Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



When I woke up the next morning, I felt relaxed. My body was laying against warm sheets, my head and neck resting against a supportive pillow. Everywhere smelt like Brian, and I refused to open my eyes in fear he was still around.

But I also didn't want the idea that this was a dream to fly out the window.

Something hit me in the face as I stirred, trying to fall back asleep. I hoped I'd be able to enjoy the bed for at least another hour, but I definitely wasn't allowed to. Some sick fuck was probably loving every second of this.

I groaned as the hard thing slipped off my face and onto the bed. My eyes fluttered open, prepared for a blast of bright light, but it was still dark. I looked to the window to see that the stars were still shining brightly, and all I wished would be to run outside and lay under those stars. All I wished for was freedom, but all hope for that had been lost.

I'd be trapped forever.

The bedroom light was turned on as I looked over to the door way. I squinted and covered my eyes; burning from the brightness. I could hear Jimmy's laughter.

Of course he was that sick fuck.

"Get up, now. I want to show you something!" Jimmy jumped excitedly. He ran forward and gripped my free arm tightly. I was sent flying to the floor. "Get up! Get up!" It was like a twisted version of a little boy on Christmas morning. Jimmy was in pyjama's, had a winter hat on, and some slippers. Instead of an adorably annoying grin on his face, it was a sick smile. A smile that I knew would lead to bad things.

I stood up, my knees almost giving out. I pushed myself out of the door and into the main hall way. Jimmy was standing next to the couch, still bouncing. I rose an eyebrow. Everyone was in the room, except Charlene, staring at me. I panicked momentarily, thinking that maybe they had killed her. But they wouldn't. They wanted more torture.

Stepping closer to the couch, Brian held out his hand, urging me forward. I frowned at him, wondering why he thought I'd actually want to grab his hand. He had to be a complete idiot.

That wouldn't be surprising, since he'd changed so much already.

He can drop being sane to become some monster, and he can drop his intelligence to become a twisted moron. It all makes sense. Soon he'd shave his head and dye his skin purple and we'd have to start calling him Dextron or something ridiculous like that. He was pretty much an alien anyways, to me at least.

Then again, I am being a tad over dramatic.

Ignoring his outstretched hand, I walked around the couch, seeing a small body sleeping.
Charlene was sleeping.

Her face was spotted with purple bruises, along with her exposed arms. They didn't even cover her with a warm blanket. She was freezing. Little red bumps coated her skin.

Her expression was one of fear and hurt. She looked utterly terrified.

What disgusted me most was the dried up blood that mainly seemed to spot her lower half, along with the couch.

I looked up into Zacky's lifeless face. I couldn't even tell if he was guilty. He gave nothing away. He didn't even speak. Zacky was always like this, always blank. He was always in another world, or if he was in this world he never showed that he even existed. He wasn't human, he wasn't humane. He, like Brian, were like aliens.

I didn't even know what was happening. A fit of rage overcame my body. I could feel the pulsing of adrenaline running through my arms and legs. My vision went black. I could feel my fists pounding into something; skin and bone. The blunt smell of blood filled the room, which only made me more thirsty for revenge. I couldn't even hear, I only felt. I felt his pain, and I loved it.

The next thing I knew Matt was pushing me against a wall. I looked over his massive shoulders to see Zacky pressed against another wall, newly formed bruises around his eyes. I felt absolutely amazing. The blood that trickled down from his lips turned my smile into a brilliant grin. Butterflies filled my stomach. I felt giggly, estatic.

For once in the many months I'd known him, Zacky gave off an emotion. He was obviously in pain. His breathing was harsh and quick. His eyes flicked back and forth over mine.

I thought I was going crazy when his eyes seemed to darken.

"Let me fucking have her!" Zacky growled, pushing himself off the wall and launching towards Matt. He grabbed Matt's shoulders and pulled him off of me. Matt was too shocked to hold his ground.

It was too late, Zacky pulled his fist back over and over, causing me the same amount of damage as I caused him.

Snapping into reality, I shoved him backwards, trying to get my head to stop spinning. Zacky charged at me again, but I pulled my leg up and kicked him in the stomach. He coughed, leaning over to take in the blow. I backed up, waiting to see what he would do.

He coughed, and wouldn't stop.

Soon, her dropped to the ground, holding his stomach tightly. Jimmy rushed over, his sick smile finally gone. He looked too worried.

The excited butterflies quickly turned nervous.

"What, what did I do?" I asked, although it seemed quiet. Jimmy and Johnny were pestering over Zacky as he coughed continuously. Brian took off down the hall, looking for something Johnny called for. I stood silent, hands over my mouth.

Why did I care?

"What did I do Matt?" I asked again, looking up at him. He was staring at Zacky, just as worried as the rest. "Matt, what the fuck did I do!?" I called out louder. Matt looked at me, snapping back into reality.

"He has breathing problems, and used to have bad asthma as a child. I think you just brought it up again." Matt spoke quietly. His hazel eyes were filled with worry and confusion.

Worry about the health of your psycho best friend, or your sane best friends who's been abused by your psycho best friends? Not to mention that your sane best friend is in for hell once Zacky had been attended to. His eyes flickered from Zacky's shaking body to me.

His hand came up to grip my shoulder. I looked up at myself, ashamed.

But I still didn't get why I cared.

My heart yearned for all these men, yet they didn't deserve it. And I still felt like I'd known them all. Like they were all amazingly important to me.

My head though, thought that I should decapitate every single one of them, leaving Brian for last. I wished for him to suffer as each of his friends died in front of his eyes.

I was sick and demented, but humanity still lingered amongst the horror.

Zacky stopped coughing once Brian gave him some form of inhaler. He sat against the back of the couch, still staring at me. He didn't look angry anymore, but Brian certainly did.

"What the fuck you stupid bitch!" Brian said, walking towards me. His hand wrapped around my throat, pressing me against the wall. I scratched at his hands. My airway was completely blocked off. I began to choke, hitting Brian's arms and face to get him to stop. My vision was blurring for the 3rd time that day. My eyes fluttered, opening and closing with my shallow breaths.

"Brian, please." I choked out, slapping his arm as hard as I could, but it was more like a tap. I could see Matt in the corner of my eye, taking steps forward and back, wanting to save me, but being caught in between. "Please, Brian." But it only came out as random sounds.
I was dropped. I heard footsteps rushing over to me, but my eyes were closed. From his worried voice, I knew it was Matt.

He pulled me into his arms, slapping my face to pull me into reality. My eyes could barely stay open. My throat stung. I reached up to touch it, but Matt pulled my hand away. We were still on the floor, and I hated how cold it felt.

Matt said I fell unconscious with a very uncomfortable expression etched on my face. He said he pulled me off the ground and put me on Brian's bed by Brian's orders. He tried his hardest to make me comfortable, but I still woke up feeling like my body was on fire. The light, this time, was more than I could bare, so I kept my eyes closed at all times. I was still, never moving. When Brian came in to go to sleep, he stood watching me. I could feel his stare. He didn't move for the longest time, but when he did, he shuffled around a little bit and laid down beside me, never touching me.

For that I was greatful.

Charlene told me later that she saw me kick the shit out of Zacky, and it made her life.
♠ ♠ ♠
afunnylookingkid, heartbreaker hanley., SurfSkittles, GeekoFressh, chick1678, natalieFTW;, XFrankXIreoXisXHOTTx, pixiedeathbat, Sid Vicious;, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, StubbornChloeSmiles, a venom, neen!, Cross Out Jennifer, Maggie526, Alina, UnboundtheWildRide, Ekscape the Fate, rock princess, Jurassitol, A7X-Gc-luver, MsSynnieVengeance, When_September_Ends.
I love you.

Tell me if I forgot you. But if I did, I love you too.

I'm sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. My mind is really messed up right now.