Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



My nails were getting really long. Brian noticed and got Matt to cut them down. I told Matt to make sure they could still be sharp so I could cut one of the guys if they tried to hurt me. Matt told me for his sake, he couldn't do that. Brian would be too pissed. I frowned and tried the puppy dog look, but he avoided eye contact.

He ruins all my fun.

Matt noticed something else. My lack of womanly needs once a month.

"Are you pregnant?!" He suddenly asked once day. His eyes bounced from my stomach to my own frantically. I gave him a look telling him he was being stupid and shook my head.

"In times of traumatic situations and hardcore stress, usually a woman can't have a regular period Matthew." I felt like his mother explaining it, but his expression grew more relaxed. His eyes stopped bouncing and just stayed on my own. "Besides, I've had to take birth control to regulate my period and I don't have that here."

I twisted and pulled on the loose thread on my clothing absentmindedly. All I could think about was the possibility of one of them impregnating me.

Would Zacky's kid be just as fucked up as he was? It'd probably kill me in the womb. And Brian's child? It would turn on me just like it's father. Either way, I knew neither child would have my eye color, and would curse me each day with a bright green or a deep and endless brown.

Thank god there was only a 5% chance of conceiving a child during rape. At least that's what I thought.

But what about the times I seemed to enjoy my time with Brian?

Was I actually pregnant? I doubted it. Unfortunately, now the thought of that possibility wasn't leaving my head.

"I'm sorry, I don't know this stuff." He coughed, looking away from me. Something was bothering him. I could tell by the way his shoulders were stiffened, and his eyes were distant. His bit his pierced lip constantly, sighing occasionally. "It's been a while since I've been around a girl..." He grew distant, taking a step back. Copying my position, he slid to the ground in front of me, leaning against what I'd began to call my "freedom wall".

Charlene and I were just waiting for enough time to rip down the cardboard and slip out the window. I've contemplated leaving her, but I just couldn't.

"Matt, can you get me a pregnancy test? Now you've got me all paranoid."

He nodded, staying silent.

He sat, awkwardly for a while. Our eyes locked occasionally, but quickly parted. I felt the need to talk to him, make him feel better, but I couldn't force the words through my vocal cords and out my mouth.

He got up and left suddenly, startling me. The door shut loudly beside me. I sighed, not sure if I liked being alone.

Charlene was shoved through the door, stumbling her way in.

"Hey cuz." She mumbled, holding her nose. Blood was trickling out between her fingers, falling gracefully down her face before dropping off her shin and to the floor. I gave her a questioning look. "I pissed Jimmy off. Told him if he wanted to fuck anything, he could fuck the toaster."

"The toaster? Of all things?"

"It was the first thing I saw."

"And he punched you in the nose for that?"

"No. He ripped the toaster out of its socket and threw it in my face."


She took Matt's place on the "freedom" wall, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm just happy it didn't break. I moved fast enough so the impact wasn't as horrible." I nodded, gazing at the ground. "And they're going to do something today. Probably rob a bank. So they locked that door behind me. But Johnny's staying behind, and I'm pretty sure the midget is sitting right next to the door."

I heard cussing from the other side of the door, along with a thump that sounded like Johnny kicked it.

"Yea, because he's too small to be intimidating." I mumbling, for only Charlene and I to hear.
"If you want I can come in there and keep you guys company!" Johnny shouted through the door. He didn't let us answer. He opened the door, glaring directly at Charlene. She looked up at him with an innocent smile, and offered him to sit beside her. He rolled his eyes and sat on a far wall so he could watch our every move.

With not much to discuss with Johnny the babysitter in ear shot, we stayed silent.

Hours later, I woke up to what sounded like a heard of elephants running through the upstairs door way. The boys cheered and laughed, dispersing to different areas. Johnny stood up and left.

"Thank god."

Soon to be replaced by Jimmy.

"GIRLIES! I HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU!" Jimmy jumped up and down, clapping his hands. I stood up slowly, not wanting to irritate the childish man, since I had no idea what he was capable of. Charlene followed suit, pushing herself off the ground and moving closer to Jimmy. He quickly grabbed both of our hands, dragging us up the stairs faster than we could move. His legs were twice the length of mine, so him walking was like me running.
I felt as if my legs were about to break off.

"You guys are out of shape! I wasn't even going that fast!" Jimmy complained, watching as we both bent over, huffing. My lungs we're going to collapse.

"Jimmy, stop killing them and bring them here." I hear Brian speak, from what sounded like the kitchen. I frowned, not willing to be in the same room as him, but knowing I had no choice. Jimmy grabbed us once again, pulling us harshly into the kitchen. I stumbled forward, landing on my knees.

"Fuck!" I cursed loudly, pushing myself backwards, onto my ass. I immediately pulled my knees into me, trying to ease the pain.

I was weak. Everything hurt.

"Fine, I'll announce the surprise while you stay on the floor." Brian said, pulling out something from behind him.

Two sets of handcuffs dangled from his hands, a deadly smirk set on his lips. He stood up, and I watched him curiously. As he got closer I got what he was trying to do and shimmied backwards, slapping at his hands.

"Brian, don't you dare..." I started, but stopped when he gripped one of my flailing arms tightly. "Don't you dare put that on me." I threatened once more, giving him a deadly glare, but he only smiled.

Soon enough I was attached to him.

One the handcuff was locked in place, he pulled me off the ground by my wrist.

"Who wants Charlene?" He asked, grabbing the other set of handcuffs off the kitchen table. Charlene stood up quickly, moving backwards, but Jimmy grabbed her before she could get to far.

"I think I want to get to know this lady here." Jimmy said, wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into her neck. Her eyes opened wide, disgust being obviously displayed. She squirmed, attempting, and failing, to get out of his grip.

I don't know why she even tried.

Brian attached them by the wrist, winking at Jimmy as he did so. Once he backed up he smiled down at Charlene, "You'll have fun with him, I promise. If he injures you, he'll fix you up too. What a bonus!" Brian spoke, placing a hand on her cheek. His thumb wiped away a stray tear. She glared at him.

"Okay boys, that's all." Johnny, Zacky and Matt left, but Matt didn't leave without giving me a comforting smile. I tried to smile back, but didn't do too well. It was too fake.

Brian didn't leave the kitchen with me, and neither did Jimmy. They both sat down on opposite sides of the table, passing a pack of smokes between each other. I eyed the cancer stick, pleading with Brian to give me some freedom. He noticed my look and rolled his eyes, throwing the pack at me. I smiled brightly, quickly grabbing 3 from the pack.

"You haven't let me smoke in a long ass time. I'm chain smoking." I answered his unasked question. Instead of taking the extra two away from me, he shrugged, lighting his smoke.
Within the first haul of my smoke, I felt ten times better.

My knees no longer were sore, my head no longer pounded.

I felt as if I wasn't attached to Brian with a set of handcuffs.

But that last one was destroyed when I opened my eyes, feeling something tugging at my wrist.

"Wake up! I have stuff planned for us today!" I rolled my eyes, enjoying every moment of my cigarette.

When I finished my first smoke, Brian tugged the second out from between my lips.

"First, we need some alone time." He smirked at me, and I could almost see the sick thoughts running through his mind.

I sighed, letting him pull me into his bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been a while.
I haven't really been in the mood to write.
Even when I haven't been upset about Jimmy's death, I just don't feel the urge to write.
Hopefully I'll get back into that soon.

If some of you haven't heard yet, there's a video on A7X's website, dedicated to Jimmy. It's truely amazing, and you get to witness some things you've never seen before. Matt also left a note on there.
I cried, laughed, a cried some more. :'[

But, drop me so ballin' comments, kay?

Btw, go check out my new story, "The Intake of Glass". If you're a Criminal Minds fan, you'll like it, I hope. ^-^