Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

He Scares Me


The view was beautiful; I loved how the sun shined off the water of the pool, the water moving slightly. I sat up straighter in my chair, my hands placed in my lap as my mind went off into its own world as it usually would. The heat of the sun hitting my face had brought a small smile on my lips as I begun to relax a little. Maybe I was relaxing a little too much because I felt a hand hit my shoulder. I shook my head and frowned as I stared my aunt.

“Sit up straight, don’t lean back… be a lady not a man…” My aunt said through her teeth.

I always wonder if she ever thought before speaking, I took uneasy breath and slowly looked around the table at the 4 of us as we sat on the patio waiting for our breakfast. I looked at Mrs. Urie and then her son, the one who had made suck a great first impression that it got my mind thinking about him, I couldn’t control it.

Brendon sat there leaning back carelessly, his head leaning against his hand as his elbow rested among the arm of the chair. His eyes stared boredly at the table, his browns eyes seeming restless. He didn’t blink much; I guess he was out of it.

I took my eyes off him and over to my aunt as she chatted away with Mrs. Urie. When our breakfast came, I hardly touched it, the eggs looked good but my taste for them wasn’t the same.The cut up fruit was nice, but I only ate the blueberries and strawberries, I didn’t really care for the rest. The pancakes were something I didn’t have a taste for either, but I picked at them.

After we ate or sort of ate Mrs. Urie and my aunt left the table leaving Brendon and myself to ‘bond’ like we were the closest friends since my party which by the way was a few days ago. I took a deep breath and pushed my chair back gently.

“God, why does my mom always have to drag me everywhere with her?” Brendon asked as he pushed the plate away a little too harshly.

“Maybe she likes your company and wants to spend time with you?” I asked rather than said.

“I wasn’t asking you and it wasn’t up for discussion.” He said and stood up quickly.

“It was an open conversation…” I defended myself; I couldn’t help but to feel uncomfortable at that moment.

“Now you start talking when it’s not wanted.” Brendon hissed and stormed off.

My eyes fixed on him as he left; I sighed slightly and shook my head not believing that such a guy can be so cruel when a girl only mentioned a little remark. I sighed deeply now and felt comfortable once I knew he was far. I moved from my chair and pushed it back into place.

I headed around the pool and pushed open this small white gate and entered the garden that my uncle would work on almost everyday, I knew he could work on it if the sun didn’t set or the feeling of sore legs and arms or tiredness didn’t exist. The place was peaceful; it was different from the rest of this house.

I walked over to this other patio, it was smaller than the one we had breakfast at, and it has a small around table and a wooden bench swing. I placed myself in the middle of the swing and brought my leg to my chest while the other stayed on the floor pushing myself slowly back and forth. I wrapped my arms around my bent leg and closed my eyes.

The birds sang softly, bees buzzed on nearby flowers. The wind would make its appearance from time to time. Everything was calm, everything was just fine, everything was fading until I heard the small gate hit the fence and deep murmurs were heard. I covered my face with one hand and sighed.

“You know what I hate most about girls?” Brendon’s voice entered the air, now everything just seemed tense now.

I slowly uncovered my face and rest my chin on my knee and watched Brendon start to pace in front of me, his hands in fists and his shoulders shrugged up, he was mad and it was of course obvious. My mouth remained close and I didn’t care what he was going to whine about.

“You girls throw us guys very confusing emotions… I don’t know what the fuck you girls want anymore, you either want us to talk, but not too much because you don’t want us to be sick of you, but if we don’t talk to you, you girls bitch that we’re ignoring you…” he said in one breath, making my lungs beg for air.

I couldn’t help but to find his problems amusing, my foot kept pushing the bench swing at a very slow pace, a nice pace. My eyes followed the bugged boy as he walked to one side of the patio to the other. His hands still in fists but were slowly relaxing and were stuffed into his pockets of his pants.

“And if that’s not good enough you guys take a present the wrong way, I gave a rose to her and it just sends the wrong message of stating that I just like her, not love her. Come on I’m 18 years old, I’m not exactly looking for love, I don’t want love, love sucks… its confusing and it’s painful.” He took a deep breath and stopped walking for a moment. “Well I do want it…. I just don’t want it now…” he clarified.

Love, every girl wants or at least half do, or want to find out what other girls are blabbing about even if it causes pain. I for one did want to find it and feel the wonders it made a girl feel and this lead me to go into a deep thought, making me stop swinging, I could heard Brendon’s voice but it sounded far.

The swing moved wildly for a moment snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked over to the left side of me and stared at Brendon, he was sunk down and his legs stretched out. He placed his hands on his stomach, his head lowered. Even if I didn’t know him enough to figure out what he felt or what he did showing that he was mad, sad or stressed. Right now I could sense he was sad maybe mad too.

I opened my mouth to speak but I wasn’t ready to get my feelings hurt because I wasn’t told to speak or he didn’t want my opinion. I looked away from him and towards a white rose bush, we started to swing and it wasn’t me doing it. I closed my eyes again and tried to go back to my world.

“Juliet, how do I tell a girl I don’t love her, that I just love her as person and not in love with her?” Brendon asked softly, I felt his eyes on me.

I sighed slightly and opened my eyes, I looked down at the ground tried to grather the right words, I honestly didn’t know what to tell him, because I never been in that situation, I never had a person tell they loved me, expect my parents and my uncle of course but that’s different. The thought of my parents gave me a sick feeling and a lump in my throat. I swallowed hard in hope of it helping, it only did a little. Once I knew I was strong enough to talk and to face him, I dropped my leg and put my hands on my lap, automatically sitting up straight. I heard Brendon mumbled something under his breath.

I slowly looked over to him and bit down on my bottom lip. “Do you still want my help?” I asked cautiously.

“Of course I still want your help! If I didn’t wouldn’t have asked you…” he said being a little snappy.

I felt myself tense up due to his voice; I swallowed hard and let a shaky breath out. I never knew a guy can make a girl feel so nervous and scared in a bad way. “Well…” I started and looked down to my lap. “I guess the best way is to confront her, explain your feelings and say you’re just not there yet and if she’s cares enough for you, she’ll wait.” I stated.

“How do you know this is gonna work? Have you ever been like this with one of your boyfriends?”

I shook my head slightly, I never had a boyfriend, I never had a kiss and I never had anything that had to do with relationships. I felt the swing moved wildly again telling me that Brendon had gotten up. I looked up at him and waited for whatever he had to tell me.

“You’ve never felt what I’m feeling? God, then how do I know that your plan will even work Juliet?” He said sounding mad.

“Common sense…” I mumbled and quickly took my eyes off him, the umcomfortable feeling filled the air again and I wrapped my arms around my middle.

“I’m sorry I didn’t really understand that, can you please speak up.” He brought his hand to his ear and leaned towards me.

I bit down on my bottom lip and stayed quiet; I slowly looked up at him and felt like the smaller person because I felt like he knew a lot more than I did. I shook my head slightly hoping he would just wave off my remark.

“You have issues, you’re starting to get on my bad side you know that?” he stated.

I shrugged to him not really caring what side I was getting on, I wouldn’t really be jumping for joy if I was on his good side, if he had one. Brendon stared at me with a face that read he was bugged, but I don’t know if it was because of my doing. For a second I thought I saw in his eyes that he cared or wanted to be nice, but that was goned quickly because he narrowed his eyes.

“Do you have to fucking stare at me? Gees, I’m not some kind of fine art, I know I’m fine but please….” Brendon said and crossed his arms over his chest.

I looked down quickly and I was really hoping he was kidding, but my lips couldn’t help but crack a small smile at his cockiness. I remained quiet because I knew that he never liked what came out of my mouth, as my eyes stayed on my lap, I could feel him stare at me, the feeling wasn’t uncomfortable like before, it almost made me want to stare into his brown eyes. I fought the urge; it wasn’t worth it if he was going to yell at me.

“Your quietness is really starting to get me more annoyed. Don’t you ever talk? Don’t you have any come backs to what I have to say?” He asked me, his voice sounded firm.

I shook my head to what he said and finally looked at him, not his face or those eyes just his shoes, his style of tight jeans and high top Nikes. It was different from what I see guys wear, but then again no one is the same.

“You need a life outside of this house.” He said.

How did he know I didn’t go outside that front door? How did he know I had no life, I wouldn’t say my life was the best but it was close to it. I shrugged off his remark and slowly looked off and into the garden again, maybe I don’t have a life but this one that my aunt controls.

I heard his mom call him from the back door where the piano room was, I looked over to her and then at Brendon. He groaned and threw his head back and turned around before looking over his shoulder to me.

“I’m so glad I don’t have you see you everyday…” He laughed and then rushed off; hearing his laugh it made my stomach feel like it was getting stabbed.

When they were getting ready to leave, I headed back inside but that wasn’t until later that evening maybe 7 or so, yeah I stayed in that garden all day, it was my freedom away from my aunt. I stood next to the door way saying my goodbye to Mrs. Urie and stayed quiet when it came to Brendon; I got a smack on my arm for not saying goodbye and was pushed off to the stairs.

I walked to my room and rubbed my arm that she smacked since it was still stinging, I took off my shoes with some trouble and headed for my bed. I lay over the blankets and grabbed one of my pillows and cuddled against it.

“Something tells me that it wasn’t the hit that’s bugging you Juliet.” Adele said closing the door behind her once she got inside.

I looked at her and sighed deeply; I shrugged a little to her and then closed my eyes for a moment. I felt the bed shifted slightly to the right, I opened my eyes seeing Adele sitting there, her fingers going through my brown hair.

“I don’t know why he keeps popping into my head, I can’t stand him, he’s rude and unbelievably handsome. I just wish he didn’t have to have such an affect on me…” I spilled and looked over to my window.

“It’s usually those kinds of guys that attracted girls, because their mean yet they some how make you want more…”

“I just don’t want to deal with him anymore, I don’t want someone like him in my life, my aunt is bad enough Adele, I don’t need him…” I said standing my grounds, but I knew I would be pushed down again once I saw him again.

The rest of the time was a blur; I didn’t know what to do. Finally when sleep came, it took my some time to fall asleep, only this time his face wasn’t the last thing I saw. The image was him and I, there. Looking almost like a couple. Why?
♠ ♠ ♠
yup, totally different from the old Brendon I had planned, I hope that the turn in this story is just like I imagine it. So thanks for reading.