Status: i cant believe that this story is over, it took me long enough. thank you for reading it and commenting, it means so much to me.

London's Bridge Is Falling Down

I Don't Want To Wonder Why


It wasn’t fully understood why I expected so much from Brendon, I didn’t know why I hoped that he would be nice and charming. I expected to be walked to the front door and given a peck on the cheek for such a wonderful evening, I wanted to enter the house feeling extremely happy and a blush on my cheeks but it being reality I was demanded out of the car and entered the house being extremely annoyed.

All I wanted to do was sleep; I wanted to sleep all of the next day away. But it was going to be hard; it would get my aunt mad and bring concern to Adele. Besides I didn’t want to disappoint my aunt, but I saw no harm in sleeping in just a little bit later then my normal time. I changed quickly and climbed into my bed, I pulled the blankets high up my body and rested them on my neck as I laid on my stomach.

The night seemed long but I wasn’t complaining it felt like I was getting more sleep just like I wanted. A yawn had escaped my mouth as I turned onto my side, the sun was already entering my room but there wasn’t a way I was going to wake up and start my day.

There were noises entering my ear of stuff moving in my room even stuff falling off my shelves and dresser. I sighed deeply thinking that Adele was just in one of her moods where she had to clean every single item. I then felt my bed shifted causing me to roll onto my stomach.

“Beast I order you to wake up from your slumber.” I heard Brendon’s voice now enter my ear, his breathing tickling my ear slightly.

I snapped my eyes open and looked up at him, instead of staring into his brown eyes I stared into some Ray Ban sunglasses. I swallowed hard and then looked over to my dresser and my walls seeing items removed or placed somewhere else. I looked back at him and frowned deeply.

“Don’t get mad at me for destroying yout room, if you were up before, this wouldn’t have happened. I came here today to try and make up for what happened, well your going to make it up to me, you’re aunt is gone and your uncle is working on his garden.” Brendon explained as he got off my bed and headed over to my book shelf.

I got off my bed with one move and sighed deeply; I pushed my tangled hair over my shoulder and pulled down my shorts a little. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the back of Brendon’s head, I chewed on my lip as he looked over my CD selection.

“Glenn Miller?” He questioned and pulled out the CD case and turned it over. “You sure do have a wide choice of music.” He continued and then put the CD back in its place.

I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, I could never tell when he was being nice or simply sarcastic. I shrugged off the comment and headed over to my closet and carefully pulled off a sun dress and a short cardigan. I walked to my dresser and secretly got underwear and a bra hoping Brendon wasn’t watching. I hid those within my dress.

I looked over to Brendon just as he turned around and give a very light smile and it was gone the next moment. I sighed slightly and walked over to my door and opened it for him, I stared at the carpet waiting for him to leave.

“You really don’t trust me? And besides it’s not like I want to see what’s under those shorts and shirt…” he laughed and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes, for that to happen it was rare. I sighed deeply and headed over to my restroom and took my shower. After I got changed and walked to my closet again and put on my flats. I slipped on my cardigan as I headed for my bathroom for the last time; I did my hair and put on only a little bit of make up.

I walked out of my room and headed down the stairs. It took a while to find Brendon who was in the kitchen; he was gathering stuff from the cupboards and the fridge. I leaned against the counter waiting for him to be done.

“Finally, you’re done. You’ve been up in your room for so long that I got hungry. So I was thinking that it would be nice of you to make me breakfast and of course yourself if you’re hungry.” Brendon said kindly, or it sounded that way to me.

I walked over to the counter that Brendon was at, I looked over all the food items and it was everything to make pancakes and what ever else he wanted. I sighed slightly and reached for the cupboard in front of me and grabbed a bowl and everything else I needed.

“You’re just gonna make them, with no questions asked?” He asked and laughed a little.

I ignored him and started to pour the ingredients into the bowl. I felt his eyes burn on the side of my face either with an annoyed face or just a blank one even if he was wearing sunglasses, it just made it more uncomfortable. Once everything was mixed I headed for the stove and started to cook such as eggs, bacon and sausage. Brendon placed himself on the counter behind me; I knew his eyes were on me.

As I continued to cook I couldn’t help but to remember the mornings when I was younger and everything just seemed perfected, when my parents were together and I was happier. In the mornings on weekends my parents and I would cook and even make a mess in the kitchen, it felt like those days were always going to happen, but I guess the feeling was wrong.

“You haven’t spoken to me since I got hit in the eye and that was yesterday, you rarely even talk Juliet. I want to know why.” He said almost sounding concerned about me.

I shook my head to clear my mind and walked to the side and grabbed plates and cups. I set them on the counter carefully and started to fill the plates up. I looked over my shoulder to Brendon and shrugged a little. I had a good explanation I just didn’t want to explain it to him; I didn’t know if he would understand.

I continued into the dinning room and placed the plates down with Brendon on my tail, I headed back to the kitchen and grabbed forks and knifes along with the cups of orange juice. I returned and placed myself down on a chair and quietly started to eat after applying some syrup to my pancakes.

“You’re the most quiet and most annoying person I have ever met in my life.” Brendon stated with a mouthful of pancakes.

“No one told you to come here…” I mumbled and pushed the egg aside wondering why I even served myself that if I didn’t like it.

“Im sorry, I didn’t catch that, mind repeating it?”

“Nothing, I said nothing.” I said clearly and kept my eyes on my food.

“Damn it Juliet, you’re gonna open up to me. You’re gonna tell me what you’re hiding!” Brendon demanded and pounded his fist on the table causing me jump a little.

I put down my fork and brought the chair closer to the table, I kept my back straight and looked over to Brendon, and I stared into the sunglasses and sighed deeply. I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment or two trying to come up with a way to start.

“I’ll just ask you questions then. Um, are you close to your mom? Because I heard your aunt speak of her a few times…” Brendon asked and leaned back against the chair.

“I was.” I answered shortly and shrugged a little. I took an uneasy breath wondering why he even bothered to get to know me.

“What did she pass away or something?”

“No, well in all honesty I don’t know if she’s alive or not. Because I haven’t seen her since my father was put in coma a few months back.” I looked down at my food and then back at Brendon who was starting to look a little tense.

“I’m sorry, I didn't know…” he said his voice sounding sad.

“How could you? I’ve never told anyone.” I shrugged slightly and looked down at the table. I had a feeling I was going to get pity from him, I was going to get fake happiness and smiles but it was going to be better than getting rude and unpleasant remarks.

“The food is really good Juliet…” Brendon then said and sent me a small warm smile. “Wanna see my eye?” He randomly asked.

I looked up at him and smiled a little while nodding. He returned the smile and took off his sunglasses, sending my face to turn into disgust with what I saw. It was black and sort of puffy and all from a simple pink golf ball. Although I had a few things to say about his eye I choose not to speak, I wanted to get out of the teasing stage even if one person was getting all the remarks.

“Pretty nasty huh?” He laughed a little and put back on his sunglasses.

I nodded in agreement and went back to eating my food. I ate what I could as Brendon finished everything. I stood up and grathered our dishes and headed to the ktichen, I set the dirty dishes in the sink. I was just about to start washing them when Brendon stopped me, his hand on my arm sending my heart to race rapidly. It was a feeling I was now addicted to.

“Hold it off until later; I’m your guest you can’t leave me to be bore to my death.” Brendon said and turned off the water and grabbed my hand, he escorted me out of the house and towards the backyard. We passed the pool and went towards my uncle’s garden. He wasn’t no where to be found so I assumed he was off getting more things for his garden.

Brendon’s hand left mine as we approached the small patio, I sat down on the bench swing just as he did. I looked around the garden slowly and immediately felt warmth and comfort. The swing started to move back and forth, it wasn’t me doing it. I looked over to Brendon who was had his hands rested on his lap, his head turned opposite way as he pushed us.

He sat there looking beyond handsome, I was glad he wasn’t talking because that would have ruined it but maybe if he spoken more kindly then it would’ve been just fine. I looked forward afraid of him catching me staring, I didn’t want to the teasing to start, I was just starting to feel comfortable.

“Juliet.” He started which made me look over to him. “My friend, you know the one that broke his leg, his name is Spencer well his parents are gonna be out of town for this upcoming weekend and he’s throwing a party, I was wondering if you would like to come with me.” He finished and had a smile on his face as he spoke.

At the pit of my stomach I was getting a nervous, excited feeling, it was something I didn’t think I would feel with Brendon and I couldn’t help but enjoy it. I looked over his face from what I could see and shrugged a little.

“Don’t worry about your aunt and uncle; I’ll take care of that. So will you?”

“Yes…” I said softly and gave him a wide smile, trying not to seem too excited and annoy him.

Brendon returned the wide almost toothy smile and moved a little closer to me, the feeing that was in the pit of my stomach had increase dramatically. I bit down on my bottom lip nervously; I kept a close watch on him wondering if he was feeling the same as me.

“Hey there love birds, having fun?” My uncle called out as he approached the garden.

“Love birds? Yeah right….” Brendon laughed loudly sounding also nervous. He got up quickly making the swing shake wildly. I managed to control it as he turned sort of gracefully to face me. “I’mma go because sitting here with you is just wasting my time plus it’s not like anything good will come of this.” He said rudely and smirked; he turned back around and headed out.

My uncle walked into the garden and put down some flowers he had. He looked over to me and gave me a confused expression, I smiply just shrugged and sighed deeply.

“Did I just ruin something Juliet?” He asked softly and slipping on his gloves.

“No, it was only a matter of time before the moment was going die anyways.” I said just as all the feeings washed out of me.

“I’m sorry darling, I wish there was something I could do to help.”

I looked over to my uncle and watched as he started to plant some new flowers. I looked at the different colors and started to swing a little. “I just wished that I could understand him, he’s such a confusing person.” I admitted and placed my hands next to me, I held onto the edge of the bench.

“Maybe hes just a person you can’t fully understand. But those are the people you grow most attached to.” He stated and continued to do his gardening.

“He’s not someone I want to be attached to, there is a reason why he entered my life, but I just want the reason to hurry up so he could just fade.” I explained and sighed a little. I couldn’t help but to fear my words a little.

I got myself wondering why he was even in my life, he wasn’t making it easier. I didn’t want to go around wondering why he was like this; in fact I didn’t want to wonder why anymore. There was a reason and I wanted to believe there was.
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FInally an update! :) sorry the slow updates, I was having major writer's block. Blah, ugly feeling. Well I hoped you guys enjoyed this update, the next few updates shouldnt be too boring, well I hope.
But thanks for reading!!