Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

I Admit I Need You


Tonight, later on, at night time, the words were tugging at my nerves and mind. Brendon had stayed away from me the rest of the day, my only distraction to forgetting about the Peterson boy. Even with the way things were I still wanted to hear the stupid remarks and get those stares of disapproval from him. The smirk that warned me that a remark was going to hit me, everything and anything about him would do.

But one thing was certain I wasn’t going to admit that I needed him, that I counted on him to safe me from this date. No, I wasn’t going to give him the feeling of being needed and wanted; it would only bring further teases in the future. I would be remained of the day I needed Brendon Urie to save me from a harmless date.

There will always be the feeling of wanting him out of my life, that I didn’t need a person like him. And there will always be the feeling of wanting to always be around him regardless on his personality, he probably wasn’t always like that maybe just around me. It got me curious to want to know why, but every insult was making not want to know anymore. He was indeed a confusing person.

I had given my dad a call and talked about this date, he wasn’t too thrilled about it. But only could wish me luck just as Brendon did but my dad meant it. Sadly I was still waiting for my aunt to come back to my room to state that she was really kidding, that she was just pulling my leg. But it never happened.

I was informed of the date was dinner and then whatever we wanted to do, the dinner I didn’t mind it was just the wahtever we wanted that bugged me a little.

I found myself looking over to the door occasionally in case he would just enter and start his taunting, but that of course didn’t happene either. I got my outfit ready, it containing just a plain sundress that was black with a white thin belt and a small sweater. I sighed a little and looked at the time, seeing that I should start to get ready now.

Within an hour I was ready fully dressed with some black flats on. I did my hair curling the ends and let it flow freely, with the makeup I only apply very little and decided that I was done. I left my restroom and got my small sweater on, I double checked my appearance and nodded seeing that this was going to get as good as it gets.

I was about to turn to go downstairs so I could wait in the living room but I was suddenly pulled back by my waist and pushed into a nearby room, I looked around witht the light I was given. Soon the lights turned on revealing Brendon with his serious face.

“What was the meaning of this?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest with an arched eyebrow.

“First, your date is here and second I know you’re going to suffer on this date. But I just need you to admit that you need my help.” Brendon said as his face softened.

Just as I was about to speak to Brendon the door bell rang and my aunt called out for me. I looked at the door and returned my eyes to Brendon. “I don’t need your help, I really don’t.” I said honestly and sighed.

“Yes, you do Juliet. I know what this guy wants, he’s gonna want more than just dinner.” He said sounding more concern now than he ever had before. It sounded like it was hurting him that I didn’t want his help.

“Brendon, listen.” I had started and put my hand on his shoulder. “I don’t want or don’t need your help. If I really needed any help I would ask but surely I wouldn’t get it.” I shook my head while removing my hand; I stepped around Brendon only to get stopped again.

“Take my phone, please.” He said slapping his phone into my hold, I looked at it confused and back to him just as my aunt had called me sounding more rude and impatient. “I promise you, you’ll use it.” He said before pushing me out of the room.

I stood there confused staring at his phone; I found it useless if I couldn’t call him. I shook my head and hurried off to the stairs and rushed down them. I pushed stray hair out of my face once I reached the bottom, I looked between my aunt and my date as for my uncle was no where in sight.

“I called you twice Juliet; didn’t you hear me the first time?” My aunt questioned and stared deeply into my eyes.

“I’m here now that’s all that matters.” I mumbled and looked away from her and to the Peterson guy.

He had brown eyes but nothing close to Brendon’s, his skin was tanner than my own and his dirty blonde hair spiked up perfectly. A sigh escaped from me as he reached out and took ahold of my hand, his lips pressed against the back of it, a small smile formed.

“My dearest Juliet, I’m pleased that you could accompany me this lovely night.” He spoke nicely as he stood up straight, his hand still holding onto mine.

“I yet to know your name, it would helpful if I knew.” I said dully and stared into his brown eyes, they didn’t give me the feeling I was hoping for.

“My name is Josh, but please call me what you want.” He said a small smirk tugging at his lips; he moved his thumb over the back of my hand, sending a bad chill down my spine.

I ripped my hand out his and laughed nervously, I looked at my aunt who seemed to be very please with the turn out of this. I was grabbed gently by the waist and was led towards the front door, my eyes wondered up the stairs seeing the dark figure of Brendon with pleading eyes, I wanted his help.

Josh walked me out of the house and into the cool night, the air that would normally comfort me had failed terribly. I looked at him, his appearance wasn’t bad at all the only thing was when he opened his mouth nothing but uncomfortable sentences spilled. How I was dying for an insult at the moment from Brendon.

Josh opened the door for me; I felt his eyes on me, staring at something probably. I gave him a half smile reassuring him that I was glad for the kind gesture. It quickly faded when I was inside his car, I got my seat belt on and held onto Brendon’s phone with a tight grip I was sure that it would snap. Moments later he got into the car with the same ridiculous smile still on his lips.

I felt tense and uneasy, feeling that every move was watched as I made them. I stayed froze in my spot hoping I was overracting with him being weird or even a creep. I closed my eyes for a brief moment; I opened my eyes to have his hand on my shoulder. I was unaware of it being there. My head snapped at him wanting to know what he was doing.

“Juliet, are you doing okay?” He asked kindly but it sounded creepy.

I nodded a little and took my eyes off him quickly; I looked out the side window and waited to get to what ever restaurant. I bit down on my lip nervously still and then felt the phone vibrate, I opened it up seeing a text message from Ryan, to my guess it was for me and if it wasn’t oh well.

’We’re following you guys, so don’t worry.’ It read, it was Brendon or maybe it was really Ryan. I closed the phone deciding not to text back.

Within time we had parked and gotten to this semi-fancy restaurant, neither had moved and it was becoming more uncomfortable, I looked over to Josh wondering what he was going to do, his eyes were on me again. I saw the sudden slow movement of him leaning towards me; with panic I opened the door quickly and got out. I heard a small groan from inside the car.

My eyes wonder the parking lot for any sigh of Brendon or Ryan; sure enough they were parked not too far away. I was again led by the waist by Josh’s tight grip, I looked away from the car and forward, I sighed deeply wanting them to just rush over and take me.

A half an hour wait later we were seated towards the back of the restaurant, I had the menu close to me my eyes not even looking over the items but over my shoulder to see if I saw the guys. Of course Josh had started to talk about nonsense well it was to me; to him it probably was important.

“Juliet have you been day dreaming this whole time I’ve been speaking?” he asked sounding offended that I wasn’t paying attention.

I quickly looked back him and gave out the best smile I could manage. “I’m sorry; it was in fact rude of me. Do I have forgiveness?” I asked kindly and if it must it be said even flirty.

“Uhm, I suppose you do.” He said and looke down at his menu before returning his stare to me. “My goodness Juliet you have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.” He stated and reached out for my hand, I awkwardly rest mine in his.

“Thank you.” I said shortly and put my menu down; I stared into his eyes wondering what other lines he would throw my way.

“It’s a shocker that you don’t have a boyfriend, your aunt had informed me of that. It had brought my mood up higher to know that I have the chance of being it, to show you off.” Josh moved his thumb over mine like he had before; still I got the ugly feeling.

I laughed a little and looked down at the table cloth, wanting so badly to run away from him. His hand had disappeared from beneath mine and was now brushing along my jawline and cheek; I closed my eyes quickly the feeling sending another bad chill down my spine.

He continued for a while longer before the waiter came, we ordered our drinks. I sat back more not wanting to be touched by him anymore. Brendon’s phone wasn’t useful as I thought it would be and it was starting to worry me that they weren’t going to really safe me. An uneasy sigh escaped from me not too shocked that Josh was unaware of it; he still continued to speak of his future.

“Are you Miss. Juliet White?” A voice over ruled Josh’s completely, I snapped my head quickly locking eyes with Brendon, I couldn’t help but feel happy to see him. I lifted my hand ever so slightly, Brendon nodded. “There is a call for you, so will please follow.” He ordered nicely.

I didn’t hesitate to get to my feet; I followed Brendon to front and was led off to the side away from the crowd and the noise. Ryan was waiting there patiently with his arms crossed; a smile appeared on his lips when we approached him.

“I’ve never thought that I would so glad to see you Brendon.” I said and sighed deeply; I looked at Ryan and gave a small smile.

“Well you should know that Brendon had this whole thing planned, he knew what he was going to do, how he was going to do. It sounded like he was willing to take a gun shot for you.” Ryan explained and nudged Brendon with his shoulder.

Brendon’s face harden for moment but then softened, he looked at me with a crooked smile and nodded. “So I care, but it doesn’t mean that I like you.” he said and nodded once again.

I looked over to Ryan with a raised eyebrow and shook my head; he winked quickly and moved closer to me. “So if you don’t like her then you wouldn’t mind if I went out with her.” Ryan said wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to his side.

Brendon groaned and threw his head back, he returned his head back to its normal position after some time and stared at Ryan with a mad expressioin, and he raised his finger at him and poked Ryan’s shoulder. “You are not going to date Juliet, no one is. Not even that creep in there.” Brendon said while getting me free from Ryan’s hold.

I looked up at Brendon and frowned slightly at him but it faded as he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Since when do you get to decided who I do or do not date?” I questioned.

Brendon’s eyes roamed over to me with a smirk tugging at his lips before allowing it to rule his lips fully. “Juliet, you don’t even have control of your dating life. And if you want to go back to that creep be my guest.” He offered and let go of my waist. I shrugged and waved to Ryan before turning to leave them both. “I was only kidding get back here.” Brendon grabbed my waist.

“How are you guys going to get me out of this place?” I asked as I leaned against Brendon a little.

“I was just thinking we would just walk right out…” Brendon stated as he pointed to the door with his thumb.

Our escape being just a walk out, I couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for leaving Josh. I guess my gulit was obvious because Brendon’s face showed he was annoyed… again. I shook my head a little at the fact that I was maybe a little too nice.

“Let’s go.” I said grabbed both of their hands and heading for the front door, they both willingly went along with me. When we reached outside I let go of Ryan’s quickly but lingered on letting go Brendon’s. I looked up at him as he looked over to the front door, I immediately felt safe.

“Juliet, where are you heading out to without my permission or even letting me know?” I heard Josh asked causing me to let go of Brendon’s hand and the feeling to fade quickly.

“She doesn’t have to have your permission to do anything, she leaving with me.” Brendon fully turned to Josh; they were almost eye to eye.

Josh stared at him with a confused face; he peered over Brendon’s shoulder to me. He pushed Brendon aside and grabbed my hand. “Come along Juliet, you have no need to be around these people.” He ordered and started to tow me away.

Before my eyes could even catch up with the movement of the two guys, I was pushed aside by Ryan. My eyes slowly looked down at the bodies that rolled and cringed at the sound of fists being used pretty hard. Ryan pulled Brendon off Josh within seconds; I watched Brendon stare at Josh with hateful eyes but softened when they reached mine.

Josh looked messed up, his eyes landed at me. The stare I got couldn’t be explained but it wasn’t something I wanted to see again. I reached out Brendon’s arm and followed Ryan to his car; we all got in quietly and didn’t talk until we were both dropped off.

Neither of us talked as we walked up the stairs to go to our rooms, I entered mine’s knowing Brendon wouldn’t speak to me. It didn’t really sink in that this date had turned out to be such a mess. I changed and got ready for bed. I stared at the door having an urge to see how Brendon was doing, I allowed myself to process to the door and over to Brendon’s room. With a light knocked, I was allowed in seconds later.

“I just wanted to check up on you.” I said softly and stood at the door nervously. I watched as Brendon walked away from the window with a cloth on his lip, I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

“I’m fine, just hurting here and there.” He said softly and looked over to me.

I walked over to him and brought him towards his bed, I sat down while pulling him down with me. I placed a pillow on my lap and brought his head down. I ignored the weird look he was sending me and started to clean up his cut on his lip.

“You always seemed to get hurt when you’re around me.” I stated in a low tone and kept my eyes on his lips.

“Yet I don’t have it in me to be away from you.” He whispered with a small smile on his lips.

I couldn’t help but to smile a little myself, I kept cleaning his lip trying not to hurt him any further. We both kept quiet, it was a nice quiet. I wanted to think that there was more growing between us and I was starting to believe it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes an updated! xD, it was either bad or good but to me it was an okay update. hopefully it was worth reading!! tell me what you think please, please. and soon her mom should be brought into this.
so thanks for reading! <33

rivals are insane , LoveTheLifeYouLive thanks for comments!! <33