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Morbid Symphony


Why do I keep thinking about him? Is it because of his lovely caramel brown hair? Or is it that, when he was staring at me, I feet as if I am melting? Or is it the fact that he reminds me of--

I stop myself before I even mentally think about it. As soon as the dinner party finishes, everyone starts kissing, and hugging each other goodbye. While, I just sit there silently as I stare at the cups of tea left empty.

Surprisingly, Peter takes a seat beside me.

"You seem oddly quiet," He comments. I sit up, feeling a little bit anxious.

I turn to stare at him. I guess I sort of understood what he meant. His shinning black hair distracts me from what he's saying.

It's just that it looks very soft, and shinny, and--

"Hello?" He waves his arms frantically before my face. I quickly snap myself out of my little day dream, and pull a face.

"Oh, right, you can't speak." He murmurs to himself, as his palm meets his forehead.

We sit in silence for a moment, as the commotion around us starts to die down. I look at down at my feet, and I suddenly feel like turning red. For no reason at all. Maybe, its because of the fact that I don't look like myself.

"Were you always mute?" He asks curiously. I feel uncomfortable in the small round chair I am sitting on. My legs are stretched out, and my back is slouched.

I shake my head at him. And feel as though a big part of me has been taken out of my body.

"That's odd," He whispers, only loud enough for both of us to hear.

Unfortunately, our conversation was cut short by Criselda's arrival. But, it wasn't as if we had much of a conversation. I grunt as she squeezes herself beside Peter, in his oh-so-small chair. And, luckily for me, Gregor dashes across the room, and excuses me away from them.

They just wave me goodbye, as they watch Gregor drag me away.

"Would you like me to show you around the Castle, my dear?" He asks. I feel a bit too welcome in this household, or Castle.

"Gregor, we must--" Georgina interrupts, and in midway of her sentence she stops, and she twitches awkwardly.

"I must excuse myself, my dear," He pats my shoulder lightly. "Maybe we should re-schedule to tour next time."

I couldn't do anything, but nod. I thought for a second, that I really need learn how to communicate without my voice.

I can't help but sigh, as I realize that I didn't know where I was heading towards. It wasn't like I could remember every corner, and detail of the hallway me and Tar were passing through. My memory wasn't that good. So, instead of actually trying to figure out where to go, I decide to take my own little tour.

I first take a turn to the left of the dinning room. And, as I enter it, I am surprisingly seeing a huge collection of books. Much more books were in here, rather than in the room I was staying at. I walk around, as my fingers trail the book's edges.

After a tiring walk around the library, I decide that it bores me. And I felt the sudden urge to explore what other things I can find here. I take a left turn, and enter a parlor. I find it amazing, just like I had imagined it. It's furniture is like it belonged to a display in the museum. It's flowery pattern, and it's golden edges made it look like it was built centuries ago.

My eyes scan the room. And a wonderful painting that was hanging on the wall across the room, catches my eye. I walk towards it, and feel amazed at its beauty. This castle is full of surprises.

My fingers trail upon it's outline. Feeling the joy of being able to just hold a magnificent painting like this, at the ends of my finger tips.

A large thud comes from behind me. Out of shock, I jump.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that someone was here," A soft angelic voice tells me. The owner of that angelic face looks up, and I realize that it's him. Its the man, with the caramel brown hair, golden brown eyes, and a dazzling face.

I just stare at him, as he stares back at me intently. His face was like it belonged in this room, it too was magnificent, like everything else.

He shakes his head, as if suddenly realizing something. "I must go," He tells me grimly.

I dash towards him, and grab his arm before he leaves. He turns to look at me, and waits for me to say something to him. I place my index finger up, as a motion for him to wait. I scavenge to room for anything I can write with, anything at all. And then, at the corner of my eye, I see a piece of paper. I quickly dash towards it, and back again.

As I stare at him, he just looks at me like I'm an idiot.

I move my hand, like the way it does whenever I'm writing. He nods his head, and then takes a pen out of his back pocket, and hands it to me.

I smile, and write something down, my hands trembling in nervousness. After I finish writing, I hand him the piece of paper, I hand it to him. He reads it, and shakes his head. I frown.

"I can't talk right now, I have to go," He says, before disappearing from my peripheral vision.

I stare at the pen and paper in my hands, as I feel the tears pricking from the back of my eyes. I didn't get why I felt this way, I didn't understand why I had that urge to do so.

I crumpled the piece of paper, and threw it away.