Bring Me to Life


They say there’s good in everyone. Sure, I can agree. There may be good in everyone, but it’s useless unless acted upon. And in my case, I suppose I’m useless.
Hi, I’m Rin. I’d say more about myself, but I really don’t think you care. Plus, I’m not up to telling my life’s story to some total stranger. So, instead, you get to hear about the end, and beginning of my life. And yes, I put those out of order for a reason. So I hope you’ll listen to my story. I know the good in you wants to. Actually, this is how it all started…or ended you could say. I’ve never been one to act on the good. I just do what I can to get by…but something in me changed that day. And I don’t know why.
“Hey! Wait for me!” A voice sounds out behind me, making me turn to look for a brief second. I know they’re not calling for me…no one ever does. His small figure races across traffic, but mother always told you to look for a reason. I suppose his decided to leave that particular lesson out. So, in a fit of utter stupidity, that was the day I lost my life for a stranger. But who isn’t a stranger? And do I regret it?
You’ll have to see for yourself.
All right…so I’m not technically dead. Sorry to disappoint you. Just lying there…and yes, I’m watching my body right now. It’s as freaky as it sounds, believe me. But that’s not the only thing that has me freaked out. Beside my dull, hollow shell is the same stranger I saved. So…we’re the only two (Or would it be three? I’m not entirely sure.) in the room.
“Sir, visiting hours will be ending shortly.” A nurse sounds softly from the hallway. He looks up, nods, then hastily rises to his feet to leave the room. Not before uttering a gentle goodbye to my sleeping body. Hm, I thought his voice sounded familiar. It’s different when he’s not bellowing to the four men across the way. And putting all the pieces together, why didn’t I see it sooner? I just saved the life of Shinya, none other than the drummer of Dir en Grey.
He shuffles to the hallway, and I find myself unwillingly following, as if I’m attached to him somehow. A chain keeping the two of us together. Maybe I’m supposed to be getting something out of this?
“Dude…is she okay?” He turns to greet the new voice, as do I. Well would you look at that, it’s the fiery, red head.
“I don’t know. She’s in a coma…Oh god it’s all my fault!” Shinya’s voice quivers as his eyes tear up. Good lord, it’s not as if he knew me.
“Don’t cry! I hate when you do that!” Die sounds, arms rising in defeat. “She’ll be okay Shinny! People are always popping out of com…”
“She’s in a COMA DIE!!! And it’s all my fault!!! That should be me! Not some innocent girl!” He shrieks, eyes burning. Die yelps taking a step back.
“…It’s not as if you can change the past…”
How right you are Die.
Shinya shakes his head, pushing his way past the taller man, and I hesitantly follow listening to the rhythmic beeps fading. My lifeline.
“Oh Shinny!!! Are you okay?!” How overly dramatic…and of course the only person this could come from is Toshiya.
“Yeah.” Well if that isn’t a lie, I don’t know what is.
“You’re such a liar Shinya!” The male argues, quickly following behind us.
“Just…leave me be for a bit…I need some time to think.”
“Shinya…” But he doesn’t stay to hear out the odd looking man. Instead, he retires to his own hotel room, falling onto the bed in exhaustion, his hands covering his tired eyes. Timidly, I join him by his side, watching as his eyes meet mine. How eerie…it’s not as if he can see me. Before I know it, he’s out and snoring softly. His fingers brush over the soft fur of Miyu who’s crawled beside him as well, hoping to cheer up her friend. Sure, he may be the reason I’m in the hospital…but seeing him like this…I want nothing more than to comfort him as well. But I can’t even touch him…Of course, the one sense I’ve never wanted until now is the one I’m denied.
“Good night Shinya…it will be okay.” I whisper to the sleeping stranger. I can feel the faint pulse of his heart…and even that of mine. Did it grow?

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Let me know what you think of this. I'm not sure how the concept is-but I'd like some feedback ^ ^ Plus Shinya gets no attention. Poor boy :<