Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

Not Under My Roof


My nose was constantly twitchy and the low growl in the pit of my stomach was making it hard for me to continue on with my sleep. I was again clueless on my whereabouts until I saw the dim lamp on; I smiled lightly and blinked a few times to adjust the sun beaming through the uncovered window. I inhaled deeply smelling the cause of my twitchy and growling. Coffee and food, I looked over my shoulder to Brendon see if it was affecting him in any way, nope. I didn’t know how someone could sleep through that amazing smell, how it didn’t make him want to just jump out of bed.

It was possible that he was use to the scent as for me; I was just use to waking up to the scent in my room of girly perfume. I carefully uncovered myself and took Brendon’s arm off my waist, I sat up and got out of bed expecting the pain to just rush to me, and it never did. I looked over myself the red marks gone, just bruises here and there… just bruises. It still didn’t click with me that my mother had actually beat me, that she made my lip bleed. It was in the past now, and there it will stay.

I walked through Brendon’s messy room trying not to trip over clothes or shoes and made to the door, I entered the hall that seemed bright and welcoming, unlike my aunt’s. I walked to the edge of the staircase not sure if I wanted to go down alone or not, I felt a bit shy not really knowing his parents all that well.

“Juliet, good morning please come down…” I heard his father’s voice entering my debate. I smiled lightly and headed down the stairs and greeted in a comfortingly hug and was escorted to the kitchen where his mother was happily making breakfast. We both sat at the dining table which luckily opened to the kitchen.

“How are you feeling today?” He then asked, looking over the morning paper as he did.

“Better, much better.” I replied with a small smile on my face.

“That’s good; would you like some orange juice?”

“That’ll be great,” I watched as the man had turned his wife just as he was about to ask, she was already doing it. It was weird how they connected and already knew the other person. But I guess it comes together when you’ve been with someone for such a long time. As she came over and put the glass in front me, I said my thank you and watched as Mr. Urie had his eye on his wife, looking at her like he was looking for the first time. I just admire them for how they connected and the looks they exchanged.

Mrs. Urie had quickly joined us with a cup of coffee in her hand, her slim fingers wrapping around the cup probably collecting the warmth. They had involved me in their conversation that was actually interesting; I just wasn’t some soul at the table taking up room. Of course they had asked questions about my dad and some about my mother which I couldn’t really answer.

“I don’t get how teenagers could sleep the morning away and wake up around noon expecting to be feed, and then go back to hiding in their room like hermit craps… Do you sleep in Juliet?” Mr. Urie questioned.

“I try not to.” I said in all honesty.

“Good child, maybe you could rub off on our son, I don’t bother waking him up anymore… he sort of gets all grumpy.”

I giggled softly at the thought of grumpy Brendon, that’s unbelievable. Brendon Urie being grumpy… that has to be a lie.

“Talking about me already pops?” I heard Brendon’s voice from behind me, sending my lips to curl up into a wide smile. I bite my bottom lip trying to hide the fact his voice could do that to me. I watched as he took the seat next to me and mumbled a tired ‘Morning,’ in my ear before kissing my cheek.

“I believe I was son. That’s the way I always start my morning is bashing on you and your sleeping habits.” His dad said while nodding and turning over the page in the newspaper.

“At least you talking about me,” Brendon smiled and reached over for my half glass of orange juice.

“Excuse me, Brendon. That’s hers; go get your own lazy.” She said smacking his hand which he clearly ignored and looked over to me with a smile.

“You don’t mind huh?” he said using that powerful charm.

“Eh, as a matter in fact I do. You can get your own.” I said kindly and got my orange juice back, taking a sip of it.

“Rejected,” His father said laughing, he gathered his papers and headed his way out of the dining room.

“Well kiddos, we sort of have a busy day ahead of us. Me and your father that is, I will see you two later and I beg you please don’t destroy the house while we’re gone.” His mom said getting her coffee and going to the kitchen and then I guessed her room.

“I can’t believe you made me look bad in front my own parents Jul,” Brendon said moments after wrapping his arm along the back of the chair.

“Isn’t a girlfriend supposed to make their boyfriends look in front of their parents?” I asked innocently and looked at Brendon with a smirk.

“Well that I don’t know but I’m sure mines does.” He said smirking back, “I got something planned for you tonight or um, evening.” I felt his hand move to my back where he played with the tips of my hair.

I brought my chair closer to his and leaned into him as he turned a little catching me in his chest. I wrapped my arm around his waist placing my other hand on his leg; I kept my eyes on the table and paid attention his breathing. “I don’t think I’m up for you partying and me being the one to watch you when you’re sick Bren,” I said lightly.

“Don’t be stupid, I wasn’t going to say that. I just thought I could possibly make you dinner and try to be romantic.”

“Your mom clearly stated that she wanted her home safe and sound, I don’t think she’ll like to come home to a burning house.” I joked.

“Oh now who’s the one with the remarks, hmm?” Brendon said lifting my chin up staring at me in the eyes.
“Me, I only learn from the best.” I stated while looking into his brown hues.

“I know I know I’m the best.”

“I was talking about my mother.” I kept my eyes on him as he looked at her with the same serious face. It wasn’t long before he was chuckling which was turning into a laugh. I soon joined him but was cut off by the sudden lip connection. I sat myself up a little straighter bringing my body closer to his, moving my hands to his chest. My fingers curled into the material of his shirt as I felt his hands moved along my sides and finally resting just above my hips. The moment was longer than any other kiss that we shared before; I felt urges that I never thought would be felt through my body.

As if he knew what I was feeling his body started to press fully against mine, my hands moved from being on his chest to the back of his head, tangling my fingers into his already messy hair. I felt his rather cold hands slip under my shirt through the back, causing me to make a noise against his lips. I felt the small smirk forming against my lips. Even before I could get him back we were interrupted.

“Hey, hey… teen age hormones need to be controlled right now; there will be none of that while being under this roof.” His dad yelled from bottom of the stairs. “So knock it off.”

My cheeks had flushed a deep red while pulling away from Brendon, I moved away from him a little as he just looked at his dad annoyed and breathing hard. I smiled slightly at him and looked over to his dad who was no longer there. I took a deep breath calm myself and brought my eyes to Brendon.

He looked at me and shook his slightly before getting up and pulling me along with him. We headed for his living room and managed to watch some T.V. as we finally got some control over ourselves. His parents left within an hour and half it being a long talk about rules and agreements. But I had a funny that Brendon had no intention of keeping any promises, same went for myself. Oddly.

We still had the afternoon to waste and we did what any other teenage would spend it, on the couch watching movies, playing some video games. Of course playing video games was more his thing than mine, I had no clue on what to do even though he explained the controls over 4 times. He didn’t get upset when I was confused simply kept encouraging me before he just carefully took the controller from me.

Just as 4 hit the clock I was yanked off the couch and pushed up to his room where I was told to stay until his evening of planning was done. I took a deep bored breath and nodded, I walked over to his bed and sat there clueless on what to do until he was done, and I wasn’t even sure that was. My eyes scanned his room landing on some posters, and some weird drawings pinned to the wall. I noticed the guitar in the corner of the room and smiled lightly. There were a few attempts of trying to clean his room but I really didn’t want my head bitten off if I did that.

A little over an hour and my body now was lying under his covers, half asleep. My arm was laid out next to me seeing the small bruises here and there, I poked them curiously to see if there would be pain to follow, and some had the pain others not so much. My eyes had finally come to a close.

“Juliet, wake up!” I heard Brendon’s loud voice enter my dream, I jumped a little and opened my eyes and looked up to him. “It’s ready!” he said happily.

I nodded a little and sat up, grabbing onto his sides and got myself up. I leaned against his side as his wrapped his arms around my shoulders leading me out his room and down the stairs. The living room was a little dark due to the closing of the curtains, my eyes scanned what I could see, not really spotting anything out of the ordinary. He pushed me passed the living room and into the dining room where I spotted lit candles and food, neatly placed on the other end of the table.

“Oh my…” Was the only thing that managed to come out of my mouth, I looked at the set up in shocked clinging to his side a little tighter. “This is so beautiful… I… I don’t know what to say.” I said and laughed, I looked up to him as I could tell his was blushing. “And you’re blushing!” I said excitedly.

“Oh calm down, I blush… I can be romantic; I just… rather not show it.” He in a low tone and looked over to his set up, “And you’re letting me, you don’t judge me or anything so I did this for you. Hope you like it.”

I stood in front of him and grabbed onto his neck with my hands, I brought him down to my eye level and stared into his eyes, “I don’t like it, and I really, really love it. And thank you for doing this for me. You’re best boyfriend ever.” I said kissing his lips softly and then hugged him. I finally let go of him and walked with him to the table where he pulled my chair out for me and then sat down himself.

This should’ve been my first date with him, not that guy who was incredibly annoying and not Brendon. As we started to eat the amazing spaghetti that he dished up, which I would want him to make in the future even if I had to beg him, we talked about almost everything. I haven’t really got use to how he didn’t have nothing rude to say, if he did it was never towards me and I wasn’t going to lie but I sort of missed those little remarks.

Just as we finished up Brendon gotten up and grabbed my hand taking me with him wherever he was heading, he entered another room which I guessed was the den. He let go my hand and headed for the fireplace and started it up then brought me over to sit in front of it. I was memorized by the flickering and crackling of the fire that I didn’t notice the blanket that was now wrapped around the both of us. My body had mindlessly found its normal spot which was cuddled up against his side while his arms wrapped around me making me feel safe.

“Don’t go home,” I heard him whisper into my hair. “Please. Just stay here with me.”

I laughed lightly and turned my body fixing it against his body perfectly. “I can’t just stay here Brendon, I have to go some time, and I have to be with my dad.”

“I’ll take you to see him daily, you’ll be no trouble here Juliet. I’m addicted to you damn it.”

“And I’m addicted to you as well, but I can’t. I mean what about your parents; I don’t think they want their son’s girlfriend living under the same roof. Look what happened earlier, we would we be yelled at constantly and it’ll just drive your parents up the walls.” I said and looked up at him.

“But I stayed at your house for the time they were gone, they trust us.” Brendon said and looked down and bit his bottom lip.

“That’s because we didn’t like each then, and they don’t trust us. We’re teenagers in love, something is bound to happen and it’ll just be a mess. I’m sorry.”

I watched as Brendon removed himself from me and got to his feet, he walked to the other side of the room and leaned against the wall peeking through the curtain. It hurt to see him sad, if he was even feeling that way. I wasn’t sure if I should leave him or not. But it being my body always managed to do whatever it felt had gone over to him, I was caught up with what my body wanted to do. I turned him and looked into his eyes before pressing my lips against his. It wasn’t long before his lips were kissing back almost hungrily.

My addiction for him was growing insanely fast and it was showing, before I knew it my body was now laying among the wrinkled, crumbled up blanket. As my body pressed more against his, his only pressed harder back, our lips stayed lock even through the heavy breathing and the pain of wanting air. The panting and small moans grew the more ours hands roamed the other’s body; his touch was driving me crazy. My hands gripped the bottom of his shirt pulling it up and over his head, his forehead rested against mine for that moment as we try to catch our breaths.

“Are you sure?” he whispered breathlessly only getting a nod on my end. He pecked my lips repeatedly as we still tried to get control of our breaths, it didn’t take long before we started to move again discarding the other’s clothes that only left us in our underwear, bra and boxers. It was weird feeling his warm skin pressed against mine compared to the other moments, like the pool.

The rush that was happening before was no longer put into play; my breathing was starting to get shaky due to the nerves that were starting to rule my body. Brendon noticed this and had placed comforting kisses among my lips, neck and shoulders. Moments later and we were bare underneath the blanket over he placed over us. My eyes looked over his face as he carefully placed himself between my legs, my eyes then closed once again as his started to kiss me. There were mixtures of pain and pleasure as I felt him ease into me. There was lot of ‘I’m sorry,’ and every other comforting word he could imagine to say to me, my groans I tried to keep low but having it hard at times when he went too fast.

Eventually the pain had faded into something way, way different the moment he was fully in, I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit my bottom lip a little hard as he started to move more than he was, finding it easier and easier as it continued. My finger nails dug into his skin on his back as his hands were gripping onto my waist, our moans mixed together some louder than others. The feeling was becoming different as we got close, I felt my breathing get caught in my throat as I closed my eyes tightly, I gasped almost loudly once we had both came to our end.

I rested my head back against the blanket and kept my eyes closed; I felt his forehead rest against mine our hard breathing mingling together. I brought my hands to his head, running my fingers through his hair lovingly.

“I love you Jul,” I heard him say breathlessly.

I smiled weakly and tiredly. “I love you too Brendon.”

We stayed like that for while, finally getting our breathing back. He had moved to lay next to me with his arms snaked around my waist; I laid my head on his chest and looking over to the fire. We were both sort of just lost in our world, no one spoke expect for the ‘I love you,’ it wasn’t awkward, it was comforting. It was only moments after that we both sat up in fear at the front door opening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Am I doing good with the updates now? :D , well this was way different from the others. hopefully a good different and not bad D: that would suck.
happy be lated valentines! an update for you.
now i have a serious question, and answer would really awesome. should their be a squeal? because the ending is near my friends.
rivals are insane, you guys make me smile. thank you.