Status: Going strong!

I Never Knew, I Couldn't Have


Ehren is a rich boy who was adopted by a German family, and he knows it. He's under strict rule, and that's the only problem. He is not allowed to date until he is eighteen years old and kicked out of the system. In other words, he can't date until he moves out. He doesn't follow it, though. What fifteen year old boy would? His foster parents found out about a fling he'd been having, and now they're moving him across the country. Unfortunately, they're just taking him to something more dramatic.

Emerence is a dumpster baby. A young French couple had just started walking home from a nice dinner, and heard crying in an alley. Upon investigation, they found a new born baby. Naturally, the two kept her and raised her as their own. Emerence is a free spirit, and her parents respect that. She is allowed to do mostly what she wants. In turn, she follows every rule her parents do set for her. She also encouraged everyone else to do the same. Until she met Ehren.

Ehren is the only one of the two that knows he was adopted. Neither of them knew they had a twin. So when Ehren fell madly in love with Emerence, he didn't know what he had done. Then signs, small signs, started popping up everywhere. And then...

{This is an original co-written story with Kvieta Vindi and we encourage you to read, enjoy, comment, but don't encourage you to steal. Thank you.}