Punk Rock Princess

All I Think About At Night

The cold air whipped through my hair as I walked out of the gym. I braced myself against the wind as I walked to the parking lot where I knew Gabe would be waiting for me next to his shiny BMW. As far as I was concerned Gabe was the best thing that could have happened to him after coming to New Jersey. As far as my family was concerned he was the best thing that could have happened to me period. Let me list all the things that my family loves about him:
1. He's smart(honor roll)
2. He's polite
3. He's Gerard's son. Yes thats right Gabe is the son of my fathers best friend. Thats pretty effed up huh?

It had been 6 months since we'd moved here. It'd only taken Gabe about 3 months to grow the balls to ask me out. Since then we'd been inseperable, my being close to him inevitably brought me closer to my new "family". That in turn pleased my mom and dad and kept them off my back. Having them off my back here did my no good because Gabe was straight edge; in Cincinnati I would have been going out every night getting wasted off my ass.

These past months had been hard on my mother though. My mom had been in and out of hospitals with pnuemonia and all different kinds of things. Her illness put a dent in the rigurous touring schedule My Chemical Romance had put together and ultimately brought my father off tour completely to spend time with my mother.

I think in our hearts we all knew that what I heard when I got home was not a far off fate for my mother. We were just unwilling to face it. Gabe had driven me home, just like any other day and was going to come in to watch a movie with me. When we pulled up we saw all the boys cars parked outside my house. We walked in and immediatly heard that sounds of sobbing coming from the kitchen. The inevitable had come.
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So so sorry it took like five months!