Everything We Had

Prom night

I couldn't wait. I was ecstatic to see him. We've both been busy with school and our part-time jobs lately but tonight would be ours. I would make sure of that. My mom insisted on pictures before we left. Will was acting strange around my parents. What was he planing? As soon as we got into the car he seemed to go back to his normal self. We didn't say a word to each other until we got onto the dance floor.

“You look beautiful” he whispered in my ear as we slow danced.

“You look handsome” I whispered in his ear.

Once again silence until they showed the year book. I smiled when they showed me around my friends but it made Will frown.

“What's wrong?” I asked him. He just smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

“Nothing.” He said. I sighed.

We were going to leave but we got crowned king and queen.

“You've been silent pretty much all night” I said

“Just thinking” he said

“About?” I asked.

“You'll see” he smiled again.

He didn't take me back to the hotel after the prom but instead he took me to the beach. The prom was at a building not far off from the beach and we were in California.

“What are we doing here?” I asked as I took my shoes off to walk on the sand. I took my fishnet off too.

“That's the thing I was thinking about.” he said.

“The beach?” I ask

“No...just walk with me” he said. He wouldn't. Would he? Why? We're 17 and he knows I'm going to college. After walking in silence for 45 minutes he grabbed my hand and got down on one knee.

“I know that I may not be the best choice for this but I love you Sally and I want you to be mine until death do us part.” He said. I couldn't breathe as tears filled my eyes. I didn't want to hurt him but I wasn't sure if I loved him and on top of that I had more in life to do. I couldn't just go on the road with him and skip college. I couldn't skip getting a job. I couldn't let him support me. I just couldn't do that. It wasn't in me to let anyone help me.

I opened my mouth but words didn't come out. He sighed, stood up, and let go of my hand but I didn't let go of his.

“Maybe one day yes, but right now, no” I told him as I looked him deep in the eyes. After he took me back to my hotel room he kissed me as if he would never see me again. That one kiss that lovers give each other when they don't want to let go but have to. But do we have to? We never saw each other again after that. I heard he dropped out of school and started a band named The Academy is. My parents got divorced the day that I got home which made me wonder if my life could get any worse.

I saw Will but he was on the television and I was in my living room. He was in California and I was in Illinois. Hours, miles, years away from each other. Later that night it did in fact get worse.

“Why?” I asked with tears in my eyes.

“I just feel that it's time we say goodbye to each other...for good.” he said. I dropped the phone and just ran away from it bawling my eyes out. I thought he loved me...I guess...no. I know that I'm wrong about everything and everyone around me. Well I'm 19 now and William probably doesn't remember me so I'm not really sure when I'm feeling kind of excited to work with The Academy is.

This is going to be hell.
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Sorry that it's short. So! Tell me what you think? Please? Feedback? Anything? I don't beg for Comments all the time but only sometimes. Thanks for reading.