Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3




"He's about 5'10. He has a muscular build from various workouts and from swimming. He loved the beach, which was obvious from his tan. I could bet that his arms are probably 3 times the size of mine. He may look intimidating, but as soon as he smiles, you know you're safe with him.

"He's got longish black hair, and when we met he always had a hat and bandanna on. It's all spiky and crazy now."

My cousin laughed, sitting forward, waiting for me to continue with the very in detail description of the man I'd been seeing. I smiled and blushed, picturing him in my head. He was practically perfect. But he had to have some sort of flaw. I mean, everyone has some sort of flaw.

I'm such a pessimist.

My cousin, Charlene, gave me a nod, her brown eyes begging for me to continue. I smiled once more.

"His eyes are a deep chocolate brown, and if you really want description, his eyelashes are long. I wish I had them." I laughed to myself. "His nose is cute, and it's pierced. He's got a little stud in it right now. His cheeks are high, and his jaw is squared. His features are defined well. I swear, God molded his face to perfection."

Charlene and I both laughed at that.

"His lips are thin and pink, but usually lips are pink. And I can't think of anything else."

"Does he have any tattoos?" I nodded. "Any other piercings?"

"Besides maybe his ears, I don't think so." I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember anything else, but I couldn't. I was seeing him tonight, so I'd be able to memorize more of him.

I really liked this guy.

"So, besides his looks, he must be quite the charmer." Charlene said, taking a sip of her glass of water. I nodded, opening my mouth to talk about his personality.

A knock on our door sent us both into giggles. Brian was at my door, waiting for me. This was our fifth date, and he hadn't told me where we were headed. I quickly adjusted anything out of order and stood to open the door and let Brian in. My stomach tied itself into knots and I tried my hardest to push back all my giggles of nervousness.

I opened the door to see Brian in a pair of dark washed jeans and a black button down shirt, holding a bouquet of red roses shyly. I could stop the blush that crept up my neck. He smiled, handing me the roses before kissing my cheek. This man was amazing.

"Hey." He said quietly, his face rather close to mine. I felt my heart rate increase.

I mumbled a greeting before he grabbed my hand and led me out of my apartment building. Charlene closed the door behind us, but not for yelling something about getting me home for curfew. I glared back at her as she grinned.

"So," I spoke after we started driving, "Where are we headed?"

Brian looked over quickly at me, shaking his head. I saw him smile as he lifted his left hand to his lips and pretended to zip them shut. I pouted, slumping in my seat like a child. Brian only laughed.

Ten minutes later, Brian pulled up to a small park. I raised my eyebrow, wondering why he wanted me dressed semi-formal to go to a park. He said nothing as he walked over to my side of the car and escorted me over to where he wanted me to be.

We walked for a few more minutes, pushing our way through a set of bushes before we stopped in front of a small picnic.

"A cliche picnic date?" I said, staring at all the tiny candles that littered the area.

"Of course." Brian spoke, sitting down on the red blanket. I smiled down at him, sitting down on the other side. He pulled out a bottle of red wine from the basket beside him, along with two glasses. He handed me a filled glass, winking at me as he poured in enough to make me obviously tipsy. I shook my head, smirking.

"So," He began to speak, grabbing my hands, "move in with me?"

I choked on the wine I'd sipped, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?" I said, looking into his nervous, yet confident eyes. I couldn't believe after only five dates with this man, he wanted me to move in. Brian nodded, squeezing my hands.

Should I?

"Well, I don't know if I can move in..." I started, quickly finishing when I saw his shoulders slump and his eyes flutter down to the blanket. "...but I can definitely stay there until I can convince my cousin that I'm old enough to move out." I giggled. His eyes snapped back up to mine as he dived on me, narrowly missing the glasses.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the crappy first chapter of my new story. :]
I don't remember if I mentioned it in the description, since I made that like, 2 weeks ago...but this is based on a dream I had. I know some stories may have the same idea as mine, but mine is different, trust me.
Comment, suscribe, be awesome?