Bring Me to Life


Shinya’s POV:
“Shinya…you’ve been here all week. It’s not going to change anything. She’s alive, just….sleeping.” Kaoru sighs, his warm palm resting on my shoulder. I just shrug it off, wanting nothing more than to sit here by myself. Why can’t they see that?
“Patience comes to those who wait. Or so I’ve been told.” I utter, more than certain he couldn’t hear me. Shaking his head, our leader walks out of the room leaving me here with this stranger. Her ivory locks stick to her pale face, the machines beeping at a steady pace. Amazing…these are the only things keeping her breathing. With one simple tug, her entire life would end, again. It’s not right. And it’s my fault. I fall back into this damn uncomfortable chair, letting my eyes close so that I can think, or at least attempt to with all this noise. I’d never noticed before, but a hospital is a noisy place. Nurses holler at one another in the hallway, families cry, patients scream, monitors beep noisily, phones ring, even the birds outside the window squawk. But the one noise I’m dying to hear isn’t there. Sure, Kaoru is right. This girl is alive. But I need proof. I need to hear her voice.
“Listen…I know this is, um, weird? Obviously. I’m talking to a veggie pretty much.” I sigh. “No no no. I didn’t mean that!” I shake my head getting my thoughts in order, “Okay, Rin? I think…well that’s what the nurse said anyway. Rin, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you gave everything for me. You don’t even know me. I-I’m not worth saving, but you did.” I ignore the cracking in my voice and tears in my eyes. It’s true. This young girl, barely an adult, gave her life for me. All because I can’t watch where I’m going. Letting out a sharp exhale, I bring my chair closer to take her hand. It’s cold, and clammy. She’s been in this bed for a week…and it certainly looks like it. What manages to baffle me though is her sweet scent. Even after being caked in blood, washed with disinfectant, and swarming in sheets and hospital garb not belonging to her, she carries her own scent. I’m drawn to it. “Thank you.” I whisper squeezing her small hand. “I’ve never met anyone so strong…and we’ve never even met.” I chuckle to myself, praying she hear me. “I’m Shinya…and I hope we get to meet someday.” I whisper, a smile in my voice as tears caress my cheeks. And with that, I walk away.
Rin’s POV:
What a weirdo.
But hey, it was thoughtful.
I think to myself, picking at my stubby nails and following behind him, as usual. It can get old quick. I’m not gonna lie though, I kinda like this. He may be boring…but I like it. I want to know what’s going on in this man’s head. Why does he care so much about me? I’m just some comatose patient, probably not gonna wake up in this lifetime. Sighing, I move close to him, brushing my fingers through a strand of his unruly hair. Not that it does anything. I’m still not quite used to this.
“Dammit fix your hair!” I growl. “You look like a bum!” Huffing, I cross my arms, trying my best not to look. Surprisingly, he does, his other hand itching at his nose then delving into his pockets. Well that’s better. Thank you. I smile to myself, quite proud of my ghostly accomplishment. We head back to his place, the door being slammed through my body as usual. I always jump.
“Hey Miyu! Ready for dinner?!” He hollers to his tiny dog that vaults around the corner, dancing on her hind legs for food. Again, he scratches at his nose, this time sniffing the collar of his jacket too. Well this is new. Not going insane are you? Shaking his head quickly, he pours Miyu out a new bowl of water as well as her special blend of dog food. Talk about spoiled. I let him carry on with his boring rituals, lazily drifting off into the bedroom and resting on what I’ve claimed as my side of the bed. He’ll be back in enough time. Yawning, I stare at his blank, flat screen TV. Now is one of the times I truly wish I could touch things. Groaning, I roll onto my side as he undresses on the opposite, quickly crawling beside me and flicking the lights off. Again, he pinches his nose, sniffing his hair this time.
“I can smell her.” He mutters crankily before drifting off. I open my eyes wider.
“…You can smell me?” I whisper in one breath, utterly perplexed. He flinches, opening his eyes to stare directly at me making my heart skip a beat.
“Hearing things too?” He shakes his head before drifting off to sleep, grumbling about the brink of insanity. I just continue staring, breathing slowly trying to calm down my rapidly beating heart. What’s going on?
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Yay! Chapter 2 ^_^ Sorry for the long delay! Thank you to anyone who's waited patiently for this. Do me a favor and comment? Chapter 3 will be much longer, I can gurantee it. Thanks for reading!