Amends for a Broken Family

Reading A Maybe Relationship, A Messed-Up Heart, A Mistaken Identity before this will make this story easier to understand.

For Seraphina Mackenzie Jonas, a part of her will always be a worrywart. While her cousins: Summer and Scarletwant her to go out an have some fun, she can't bring herself to become her cousin.

And, when her mother's childhood friends stop by for an interview, her parents' past begins to unravel before her, leading to Seraphina being forced to uncover what her parents went through in the years leading up to her birth. Should Seraphina search for the answers though, when her parents, aunts, and uncles have done everything they can to hide this past from the future Jonas generation?

Intertwining story with Amazing Almost Twins.
  1. Grounded
  2. Power Rangers and Fences
    Sam and Isabelle
  3. Karleigh
    Who is Karleigh?
  4. Tommy
    One chance
  5. Edgar & Fiona
    School for Seraphina
  6. Why Do You Hate Me?
  7. Watching Tommy
  8. Panic
    from all sides
  9. Jealous Exes
    The Past
  10. Anxiety
  11. Amanda's Explanation
  12. New Generation
    Smith & Morgan
  13. Dad's Refusal
    Seraphina's Side
  14. Behind His Back
    Dad Don't Know
  15. Not Liking It
    Kevin and Tyler
  16. Tyler's Help
    This better work
  17. Explantions
    No wonder
  18. The Wig
    Seraphina's only chance
  19. World-Shattering
  20. She's Just Gone
  21. Twin Loss
  22. Z's Request
  23. Not the Same
  24. Kimber's Knowledge
    At Fault
  25. Since I was Six
    Confronting Allison
  26. Twin Ability
    Kimber's Biggest Secret
  27. Daughters' Songs