Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



"Why did you scream all the time?" I asked Charlene, pressing my back up against the wall. My butt hurt a lot, but after 5 months of sitting, it become more and more tolerable. Charlene was picking at her new discovery, making sure to move away from it if she heard any movement.

"I was scared as hell. Those men are intimidating and not exactly friendly. I'm looking to get out of here asap."

"Did Zacky rape you?" I asked bluntly, looking up at her with a blank, lifeless expression. My mind immediately shot back to that day. My body shook, remembering how it felt. I could vividly remember how his green eyes were almost angry looking. I could tell that those eyes once held so much brilliance, and now they were full of hatred.

And then I could remember how I felt when Brian touched me.

His kisses weren't loving like they used to be. I no longer wanted them.

I tried blocking Brian's face, his loving smile, from my mind, but it sat there like a permanent image that'd been super glued to my eyes. I looked at Charlene, but I could also see Brian's damn smile. I furrowed my eyebrows, biting my lip, filled with frustration.

Charlene was staring at me. She looked hurt, like someone had just punched her in the gut. Her eyes grew watery, and I knew the answer before I came.

"Yes." She spoke quietly, dropping her head in shame. I simply nodded in understanding and looked towards the door way.

I could hear footsteps falling down the stairs, ones that sounded like Zacky's.

Charlene seemed to go into panic mode, pacing the floor before sitting down abruptly beside me. I could careless. I was used to it. Used to any abuse that he'd throw at me.

When he walked in, I felt Charlene move into me.

"Well, ladies. Today's my birthday, and we're having cake and shit. So I'm taking you up to get cake and shit since Matt insisted we give you you're "last piece of sweetness" before you die." Zacky looked at both of us. He quickly glance at Charlene, who looked away quickly, before looking directly into my dead and cold eyes. I was amazed the ice in my eyes wasn't freezing him alive, although I definitely wished it had.

"And then after you both have to give me something... You know, since it's my birthday and all." He winked, making Charlene shiver, and me glare. Over my dead body, I thought.

Brian wouldn't allow it.

I frowned at myself, making Zacky glance at me strangely.

Fucking mind, go away.

We were escorted, kindly, up to the kitchen where we were seated. I was in between Matt and Brian, who quickly decided to bother me and put his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off, but he only replaced it in the same spot. I gave up after the 5th time. I guessed he just really wanted to touch me.

But he wouldn't be able too for long.

I'd either kill myself or escape within the next few weeks.

Charlene sat on the other side of Brian, looking scared shitless. In my mind I felt she deserved it. It was her fault we were trapped. But I knew that I didn't believe it. She was my cousin, and I loved her.

"Must you touch me?" I asked Brian, pinching his hand that hung above my breast. He flinched for a moment. Adjusting himself, he elbowed me in the ribs as some form of punishment.

"Yes, I must, now shut up. We're singing now."

They did the whole 'Happy Birthday' song, Zacky blew out his candles and such. It wasn't too great. Jimmy ran in with a case of beer and a few packs of cigarettes.

"I'm gonna have to tie you up for tonight. Who should take care of Charlene?" Something cold and hard wrapped around my wrist. I looked down to see a hand cuff, connecting me to him. I mumbled cusses under my breath, but I knew Brian could hear me. I wanted him too. I pointed at Matt, knowing he'd take care of her.

"But it's Zacky's birthday, let's give him some fun, okay?"

Zacky smiled viciously, grabbing the extra set of handcuffs and pulling Charlene across the table, connecting their bodies with the snap of the cuffs. She whined, fear over took her face. Her eyes locked with the insane man she would be staying with, her knees buckled. She dropped to the ground, taking him across the table before he fell beside it.

I stiffled a laugh.

"Please Meghan, don't leave me alone with him." I felt a tugging at my pants. I looked down to see Charlene pulling at my pants, tears falling down her cheeks. Her eyes were pleading for me to do something, anything. But there was nothing I could do.

"I can't hun, I'm so sorry." I said, pushing away her tears with my thumb. Zacky was crawling in behind her, looming over her frail body. He smiled again at me. He bit her shoulder, rubbing her sides. Soon, he pulled her out from under the table and pulled her towards his room. He took a bottle of some sort of clear alcohol with him.

I couldn't save her.

I stared at the place she once was, tears actually falling from my eyes. I could hear her crying, and Zacky telling her to shut up. I could hear it all.

Brian laughed beside me, taking a swig from his beer. I knew they were talking, I knew bottles were clinking together, I knew smoke was all around me. But I heard, smelt, and saw nothing. I was out of this world, in my own. Brian's obvious presence beside me was the only thing that kept me from falling completely into my dream world.

In my dream world, my boyfriend wasn't crazy. In my world, I was still at home. In my world, my cousin wasn't being raped and tortured in the room next to me. In my world, I didn't sleep on a cold cement floor, waking up with a sore neck every morning(or whatever time I woke up).

My tears tickled my cheek, so I'd wipe the off occasionally.

I could feel Brian's stare. He was rather close to me, close enough that I felt his breath. It already smelt like alcohol, and it always smelt like smoke. I knew his hand was travelling higher and higher up my thighs.

I don't understand why he was trying to tease me, or turn me on or whatever. I didn't want him, I didn't want sex. I didn't want anything to do with him.

He knew it bothered me.

He'd do anything in his power to bother me, torture me, and make my life miserable. Because he's crazy.

I didn't notice myself being forced to stand, I didn't fell myself moving. Brian picked me up bridal style and brought me to his room. I didn't know that he'd undressed me, and I didn't know that he was there at all. I didn't know I was there at all.

When I finally snapped back into reality, the room was dark. I could feel something soft, but rough running along my cheek. It was warm and comforting.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, I realized it was Brian, running his hand lovingly along my cheek.

It had to be a dream.

He noticed I could see him and dropped his hand and turned on his side. I felt cold.

It had to be a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought today was the 11th xDDDD

And this is your second update!
Hope you like it.

I must be confusing the SHIT out of you guys with all this weird shit. xDDD

