My Slytherin Prince

I am Devynn Nott, daughter of one of the very first death eaters. The reason you've probably never heard of me, is because I was a disgrace to my pureblood family, I was a blood traitor, ever since I was little. You've probably heard of my brother Theodore Nott, he is, according to my father, an only child. The story I'm about to tell you isn't about me at all. It's all about the Slytherin Prince whom I despised so much
  1. Prologue
    This is just the prologue.
  2. Chapter1- Not Yet a Prince
    This chapter takes place pre-hogwarts
  3. Chapter 2- Newly Crowned Prince
    this when Devynn is seven/eleven
  4. Chapter3- Not In the Prince's Kingdom
    Sorting time
  5. Chapter 4- The Prince Thinks That He Has Unlimited Jurisdiction