers tommorrow, too.

It ended up being Charlie and after he was changed into some nice evening wear, Bella, Charlie, and I settled in to watch TV. Once again, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Billy," Charlie said, excitement in his voice.
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I don't think Im editing this chapter.. just because its the original :)