Status: Completed

This Love Was Accidental


Ashlee Moore's the name and doing what she wants is her game. 21 years of being the type of girl that follows her own rules and not having the slightest care in the world is what she's good at. Ashlee has learnt at a young age that life is what you make it, and has been doing everything in her power to achieve her life's goal; being successful and owning her own business.

Jack Barakat has known Ashlee and he has come to learn that what you see is what you get. She's the type of girl that does what she wants, when she wants. She outspoken, loyal, funny, kind, hyperactive at times, one of the boys, and she can be chaos but that's fine with him its part of the reasons she fits in so well with the group of boys. She's not afraid of being the only girl amongst a bunch of smelly boys, and is not scared to give as good as she gets.

She has learnt that by being friends with has it's perks, like helping her out on her goal, being known, and having great friends, but when you have good, you have bad and the down side is having the rumourmill in full motion about her and the boys of All Time Low.

Yes, at one point one of the rumours where true, that her and Alex were dating, they dated for five months, but found that they thought of each other more of friends then lovers, so on a mutual decision, they broke up and are still good friends. But the other rumours, like she hooked up with Jack, she's slept with Rian, she's pregnant with Zack's baby, are all fake.

In the years of knowing her, Zack and Rian has seen her grow and watched her relationship with Alex and Jack from the sidelines. They always thought that Alex and her wouldn't last, and thought that her and Jack were better suited for each other, and Alex came to recognize that. Not knowing that they actually love each other, Ashlee and Jack still claim they're 'just friends'.

I don't own Jack Barakat, or the other members of All Time Low, but what I do own is the contents, the character: Ashlee Moore and the layout. Everything here is fiction.
Title Credit: Break Your Little Heart - All Time Low.
Chapter Title Credit: You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift.
Layout Credit: Me, Google & Mibba.
Contents Credit: Me.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it.
Kaitlin xx