‹ Prequel: A Mistaken Identity

Amazing Almost Twins

Summer's Sacrifice

It seemed as if nothing Scarlet and I said or did was going to help us get out of here. And, with Edgar and Fiona having gone outside in order to keep a lookout for Seraphina in case she decided that she was going come rescue them, my almost twin might not be able to come get us. Allison and Zora were out for blood, attempting ruin my mother’s and aunt’s lives, merely because of the loss that they suffered themselves years ago. All they cared about was revenge. That, and themselves. Nothing else mattered to them. And, theirs kids might not matter much either. Edgar and Fiona were but a means to an end. They were only used to get close to me and Seraphina. Since I was now in their custody and Seraphina was probably on her way over here, Allison and Zora have no other use for their kids.

For that, I felt sorry for Edgar and Fiona. They had been born to mothers who didn’t seem to care much about them. But, considering the fact that their mothers had been sent to prison for killing Karleigh nearly two decades ago, neither Edgar nor Fiona was raised by their mothers. They had to have been raised by their fathers. When Allison and Zora were released from prison—whenever that was—they obvious taught Edgar and Fiona to hate me and Seraphina. Maybe then—if that never happened—Edgar and Fiona might have become friends with me and Seraphina. “What did you expect was going to happen,” I asked, “after you killed us: that my father and Uncle Kevin were going to come running back to you after our deaths? You must be delusional to think that something like that was ever going to happen. Just as Scarlet mentioned a little earlier, my father and Uncle Kevin will be staying with my mother and Aunt A, forever. Nothing you guys ever said or did was ever going to change that fact. They love each other, and always will.

“Do you really think that what you say is going to change what we intend on doing?” Allison asked. “No way! You and your cousin are going to die. Nothing is going to change that.”

“I beg to differ,” I insisted.

“Oh, do you actually think that your precious little cousin is actually going to be able to save your asses? Zora asked. She laughed. “I definitely don’t see that happening any time soon. You and both of your cousins are going to die. Just as you claim that there is nothing we can do to alter the relationships that your parents have, neither will the fact that you’re going to die at our hands, much like Karleigh did. The Jonas daughters are going to die.”

“Over my dead body!” Scarlet yelled.

“That can be arranged,” Allison cackled.

The moments that followed were a complete blur to me. A single shot was fired, headed straight for my cousin. Not wanting to see Scarlet die when she wasn’t even supposed to be here, I moved myself a much as I possibly could in a chair that was bolted to the ground to ensure that Scarlet was protected. I couldn’t let anything happen to her, not when Aunt Kimber had already lost someone because of Allison and Zora: Karleigh; she didn’t deserve to suffer even more because of them. Uncle Nick and Aunt Kimber had already lost someone and shouldn’t have to lose their daughter as well; I wasn’t going to let something like that happen. I refused to see Scarlet die. The bullet hit me, and, as ii did, I heard a voice that I hadn’t heard in a few days: Seraphina’s “No!” she yelled.

“Bye, Scarlet. Bye, Seraphina,” I said quietly.
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Two more chapters in this story.

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