The Evil Witch


“Merlin’s beard!” The witch screamed in sudden surprise. She was stirring a potion until it exploded and created a huge hole on the roof. She was not amused. “Silver! Clean this mess!” The old, vile witch ordered. Soon, a little midget ran into the kitchen, the poor thing was pale with fright. “I do not have all day Silver.” The witch spat and kept stirring while pouring more rat tail into the cauldron. The midget ran around the kitchen, sweeping and scrubbing everything it could. Yet, the old witch was not satisfied. “You missed a spot! Silver, clean! I want to see this floor sparkle!” Her voice was scratchy and high pitched, the poor midget’s ears almost bleed every time she speaks.

“Y-yes master.” The little creature squealed in utter terror, the last slave that ever worked for that wretched witch got killed because it couldn’t understand what the word ‘Onyx’ meant. Not only was it a slow death, but it was also agonizing. Little Silver didn’t want to know what it meant to scream in pain. So, the little midget started to scrub harder and sweep more efficiently until the ancient floor was sparkling. The midget stared at the magical broom as it swept away, magic was very helpful sometimes.

“I need a digestion potion....” The witch rasped and turned to Silver, who was standing behind her. “Get me my potions book!” She demanded and the midget ran off to the castle library, he was thinking up a plan, a very cunning plan. The midget grabbed a book that read ‘Poison Book.’ He knew the witch had poor eyesight, and she would easily misread the word Potion for Poison. He smiled to himself, something he doesn’t do very often, and ran back to the wicked witch, who looked pale dead under the moonlight.

The vile witch was mumbling incoherent words until the midget interrupted her. She snatched the book and started to add more herbs into her cauldron, soon, an icky green substance boiled in the, old, black cauldron. “Now I’ll be able to kill that Abaster Wizard for sure.” Now, this confused the poor midget, was she planning to kill Abaster, the Great Wizard, with a digestion potion? Or, did she notice he swapped books?

The wicked woman drank the potion and pursed her lips in disgust. “Too sweet!” She hissed and threw the spoon away. “Silv-“ She choked on her words and fell down on her knees gasping for air. Silver simply watched until the witch stopped twitching and died. He dragged her body to the woods, and abandoned her there to rot. Why not? She was a selfish, wicked old woman, that wanted nothing more than self satisfaction. Silver then ran back into the haunted house and grabbed his belongings, after that he was never again to be seen. Rumors say that ,Safiro, a well-known magician who practiced witchcraft was the witch’s slave, but they’re nothing more than rumors.

The End.
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See, my teacher loves to torture me. Believe me, what you just read is absolutely Fantastic compared to my friends stories, that is, if they even finished writing them.

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