Status: Hiatus. until further notice.

Something to Believe In

No One You Can Save That Can't Be Saved

The three scientists walked out of their workplace. Each wearing a white shirt, a white robe with their names in the corner and black pants. They all followed the girl with short blonde hair into her car and rove off. They arrived at a nice restaurant and went inside. The waiter was young and escorted them into the back. The lights were dimly lit and the place was empty except for the few stray couples who were placed about, which made the place seem almost empty. The three were seated in a booth in the back corner. The there was a big mirror on the wall above the booth with lights on both sides. One of the lights were burnt out which made the corner seem ominous and dark. The young waiter asked foe their drinks and left. A few minutes later four more people joined them at the table.

“Hello,” a man with a mustache said.

He shook the blonde headed girls hand first, then the brunette with her curly hair in a ponytail, then lastly the brunette boy.

“You must be Mr. Mendez,” the blonde girl said.

“Yes, and this is Mrs. Salazar, Mr. Garcia and Mr. De La Torre,” he said pointing to each one.

“I’m Olivia Ashford and this is Angie Lambert and Damion Reed,” the blonde one said pointing to the two beside her.

“Nice to meet you,” they all said.

“So what exactly is it that you have found?” Angie asked.

“We have found some relics and what many people believe to be the skeleton of and angel,” Mrs. Salazar said.

All three nodded.

“And we think you three would be the best group to study and examine it,” Mr. Mendez responded.

“Thank you, we will try our very best,” Damion said.

Mr. De La Torre was holding some papers, “These relics and the skeleton have, upon our discovery, been noticed by the public eye and most seem to believe that they are very sacred and not to be messed with. We believe they are prepared to stop at nothing to make sure everyone outside the country knows to stay away.”

Angie spoke up, “What does that mean for us?”

“Nothing,” he responded, “We have our best enforcement to escort you around the country to make sure nothing happens to you.”

“And how early will we be starting this?” Damion asked.

“We have tickets for you to fly out tomorrow afternoon,” Mr. De La Torre said handing them each a ticket.

“Thank you so much for coming out here,” Olivia said.

They all shook hands once more and exited. As they all piled back into Olivia’s car, Angie looked at her ticket, her parent always said she’d never make it, if only they could see her now. When they finally reached the parking lot, she got in her own car and went home. She lived in a two bedroom apartment, she always let her friends stay in the other room. She grabbed a suitcase and put everything she’d need inside of it. There was a big day ahead of her tomorrow.
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