Status: Updating!

Morbid Symphony


I start to dig into my food immediately after. Well, I suppose the term "dig", doesn't seem appropriate for this kind of situation. I look at the people eating around me.

Across the room, Criselda sits beside her "fiance", Peter, as she talks nonchalantly about her day. The people around seems apathetic, and they seem as if they don't care about what she's talking about. Gregor, who sits beside me, continues to have small talk with what seems to be his sister. I can't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. I know it's impolite to do so, but their voices are just so loud, that I can't even hear myself think.

"Georgina, dear, we mayn't pressure him on deciding whether or not we should proceed with this project," Gregor says softly, as if intending for no one to hear him.

"Gregor, we have to," Georgina pressures, as she takes a sip of wine.

"And why should we, my dear sister?" Gregor asks, as if questioning their so called plan.

"Because, I would like to have my own rights to do what I want with my property!" Georgina demands, as she places her fork down firmly. Her round face reminds me of a child, although she seems younger than Gregor, I can't help but think that she seems strikingly older. The stress lines on her face adds emphasis to her age, along with all her graying hair.

"It is not your property, Georgina! It belongs to--"

Georgina cuts his sentence, as she shoots me a glare. Gregor notices this too. I gulp, and take a sip of water. They all stare at me intently, as if I have done something wrong. And I have. I now feel guilty for accidentally overhearing their conversation.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Gregor asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. My blood pumps wildly in my veins.

I nod at him, hoping that he doesn't notice my tension.

"Then, why aren't you eating?" He asks, as he stares down at my food. I quickly realize that I haven't eaten as much, and everyone else around me are all done eating.

I didn't have time to answer him, because at that precise moment, the doors swivel open, and a man walks through the door. Well, technically I couldn't answer Gregor, no matter what I did.

Gregor stands up to meet the man. He whispers something in his ear, and then the man turns away. Suddenly, everyone was back where they were at. They start talking, and drinking as if nothing has happened.

Before the man leaves the room, I felt his gaze on me. I look up, and both our eyes meet. As his golden brown eyes stare deeply into my soul, I could feel my heart bouncing inside my rib cage, and my body starts to melt. He quickly shakes his head, then leaves.

I sigh, as I shove another spoon of food into my mouth. And all the while, my mind has been roaming with questions. Mostly about the man. And about who he was, and what he was doing here. I shake those thoughts away from my mind, and start finishing my dinner.
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It's not that long, but I hope it's nice. :D