Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

Being Watched


Time was slipping away, fading just disappearing from within my hold and I didn’t seem to care. The moments were passing me like a blur and not one time did I regret letting them go. Even thought the moments were gone and the time I lost couldn’t come back, it seemed as if I didn’t lose time. Everything around me had frozen, just because of one person.

I wouldn’t say that my world had turned upside down and I was seeing things that wouldn’t catch my eye before but it was close to that. I still found myself being annoyed by my aunt but having those brown eyes stare at me from behind her had only made it easier.

My legs were mindlessly moving back and forth in the pool as I sat at the edge of it, watching Brendon swim around and would occasionally go into a daydream. When I would go too far into my own little world I was brought back to reality by splashes. I would smile at his laugh which was probably laughing at the odd facial expression that I wore when he splashed me.

“What are you going to do when I’m no longer here to bug you?” He asked as he approached me, his hands resting one both sides of my legs, a smirk forming just as mine was. “How would you live?” He continued.

“I’ll manage,” I started and looked over his face slowly. “The house would go back to being quiet and I would go back to being the little puppy that my aunt bosses around.” I finished with a small shrug.

“Your house being quiet, that’s a joke.” He said with a snort and shake of his head. “You live with your aunt, who’s never quiet.”

“I guess I’ve lived with her that long that her voice has just magically blended into with background,” I said and nodded. “I just wish she would too.”

“And they say that Juliet White couldn’t be mean.” Brendon said giving a smile of approval.

“As in they, does that mean only you?” I asked looking down at him with a small smirk. “By the way, I’m not mean.”

“Yeah, but it’s still pretty hard to believe that you could be mean, bossy maybe but mean now that’s given a little too much credit,” Brendon stated with a shrug of his shoulders, he got hold of both of my legs.

“Maybe I don’t want to be mean. Sometimes I don’t see the point in being mean.”

“Well that didn’t stop you before when you yelled at me.” He raised his eyebrows as he tried to pull me into the pool.

“I had a good reason; you were being a jerk…” I stated with some trouble as I tried to push myself back. “Just like now.” I got my legs free from his hold and pushed him away with my foot.

“You love it,” He said with a toothy smile, he stood next to my legs as his arms rested among the concrete next to me, his brown eyes staring up at me. I got the warm feeling I always get when I looked back into his eyes.

“I can’t say I don’t,” I smiled to him and then looked down at the water.

“Well the jerk side isn’t a side you’re going to be seeing a lot anymore, you don’t need that.” Brendon said softly, I felt his eyes burn a hole in the side of my face, the urge of looking and getting lost in his eyes was tempting.

“Good because having a jerk as my….” I started but stopped, the word that was next wasn’t something I was use to saying, and it was as if the word was unknown to me.

“Boyfriend,” Brendon had finished with a laugh, probably since I was taking a while to finish up my sentence.

I looked over to him and nodded, I sent a smile his way and got one in return. “Sorry, I guess I’m not totally over the fact that it happened.”

“You gotta believe it babe, you are now stuck with little old me,” Brendon returned to his spot in front of me, he got hold of my arms. I knew what he was getting at and this time it wasn’t going to happen.

“Now I know why my aunt has been going easy on me.” I stated with a smirk. Brendon gave me a quick glance and tightens his grip on my arms. “I don’t want to go in Brendon.” I pouted with what I had in me.

“Well you should have thought about that before opening your trap.” He said while starting to pull me in.

With a groaned I allowed myself to be pulled in which in the future would be told as he pulled me in with all his strength. I had a bathing suit underneath the shirt and shorts, but getting out of them didn’t come to mind until I was fully in. I threw my arms around Brendon’s neck and poorly started to whine.

“I just wanted you in the pool Juliet, I’m not asking for much.” Brendon said while wrapping his arm around my waist and holding to the wall with his free hand.

“You got what you wanted, so now you must carry me around.” I nodded and rested my head against his.

“What do I get if I do that?”

“You get yourself a pat on the back and the feeling of knowing you did something good.” I didn’t have to look at his face to know that he was rolling his eyes and had that old annoyed look stuck to his face.

It had gotten quiet but it wasn’t weird or awkward, my eyes looked around aimlessly while I clung to his neck. I listened to his light breathing which sent my eyes to close, with a deep breath I felt relax once more. There were light murmurs that could be heard from inside the house, one being my aunt as the other one was my uncle but the third one I couldn’t recognize.

I opened my eyes and looked over to the kitchen window hoping that they were in view, but they weren’t. I let go of Brendon and swam over to the edge, I pulled myself out of the pool and walked over to the back door and poked my head in and then back out.

“What’s going on?” I heard Brendon asked.

“There’s someone in the house,” I said in a low tone, afraid of being heard.

“Yeah, your aunt and uncle,” Brendon said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head; I looked over to him giving a small glance before returning my focus at the door. As I was about to poke my head back in, the door had opened. I slowly looked up to make eye contact with whoever had caught me.

“Gal, what are you doing?” My dad said with a wide smile.

“Dad,” I barely said as I stared into the guy’s eyes, I stood up straighter before I knew it I had thrown myself at him. Luckily he was prepared and he didn’t hurt himself, he gave me a tight squeeze and released me. “I can’t believe you’re finally home!” I continued only this time I said it normal.

“I can’t really believe it myself, but I’m here.” He said as his eyes looked beyond me. I had a clue who he was staring at; he looked back at me with a questioning look. “What now you’re all two peas in a pod?” He asked in a low mumble.

I didn’t have the chance to explain, my mouth was ready but Brendon had beaten me to punch. I watched as he stood next to me and put his hand out, he introduce himself. And all I could do is stand there and hope that my dad wouldn’t pass a few sarcastic remarks. I was relieved when my dad shook Brendon’s hand and said a friendly hello, but I did catch the quick death glance.

What else helped is that Brendon didn’t mention the term, boyfriend. I figured he would let me tell him or something among those lines. It had gotten a little awkward as we continued to stand there; I looked between both guys one seeming fine as the other was just burning a gaint hole into other’s face.

“Hey Gal do you mind coming inside with me for a bit, I need help with my stuff,” My dad said probably making himself rip his stare off Brendon, he looked at me and smiled softly.

I looked down at my clothes and made a small face. “But I’m wet,” I said and patted my clothes in attempt to make them somewhat dry.

“It’s okay; a little water wouldn’t hurt the floor.” My dad said taking hold of my wrist in a gental way.

“I’ll be back,” I said quickly to Brendon, who only nodded with a very light smile. I turned my head back to my dad as he led the way to the living room.

“Now are you two just the best of friends?” My dad questioned while releasing my wrist and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I don’t think that’s the right way to put it.” I said with a nervous laugh. I looked up at my dad and bit down on my bottom lip.

“I thought he was going to stay away from you Gal? I thought he hurt you and you didn’t want anything to do with him?”

“He was, but something happened and that something had changed the plan. He isn’t what he used to be, he explained the reason and now I understand.” I explained the best way my mind would let me.

“Well I don’t trust him, sure he seems nice but I don’t trust him. I guess I just don’t want you to get hurt again, now that I’m here I can prevent that from happening.”

I let a small chuckle escape from me and put my hand on my dad’s arm trying to reassure him. “You can’t really prevent it, it just happens. Besides how will I learn about relationships if you’re always there to protect me?” I said with a smile.

“Whoa, whoa… now there’s a relationship going with you two?” My dad asked sounding a little worried but mostly panicked.

“Surprise!” I half yelled while throwing my arms in the air, I laughed nervously once again and shook my head when my dad just stared at me. “No, not making it better with the arms?”

“Well it’s a surprise alright, but I’m watching out for him.” He said with a sigh in defeat. My dad’s face sadden for a moment but went back to being soft, he pulled me into one of his famous hugs.

“If it helps, he did get me out of that date that my aunt planned.” I said looking up at him.

“He did?”

“Yeah, he even got in a fight with the guy.”

“Did he win?” My dad looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

“I really don’t know, but at least he got me out right?” I said and with a wide smile, hoping to get one in return.

My dad smiled back and then sighed deeply once more. “I suppose,” He mumbled and made a small face. “I just never thought you would get to this point where guys are trying to win your heart.”

“It had to happen some time,” I said in almost a whisper.

“I don’t want to keep you in here, so just go back out there with him.” My dad said and nodded. I tried to pull away but was only getting a tighter hug; I looked up at my dad with both eyebrows raised. “Okay, fine. But don’t you forget I’m watching.” He stated as he finally let me go.

I nodded to him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek before going off to the backyard again. I looked around for Brendon, I finally found him sitting off to the side. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck; he jumped a little in his spot on the chair. I looked over the side of his face and saw the smile that made me smile more.

“Your dad was talking to you huh instead of you actually helping him with his stuff?” Brendon asked as he stared forward.

“Yeah,” I said and slowly let go of his neck, I walked around placing myself on the ground in front of him.

“So does he want you to dump me or something?” He asked sounding scared to hear the worst.

“No, he’s just keeping his eyes on you.” I stated while pointing to him with a small smirk.

“A little harsh to be doing that, it’s not like I’ve done anything bad.”

“But he is a dad and usually their pretty protective of their daughters,” I said with a nodded and brought my legs underneath me; I placed my hands on my lap and looked over Brendon’s face like I would usually. “Plus I told him about the time you regretted the kiss.” I bluntly said.

Brendon tensed up and shifted in his spot, he looked at me in the eyes and I was looking out for any sign of him about to explode but he never did. It took a minute or two for him to calm himself and to find that comfortable spot in his chair.

“I guess I understand that, but the only thing now is that I have to work my ass off to get trust and respect from your dad.” He stated and made a small face of disapproval.

I got myself onto my knees and took those two steps that brought me in front of him. I put my hands on his sides and stared into his eyes. “Just as long as you show him the good in you, then you’ll be fine. Within time you two will be good friends.” I said with a small nod.

I looked over the crooked smile that Brendon was showing off and smiled at the sight. I felt my heart picking up as he started to lean in, I was sure he could hear it. He placed a hand on my cheek, letting his thumb moving along the skin slowly. I pressed my lips to his and smiled into the kiss that was starting. My hands moved along his sides and then to his bare chest as both his hands were now placed on my waist.

The kiss had only lasted a few more seconds since we were pulled apart by the sudden cold water that was being sprayed at us from the water holes. I gasped slightly at the chills that were now running freely among my skin, I looked at Brendon who looked just as cold. My eyes wondered over his shoulder to my dad who was standing there.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you guys. I was trying to get those flowers that were behind you.” My dad said trying to sound like he really was sorry. “Oh gees,”

“Its okay dad,” I mumbled and moved away from Brendon placing myself back in my spot on the ground.

“I guess I’ll get those another time, see you two later.” My dad said with a wave and a goofy smile. I looked at him and shook my head; I looked over to Brendon while resting my head on the palm of my hand.

“You weren’t kidding about him having his eyes on me,” Brendon said with a laugh and rubbing his arms.

“I guess he’s sticking to his word.” I smiled at him.

“It just makes it more interesting.”

“In a way,” I said with a laugh, I put my head back into its normal position and watched Brendon for a moment.

Brendon looked back at me with a wider smile, I had a feeling he was planning something. I was scared to find out, to even know that he has cooked up. I looked away from him before I could get curious on his little plan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update! Im so sorry the lack of updates, busy a week and the stupid sickest of having writer's block, now if this was a sucky part, Im so sorry!! :|
Im planning on bring her mother into this story but I have no clue how, any ideas?

thanks for reading <3

rivals are insane , LoveTheLifeYouLive , PastPrayingFor ,
ShawnieRiot. thank you thank you for commenting!