Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



It was the anniversary of my third month imprisoned, and I felt sick. Something was going to happen. Something was going to go horribly wrong. My stomach turned, my heart thudded harshly against my weak ribcage. My mind raced for a possibly outcome, but came up with nothing.

Frustrated, I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. My eyes were shut tightly, my eyebrows furrowed.

I tried to push the dread to the back of my mind. I tried to focus on other things.

The door swung open beside me, but I ignored it. Matt walked up to me, kneeling in front of my unmoving form. I twitched when he placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"What's wrong with you? No one's touched you for at least a couple weeks. Why are you all.. nervous looking?" Matt commented on my appearance. I shook my head, standing up and walking past him, up the stairs to the bathroom, slightly excited that it was my shower day. I clutched the towel Matt gave me tightly around my body. My clothes were being washed.

After Brian had me once, he wanted to make sure I was clean for every possible moment he needed me. He told Matt that the idea of doing the deed with a disgusting smelly chick was repulsive. Matt was ordered from then on to force me to shower at least 3 times a week. It was the one thing I looked forward too.

So far Brian's only touched me twice, but each time was satisfied with my scent.

Because I completely care what he thinks about me.


I passed Jimmy and Johnny in the kitchen. Each of them stared me down until I was out of sight. I heard Jimmy yell at Brian about how I was healthy and needed to get some more scars. I bit my lip, trying to keep my temper down. Stopping, I took a deep breath before pushing the bathroom door open. I looked back at Matt, pleading with him to come up with an excuse for me to leave, but he only pushed me forward with an encouraging look.

Brian smirked at me as I stumbled across the tiles. My immediate response was to frown at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh darling, don't give me that attitude. I haven't touched you in a couple weeks. This is over due." Brian spoke, standing up and walking casually over to me. His face came close, his breath falling like satin sheets down the bare skin of my neck. His arms wrapped around my back, keeping me from moving away from him. "You love our alone time, you know you do."

"In you're twisted dreams I do!" I spat back, shoving against his bare chest. He was already ready for our "delightful" shower day together, a towel was wrapped around his lower half. This was only my second experience of a shower day with Brian, and the first one was enough to leave me not willing to have another. "What is with your recent obsession with shower sex anyways?"

"It's not an obsession. I'd just like to get two things done at once. Make you smell good and have some fun all in one go."

"Fuck off Brian."

"Whatever. Drop the towel." Brian said, turning around to turn on the shower, of course to the hottest it could possibly be. I held the towel up, refusing to let it go. Brian turned around, rolling his eyes at me before walking the few steps to me and tugging on the fabric.

At that moment a loud scream alerted us both.

Brian's arm reached back and turned the shower off.

"I guess our newest resident is here." He smirked at me, leaning down to pick up my fallen towel. His lips pressed against my stomach, lingering for a few moments. I scrunched up my nose, disgusted, and pulled the towel around me.

"What the hell do you mean new resident?"

"Let's go see!" He cheered, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the bathroom. I shook my hand around, trying to free it, but he would let go. I huffed, giving up.

The sickening feeling came up quickly.

My cousin was curled up on the ground beside the couches, the guys standing around her quietly. I could her her silently sobbing. My heart shattered in my chest.

"Charlene!" I cried out, trying to run and comfort her, but Brian would let me go. "Brian, let me the fuck go! I need to see her!" I demanded, punching his chest over and over. He said nothing and grabbed my other hand, leaving me defenseless.

"Shut the fuck up Meghan."

"No! Please!" I shouted as Zacky grabbed Charlene, pulling her to her feet. She started to thrash around, not willing to let him touch her.

Her eyes found mine, but she had nothing to say.

"Bring her to the other room. They can't be together."

Zacky pulled her down towards the basement. A few tears fell from my eyes.

"Why Brian!? Why did you bring her here?!" I turned, yelling right in his face. He was emotionless.

Without any words he forced me back towards the bathroom, pulling off my towel before the door shut. Each man in the house got to see me completely naked, and I think Brian wanted that. It was embarrassing. It was like Brian was showing them what they could have, like some sick advertisement. What sickened me the most was that, even Matt, who I felt the closest to, looked interested in ravaging my body.

The door clicked shut behind us, still no words being spoken. My mind was black, my eyes focused on the tiles, tears blurring my vision.

In the distance, I could hear screaming.

I soon realized it was my own.

"Meghan shut the hell up!" Brian yelled at me, covering my mouth with one of his hands. I gasped, thrashing around, trying to free myself. He actually looked like he was having difficultly calming me down. I continued to thrash around until he let me go. He back away, shaking his hand. Without realizing it, I'd bitten him. I made him bleed.

He stared at me like a bull about to attack a target. I quickly regretted my freak out.

Grabbing me by my shoulders, Brian pulled me forward. He smirked at me before throwing me into the door, making sure that my head would collide harshly with the wood.

I began to cough. I couldn't breathe. One of my hands fumbled its way to my head while the other grasped at my throat, trying to ease oxygen into my airways. My body slid down the door, my eyes never leaving what I thought was Brian. His silhouette was dark, and nothing was focused. I could feel myself leaning to the side, becoming dangerously close to loosing my balance and falling over.

My head hit the floor pretty hard as well, and this time it caused me to immediately black out.

When I awoke my stomach was burning. I cried out, squinting at the bright lights that attacked my eyes. I could hear men laughing, but I couldn't figure out who it was.

I closed my eyes to avoid the bright lights. My fingertips ran across my stomach. Large gashes covered my torso. Blood coated my fingers. My eyes fluttered open once again. This time the lights didn't bother me as much.

I bit my lip, leaning forward just enough to see what happened to my body. I nearly got up to rip Brian to pieces for the mess he made.

My bitch :) was savagely scribbled in what looked to be razors.

I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So because I'm retarded and thought I posted the last chapter WEEKS ago, you get two since I just finished this one :]

I best get lots of comments!