Status: Updating!

Morbid Symphony

Expect the Unexpected

"Ah, there you are!" Gregor's voice tells me, as he approaches me. "I have been waiting for a long while now."

I am trying my best to look at least a bit sorry, and I knew that I couldn't help but flash him my knowing smile. He just simply beams at me. And right at this moment, I forget why on Earth was I going to a dinner party with strangers? And why on Earth was I here, in this house. It seems puzzling to me, but I soon try to forget about it.

"Let us all be seated now," A woman, who resembled Criselda, says, in a loud and commanding voice. I look at the location of the dinner party. Honestly, it wasn't what I expected it to be. I expected there to be loud, and booming music coming from every end of the room, I expected there to be cocktail drinks, and a bar. And now, I suddenly knew that this isn't the type of "dinner parties" I have heard of. I knew that there was another way to call it, and I knew that it was already at the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember its name.

Gregor lead me to a vacant seat next to him. Soft murmurs came from the people seated around me. I know that I am an outsider, and that I didn't belong here, but mostly, I knew that this isn't where I belong.

The people seated beside me were all posh, and very elegant, while I, myself, am just a simple person. I didn't understand why my mother had sent me here. I know she wants me to do a favor for her, but she never told me what it was. I sat there, thinking skeptically, on what that favor was.

"Dinner is served!" A lady, in a cook's attire, announces, in her very perky high voice. The types of voices you hear in Operas. Soon, waiters, and waitresses arose from the kitchen. One arm of theirs holding a golden tray of food; the other is where a towel rests.

"Appetizer, madam?" A waiter asks, in a french accent, as he holds out a tray of food. It seems so foreign to me, that I feel like I have to decline.

Gregor seems to sense my uneasiness, so he leans in, and says, "It's okay if you don't want it, my dear. You don't have to eat it."

I nod at him, and Gregor motions the waiter to leave.

I was starting to feel the wave of guilt pass over me, as I watch the food disappear from my view. I knew that it wasn't good to waste delicious food like that, but somewhere inside me said otherwise.

I feel confused about the things happening around me. And all of a sudden, I realize that everyone starts to pick up their fork, all together, and they start to dig into their food.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a bit short. :| I'll try to write more soon.