Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

A Moment To Remember


There are things to regret and then there are things that should be forgotten. I sure didn’t follow through with that little statement, I didn’t regret calling Brendon that name and I sure didn’t forget about it. I worried about it for a minute and then started to get over the fact that it happened. A couple days had passed and there wasn’t a sign that Brendon, his mom or my aunt was mad. That was until this morning.

“Get up, get up Juliet. Raise and shine!” My aunt sang as she stormed into my room, she yanked my curtains open, the sun hitting my face. I blinked a few times; my eyes got adjusted to the changed in the room. ”You got a fun filled day ahead of you!” She said sounding almost happy about it.

I laid there confused, my hand rest upon my forehead blocking some of the sun from my eyes. The only thing that was running through my head was, what did she plan? I was starting to work myself up for something I didn’t know, but nothing my aunt plans is ever good. I closed my eyes for a moment and then sat up. I opened my eyes to see that my aunt was smiling widely.

“Well aren’t you curious about today?” She asked while resting her hands on her hips. Before I could even open my mouth she was already starting to explain. “I got a call from Mrs. Urie, I was informed that her son was giving you a hard time, and I don’t really approve of what you called him. But on the bright side of this problem we decided to set up a play date…”

And there it was the cherry on top of my almost wonderful day. Let’s not forget that she said we, probably meaning her and Mrs. Urie and Brendon was just pressured into going. I sighed deeply at the thought of a day with him; it was going to be torture. The only thing I found amusing is that she used play date like we were 4 and 5 years old.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair and looked over to my clock that stood on the night stand. I looked back to my aunt and made a small face of disapproval. “I don’t want to sound rude, but what is there to do at 8 in the morning?” I asked sounding slightly tired.

“Brendon gonna pick you up around 9, so I decided I would wake up now. You guys are going play some mini golf.”

“I sort of had my day already planned.”

“And what exactly were you going to do?” She said sounding annoyed, her arms crossing over her chest.

“I was planning to practice playing the piano more, I was going to go the public library and check out some books…”

“Oh well too bad, you got better things to do now, maybe even go out on a real date with him.”

I looked at my aunt and narrowed my eyes a little. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop myself from even asking, I didn’t want to hear his name. I was hoping she wasn’t going to refer to him. “Go on a real date, with whom exactly?” I asked the words just spilling right out of my mouth.

“Brendon of course, now stop your babbling and start getting ready.” She ordered and left the room.

“Not in a million years…” I said getting out of my bed. I walked over to the closet that was in the right side of my room, I slid open the door and looked over my clothes. Was I really trying to look nice for him? No, why would i?

I yanked some jeans off the hanger with a random white t-shirt. I pushed half of my clothes aside to get out my black and grey stripped cardigan. I got everything I needed and headed over to my restroom; I took a warm shower and got ready within a half an hour. I looked at myself in the mirror and started to blow dry my hair. After applying a bit of make up, I put on some socks and my converse.

I’m going to say that a minute after 9 struck the clocks, the door bell rang. I was really hoping, crossing fingers, arms everything that it wasn’t him. I closed my eyes tightly; I waited at the top of the stairs. I was careless on what I looked like; I honestly didn’t want to hang out with him.

“Hey there sweetheart come on in, I’m sure she’ll be right down…” my aunt greeted sending my arms and legs to untangle while my shoulders dropped.

I shook my head a little and started to slowly walk down the stairs. My eyes met his on accident, yet neither of us tried to look away. I kept going slowly and I could tell on his face that he wanted me to hurry up. I finally looked down at the stairs.

“Juliet hurry up, don’t keep your guest waiting…” my aunt said, she sounded irritated.

I finally made it to them and folded my arms; I didn’t make eye contact with any of them and looked down at my shoes, I clicked my heels together and then looked over to my aunt.

“Don’t you have something to say to him?” She continued and pointed over to Brendon. I looked at her oddly and confused, I sook my head not really knowing what I was suppose to tell him. I was unaware that I had lines to go by. “Hello?” she rolled her eyes.

“Oh….” I said more to myself than anyone. “Hi. Thanks for inviting me to go play mini golf.” I said triyng my best to sound thrilled, and I knew the face I was showing wasn’t helping either.

“Anytime Juliet…” Brendon said flashing a toothy smile mostly to my aunt than me.

I frowned and looked down at my shoes. I wasn’t totally sure on why I was frowning, but it could have been because he said my name and made it sound pretty or the fact that my aunt was getting to see the wide smile. I was still tired so who knew why I was frowning.

We walked out of the house and not a minute after the door closed Brendon groaned. He looked over to me with a disgusted face, as if I called him up to take me out. I followed him to his car and got inside the passenger’s seat. The car got uncomfortably quiet; it made me feel really tense. I got my seatbelt on while trying not to bump elbows with him.

“Okay listen up, I’m only going to say this once and I’m not going to repeated it.” Brendon finally said as he drove. “I’m going to drop you off at the mall, I’m giving you 20 dollars do whatever the hell you want, and I’ll pick you up around 6.” He explained.

I looked over to him a little shocked, but then I wasn’t too surprised he would come up with such a plan. I just nodded to what he said and didn’t question where he was going to go or what he was going to do, if I needed any help. He pulled his wallet out and pulled out a 20 while still driving.

“Aren’t you curious on where I’m going?” He asked and placed the 20 on my lap; I looked down at it and then back to him, shaking my head a little. “So you’re just going to let me get away with this?” I nodded a little to him, I didn’t own him, I couldn’t really tell him what to do, plus he wouldn’t listen.

We both got quiet, well I was quiet I just remained that way. I looked out the window and was starting to go off into my own world when Brendon started to talk again. “Do you think I can’t beat you in that stupid game? Because I’ll totally win… you probably don’t even know how to play.” He teased.

I could be mistaken but it sounds like he wants to hang out but he’ll just deny it. I looked over to him and shrugged slightly, I honestly didn’t care if he could or couldn’t, and let’s face two people who don’t get along were going to have golf clubs, it probably wouldn’t end pretty.

“You know what? I’m going to ditch the friends and prove to you that I can beat you and I’m going to get something out of it.” He continued and made a right turn at a stop sign.

I shook my head a little at him and smiled very little, I’m sure if I smiled too much he’ll just raise hell. The whole ride there Brendon did the talking, I zoned out after the whole, ‘I can beat you at this….’ I’m not going to rain on his parade.

We made it to the place, it was nice and seemed fun, but then I looked over to my side and saw Brendon. He wasn’t talking; he seemed more handsome, it got the nerves in my stomaching twisting around, I felt shy and felt a blush creep onto my cheeks when he caught me staring.

“Come on loser…” He said grabbed my hand and led me to the line, which only had about four people.

I stared down at our hands, his fully wrapped around my own as mine just fought to hold onto his hand or not, my fingers twitched making his grip on my hand loosen up but not let go.

I wasn’t suppose to be liking or enjoying this, it was in that air that we didn’t get along that we don’t like each other, all the signs were there. I swallowed hard and slowly looked up at him, he seemed relaxed, and he didn’t really show that he hated this.

We approached the counter, the giddy girl behind the counter was staring at Brendon like he was some kind of candy, I could feel my cheeks burn up in jealousy. She said the total price, I was half expecting that Brendon would pay for this yet he made no sign of movement.

I frowned deeply and reached in my back pocket and pulled out some money, he didn’t stop me. I gave the giddy girl what we owed her and went on our way. I held onto my club tightly and grabbed a black ball off the counter leaving Brendon with the pink. I walked outside and looked around; I headed for the first hole.

“I guess we’re starting already….” He said following behind me.

“Go.” I simply ordered him and rest both of my hands on the top of club awaiting my turn.

“Nothing that comes out of your mouth is nice.” He stated which wasn’t at all true. He bent down and placed his pink ball on the mat, he took a swing and it slowly rolled down the path.

I moved up to the mat as Brendon walked down the sidewalk to be with his ball. I took a deep breath and swung my club, my ball went downt he path, hitting his out of way and went into the hole. Brendon groaned loudly and swung about 3 different times.

We were now at the second to last course; the tension in the air was heavier than it has ever been before. We were pretty pissed at other and it was sure was showing. We were neck to neck on who was going to win, the pressure was on. I had already gone, the first time Brendon went his ball didn’t make it all the way.

I stood restlessly at end of the hole, I watched him swing repeatedly before he swung really hard. I watched his ball hit one of the blockers and flew back to him getting him right in the eye. I flinched as his yell and watched him go down; I covered my mouth trying my best not to laugh.

“Son of bitch!” He yelled angrily and tossed his club aside and into the bushes. I sort of rushed over to him and put my club down next to me as I got on my knees to help. He had his left eye covered, he stared at me, and his face was red as a tomato. “Don’t you dare laugh Juliet…” he hissed.

I bit my bottom lip really hard, trying not to laugh even more. “Let me see it…” I said with some trouble.

Brendon rolled his eyes, well one from what I saw. He slowly uncovered his eye and bit down on his bottom lip. It was starting to swell up and it was red just like his face. “So how is it?” He asked.

“You just got yourself a black eye…” I said and got to my feet.

“I did not!” He yelled and stood up quickly and covered his eye again. “Juliet, don’t fuck around with me.”

“Well at least you got something out of this like you wanted Brendon.” I crossed my arms and stared at him. “Come on; let’s go see if we can get ice on your eye…” I said with a sigh.

I grabbed my club and went to get his as well; I watched as Brendon reached out for me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I had the urge to slap his hand right off; he didn’t need me to guide him. Yet the touch made me feel slightly weak. I started to walk out of the courses and got into the building; I headed for the arcade side of the place and found a table.

Brendon pulled the chair out and sat down looking like he was in pain and miserable. I made a small face at that and turned around. I walked up to the pizza place and asked for some ice and a cloth. The man gladly handed it over to me after I explained what happened. I said my thank you and headed back to Brendon. I placed the cloth and the ice in his hold and watched as he brought it to his eye. I sat down across from him and looked around slowly, I placed my hands in my lap and quickly I sat up straighter causing me to sigh.

“I bet you loved seeing me get hit in the eye…” Brendon said sounding rather dull.

I wasn’t sure if I really did love it, I didn’t like it. I couldn’t help but to find it amusing. I remained quiet until he looked at me, sending a chill down my back. I shrugged a little and stared into his brown eyes.

“I don’t understand you Juliet, sometimes you talk and then sometimes you just don’t. What’s your problem?” he asked sounding half concerned. As if he knew I wasn’t going to explain, he shook his head and looked away. “I should have to just hang out with my friends, this was a waste….”

I stared at him for a moment and looked away feeling slightly hurt from that, I swallowed hard and shook my head a little. Yeah, I dislike you too Brendon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I enjoyed writing this part. I had made a change in the story, just the ages. Now Juliet is 17 and Brendomn is 18, I found that it'll be better for this story and the ideas I came up with.
So, hoped you liked this part, thanks for reading!