I Never Asked To Be Gifted...

Always Be Alert

The crystal glass went everywhere. Unfortunately it seemed to bounce a lot as well. I managed to cop most of it with cuts all down my legs and even a few on my arms and face. Then I suddenly realized who was in the room… With my blood spreading everywhere and my lacy, silk dress slowly soaking up the blood, I suddenly had a hungry stare on me. We used to be best friends… but after our unforgettable, violent fight we have become pure enemies. That one fight ruining it all… Any chance now she received to wound me she took with forethought. Her rich sky blue eyes fell upon me within an instant, starting to slowly turn pure black which meant she hadn’t been hunting for a while… Although her self control for a newborn was usually pretty good, she could slip really easily. I’ve seen it happen before, thankfully with me not being the poor victim. I am glad I am not a vampire myself, I don’t think I would have the self control to hang around humans as much as I would have to.

I slowly started to back away, make my way out before I have Isidore and especially Emily attacking me. Although Emily was impeccably fast and her ability to see all her actions within the next ten minutes was usually correct, I decided to trick her and tackle her to the ground. This was actually quite a risky move but thankfully it worked. This meant now I had a few seconds of time to seduce her into a confused state. Controlling people’s emotions is one of my three special abilities. I find it harder to control an immortal’s emotions but it wasn’t impossible. Unfortunately there was a setback to controlling emotions and that was it affected my own, usually putting it out to the extremes. This meant I had to be extremely careful when I was around my grandmother and controlling emotions.

I concentrated really hard on Emily trying to think about her emotions only but for some reason I was real weak. Usually when I was determined like this I could persist enough to take full control. Then I realized why, I didn’t have my mark present. I had forgotten about the one loss with freedom, powers were weakened. Then a sudden wave of fear washed over my whole body and I completely froze. Here I am sitting in a completely vulnerable position not being able to move at all. I actually didn’t fear much but this was one of the few things I did; being so vulnerable. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as well as a burning sensation in my shoulder.

The pain was very quickly becoming unbearable and I looked at Alley with a pained look. She quickly understood what I meant after half a minute of quiet hissing to grab her attention and broke all of the powers instantly. I half smiled and realized Emily was still biting my shoulder, I quickly rammed myself into her. I knew I couldn’t hurt her but it was enough to get her to stop. She flew back into the kitchen cupboard door and made a huge dint which managed to destroy the door frame as well. I quickly looked up to see if my grandma was still in the room as I knew she would get really angry because of the damage. To be honest I don’t see why we live in such a fragile house with having so many ability fights happen during authority meetings but I always did get a good laugh at the damages. I noticed that grandma wasn’t still in the room, which meant she must of left sometime during the conflict. I do believe she leaves because secretly inside she doesn’t like seeing me get hurt, although she hasn’t rescued me from a fight I can see it in her eyes. The belief in me, the hope I make it out alive and the wishes I wasn’t so powerless.

I decided to get up, have a shower and clean off. As far as I was concerned this fight was finished. I had Emily smashed into the cupboard, Isidore being scolded at by Alley and Chellzie sitting on the bench top sticking out from under the window and staring out. Chellzie has always been the graceful, non violent type and uses her powers only if necessary, which is why she is one of the highest ranked authorities. I still had to get ready for school and being 6:45 I was running a little late. I was planning to arrive at school early this morning as I still had an assignment to complete before fourth period; I just had to put in the finishing touches. To be honest though I was exhausted already from the lack of sleep and the power concentration just before but I didn’t have a choice. Being the end of term and all I couldn’t afford to miss a lesson.

Whilst I was leaning on the doorway having a power nap, Isidore decided to have another crack at me despite the lectures from Alley. She was still pumped and still wanted to have a serious fight, with obviously her being the winner for once. I received a powerful slap to the cheek and a hard punch to the stomach, which made me fall to my knees in unexpected pain. I quickly found out my tough skin was also lost today which now meant this was where the fun started…
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Hey Guys,

Thank you for continuing to read my story and I am glad you are looking forward to what will happen next. Hopefully for the next few weeks I will be able to post chapters more frequently as I am on the last week of term at the moment. I am still searching for a title, so hopefully now with the some more information it may help. The title suggestions so far:
1. Deception - suggested by M

Yours sincerely,