I Never Asked To Be Gifted...

Pure Joy Turned Into Pure Anger

I slowly moved towards the bathroom mirror, trembling with each step. The floorboards creaked beneath me with every step I took. I knew that if my fate was to “work” then it would just be like any other day; life threatening and challenging (I was used to it). I just really wanted a day of freedom, even if it was the Friday 13th today. I was sure Friday 13th wasn’t as scary as they said it was for us though, and there had to be at least another person off with me. As I looked into the bathroom mirror I shut my eyes tight and wished really hard. I slowly opened one eye and just froze. I couldn’t move; it was as if all the blood which was supposed to be circulating through my body had frozen still as well. I quickly opened my other eye just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating it all. Then I decided to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I wasn’t...

It wasn’t there... The mark which dominated my life wasn’t appearing today, which was very, very strange. I hadn’t had a free day since three years ago. I sat down on the cold, gleaming bath edge to give a moment for my brain to absorb the freedom. Once the moment of absorption was over I quickly jumped to my feet and raced up to my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed which was already messy and as I landed I saw a big plume of dust fly into the air. I sat for a moment in awe and then I pulled my pillow up to my face faster than you could say peanut butter and screamed really loudly with joy.

I suddenly heard a set of footsteps rustling around downstairs, I think coming from the kitchen area if I heard correctly. It unfortunately sounded like more then two sets of feet which never meant anything pleasant. It was quite surprising since today was my day of freedom but I thought I may as well go downstairs to check it out anyways. I jumped up with a sense of relief to know that me going downstairs and saying Hi to the unexpected visitors was only a polite gesture. Nothing bad could come of it right? I mean if they had come for me they would have already have come up here...

I slowly crept downstairs to about half way down, just enough to listen into the conversation. Unfortunately I couldn’t see who the people were but by the sound of their voices there were two women and one man talking to my grandma. This surprised me a great deal because my grandma knew nothing about who I am behind the face which everyone trusts.


I could hear heavy footsteps working their way towards me. “I see you are awake my darling”

Time Freezes

My grandma comes over to greet my worried face with to me looked like an evil one. I was half sitting, crashed in the broken staircase which was now almost unusable. “I thought I told you to stay out of my way when I have visitors!”

“I am sorry but I thought they were here for me and I wa-“ I thought better then to continue on speaking. My grandmother was staring quite angrily at me but I could see the tiny part of guilt in her eyes.

“That is no excuse! You had no right to come down her and interrupt our conversation.”

“But grandma I could overhear your conversation and it was about me…” The fact that I didn’t overhear her didn’t matter, she didn’t need to know. I knew it was about me because her guest came to greet me straight away. No one ever talked to me when it wasn’t necessary, I don’t know why… I do look considerably reasonable and I am always polite to everyone (even though it sometimes kills me inside not to attack them). I always thought it was because of my undeniable beauty, if maybe people were overwhelmed and yet afraid at the same time but there was always something more to that explanation which I couldn’t figure out. Then I started to zone in and I could hear her impatient foot tapping against the newly waxed floor. I hated that part about her, she kept everywhere she used impeccably clean and beautifully furnished, but wherever she didn’t… it was always my place to clean and my place to furn-

“IZABEL!!!” She suddenly brought me back to my reality and I could now tell she had lost her temper waiting for me to say something. I didn’t exactly know what she wanted but I could tell she expected me to. I must have missed her saying something when I was in my mental rant.

“Yes grandmother?” I barely choked out the words fearing her response but I still kept my poker face, not letting any emotion slip by that she could use to her advantage.

“Is there anything you would like to say to me? My most polite, well behaved granddaughter” I hated it when she always repeated that threatening sentence. I was her ONLY granddaughter… I knew what she was getting at though so I replied with the most gentle and angelic voice I could come up with. Right now I could so use my powers and crush her into many tiny pieces, but I knew I couldn’t. There were many reasons why I kept my secret and this was one of them. The arguments we sometimes got into would be unbearable… a death sentence… on her part anyways.

“I am so sorry grandmother for stepping out of line and listening into your conversation and rudely interrupting. I promise never to do it again! As long as I remember anyways…” I managed to mutter the last part underneath my breath well enough so she couldn’t hear but she knew me better than that.

“I hope so, for your sake. Now you can re-enter the kitchen if you wish but don’t come crashing down again. Gracefulness is always helpful…” I could hear the slight disappointment in me in her voice.

“Thank you grandmother, I don’t know what I would do without you” I cringed at that remark as I knew it was true. She accepted the compliment and then I could see her mutter something underneath her breath which I couldn’t quite make out but I could only give you one guess what it was about.

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Hey guys,

If you already have read Chapter One - Look of Fate, I would suggest you reread it as I have slightly edited it and it may link a few things together. Thankyou for continuing to read my story and am glad you enjoy my writing xD I am still open to title suggestions, all titles will be taken greatfully into consideration. So far I have:
1. Deception - suggested by M
I am taking votes so feel free to let me know on your favourite!

Yours sincerely,