Bring Me to Life


Shinya’s POV:
“It was the weirdest thing…I turned around and there she was!” I whisper to Kyo who has this look of sheer disbelief on his face.
“…Did you find Toshiya’s stash or something Shinya?” He eyes me suspiciously, taking a step closer to study my eyes. Huffing, I cross my arms over my chest, drumsticks whapping against my side. I’m not high. Dickhead. He interrupts my cursing with more ranting, only making my mood worsen, “Okay, there’s no way that woman made it out of the hospital. We were just there yesterday, and she wasn’t getting any better. Shinya...she’s not coming back. I’m sorry, but with a head injury like that…” He trails off making me shake my head violently. I know what I saw. I spoke to her. “Shinya, please listen. I’m worried about you. We all are. You haven’t been on your game at all. She’s killed you!” He barks making me take a step back. The man is small, but his words pack a punch. “Look, we’ll go to the hospital after practice like normal, okay? And she’ll still be there.” He sighs, returning to his position. It’s now I notice everyone’s eyes on me. I’m a stranger. Lowering my gaze to the floor, I take my seat in the corner of the room, hidden behind my heavy drum kit. It’s the one place I know I’ll always fit in.
“All right, we’ll take it from the beginning. Let’s do it right this time!” Kaoru nods, his dark eyes on me.

Rin’s POV:
Damn damn damn damn damn!!!!! I squeak in my head, careful so that he doesn’t hear me. Of course he’d check the hospital!!! Why in the world didn’t I just tell the truth?!
“See, Shinya, she’s right there, where she’s always been.” Toshi sighs, his arm around the feminine man and head shaking. “Please get some rest? For us?!” The tall bassist pleads, stooping down to eye level. That only aggravates him.
“I know what I saw!” Shinya growls. “I’m not sleep deprived, I’m not on anything, I’m as fine as I’ve ever been!” He shouts making Toshiya step back a couple of yards. Or vault. Whatever you like. I just bite my lip, hiding around the corner, peeking through the door’s window. Nice thing about being a ghost: My hearing is amazing. I guess being able to float through walls also means I can listen through them. I catch the sound of his feet beating against the ceramic tiles before the door flies open. If I had a body, no doubt my nose would be a goner.
“Shinya!” They all shout in unison as he books it down the hallway. Hesitantly, I follow, but only because the chain is so long.

He sits in the corner, staring down a vending machine. If looks could kill. I see the anger in his expression, but I can also see the sorrow and betrayal. I’ve done this. I’ve hurt him. I shuffle in my hiding spot as he lets out a cough, hugging his skeletal frame close. Taking a sidestep more, his eyes veer to my translucent body, instantly narrowing.
“Who are you?” He snarls making my heart sink. I’ve never seen him like this…to me at least. He rises from his seat, stalking over to face me down, moving to grab my wrist. I cringe as his clenched fist swings through me, his eyes growing wide in fear. But he doesn’t move away…he stands there, examining his hand before looking me in the eye.
“I’m Rin.” I whisper shakily. He just moves his head side to side.

Shinya’s POV:
“So I’m supposed to believe that you’re a ghost who’s been following me around the past month? Meanwhile, your ‘body’ is in there, still breathing and beating?” I’ve never heard a story so ridiculous. Where are the hidden cameras? But looking in her almond eyes, I know the truth.
“Yes.” She utters, her tiny frame shaking. “I’m sorry Shinya…I’m just as confused as you. One minute I’m on my way to the bookstore, the next…well, you get the picture.” She trails off, her voice quivering. I can feel as my expression softens.
“It’s just tough to take in.” My voice isn’t as sharp as before and I notice her hesitantly glance up at me. She really is beautiful. And I ended all that. “I’m so sorry Rin.” I frown, my palm unconsciously sweeps over the contours of her body as I move closer, fingers tracing what should be her soft jawline. “You’re really warm.” I note, smiling tenderly, resulting in a rosy pink painting her pale cheeks as her eyes grow wider. “Come on, let’s go home.” I sigh pulling away from her. “No doubt you know every nook and cranny of my place already?” I smirk coyly, making the blush on her face worsen, picking up her pace to match my own.
“I might.” She smiles to herself.

I didn’t know ghosts slept. She’s out like a light, snoring away, her tiny feet and fingers twitching occasionally. She may be in her early twenties, but she doesn’t look it. Her dark hair sweeps over her features, accenting the nearly black eyes on white skin. Her lips are a soft, luscious pink, and I find myself drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery that is Rin. She’s young, gorgeous, living but not, and she’s linked to me. But why? Her well endowed chest heaves as she lets out a rather sensual sigh, making my own cheeks flush momentarily as thoughts race through my mind. I’m enamored, with a ghost. I can hear, smell, and see her, yet I can’t touch her. I want to… I wonder…what does she feel like? What does she taste like?
Rin’s POV:
My eyes flit open momentarily, meeting his own golden ones. I notice his arm somehow wrapped around me affectionately, making a smile play at the corners of my lips.
“I thought you were sleeping.” He whispers, guilt swimming in his eyes.
“I still am.” I yawn making him chuckle, “You were thinking about me.” I state softly, making his cheeks flush.
“Sorry, won’t do it again.” He grins sheepishly making me smile. “Umm…can I try something?” He adds hesitantly, unsure of my answer.
“Depends on what it is.” I whisper, my eyes drooping shut occasionally.
“…May I kiss you?” He asks sweetly, making me blush a million shades of red as my heart thrums against my chest. My head nods of its own accord, knowing there’s nothing more I want than his lips against mine…even though I won’t feel it. Moving closer, his fingers dance along my chin making me crane my neck as my eyes fall shut. His lips flutter over mine in an odd exchange of affection, fingers brushing through my hair as his tongue slips between my parted lips, sweeping over my own before pulling away. “Goodnight Rin.” He whispers, smiling softly seeing that I’m out like a light. “Strawberries.” I hear him chuckle, wondering why he’s talking about my favorite fruit. Oh well, something for another day.
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One to go :( How sad.