Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



I woke up the next morning; eyes red, body sore.

Shifting, I looked beside me to find Brian sleeping, a smirk permanently carved into his face. The new Brian had two emotions. Those emotions would be cockiness, and anger, both of which I dislike greatly.

Falling back onto the bed, I looked towards the window. There, sitting quietly on the window sill was a tiny bird. I stared at it, watching as it poked around, flapping its wings. Once it took off I felt envious.

I wished escape was that simple.


Matt was standing in the door way, trying his hardest not to make noise. Brian stirred, making us both stand as still as physically possible. He rolled over, tossing an arm over my waist. I glanced at him to see his eyes were still closed, and he was now drooling all over the pillow I was lying on. Cringing, I waited for a moment before crawling out of the bed. With every creak I looked back quickly, to find Brian still completely asleep.

Snoring, drooling, and all the works.

"What?" I whispered, finally entering the hall. Matt placed a box in my hands and pulled me toward the bathroom.

"I hope you have to pee." Matt pushed me in the room, closing the door behind me. I heard him lean against the other side, blocking any of the other guys from getting to me. I gazed down at the box, frowning.

If I was pregnant, I was going to kill.

Following instructions, I peed on the stick, feeling quite disgusted while doing so. I never wished for my hands to get splattered by my own morning pee, but unfortunately in my dazed state, I couldn't control much.

Not caring if I was putting urine on the counter top, I put the test down. I washed my hands with the hottest water the tap could create, and used half the soap available.

Or at least, I wished I could. The water couldn't get very warm, and the only soap to use was the bar of soap with hair on it. I gagged, trying to avoid the hair as much as I could. It was definitely the most disgusting thing I'd ever experienced. Even more disgusting than the weeks I wasn't allowed to shower.

"If I'm pregnant, I'm going to shoot something." I repeated continuously, not realizing that I was pacing the bathroom. Matt walked in without my realization. I heard him sigh, and that was the only reason I snapped out of my angry pace.

"Congratulations, you are in fact..."

He paused, biting his lip.

"Fuck off Matt tell me!"

"... not pregnant."

"Fuck yes!" I tackle hugged Matt, causing him to drop the peed on technology. "Matt, I'm not pregnant! I don't have to give birth to that bastards child!"

"What the fuck is this?"

Turning to the door, my mouth dropped. Brian, his hair messed up, his eyes dark, and only in a pair of boxers stared at the dropped test in his hand. His eyebrows were so close they were practically touching. I braced myself, falling off Matt to stand on the bathroom tiles. Matt and I both watched Brian, not knowing how he would react.

I just sure as hell hope it didn't involve pain.

Brian's expression become unreadable; his eyebrows returned to normal, surprisingly not leaving any creases behind. It was obvious he was thinking, using the test as an idea for something I wished to not experience.

"I would be a horrible father anyway." He finally said, dropping the test into the sink and leaving the bathroom. I watched as he seemed to lifelessly walk towards the kitchen, dissapearing behind the walls.

"What... what does that even mean?"I spoke, walking towards the door, staring at where Brian disappeared.

"I'm .. actually not sure at all." Matt said behind me, looking just as confused.
I shook my head and followed Brian.

"What does that mean Brian?" I said quickly, watching him light a smoke. He didn't look up, and continued to stare at the wall in front of him. "I said, what does that mean Brian!"
"What did you not understand? I said I would make a horrible father. It's just a point. It means nothing." Brian was slouched. His hands were pulling at his hair. Leaning back in his seat, he closed his eyes tightly, looking extremely frustrated.

I knew this Brian. This was confused Brian.

"Obviously that had a hidden meaning Brian. Just tell me what it meant."

"Can you stop calling me by my name?! It's not necessary to say each time you speak to me!" Startled, I took a step back, staring wide eyed at him. He was now sitting straight. His teeth were clenched, and if eyes could kill, his deathly glare would have me on the ground, bleeding 'till I stopped breathing.

"Fuck you asshole."

Brian stood, walking towards me quickly.

"Fine, let's make sure you get pregnant now. After I get back this afternoon, just be prepared for it." His fist swung back, hitting me directly in the cheek. I stumbled, closing my eyes tightly. I landed on my ass and into a wall.

I heard him walk past me, and do so again a few minutes later. I heard voices outside, and a car starting.

"Alright Meghan, let's get you to the basement." I heard Matt's voice, but I had no energy to react. I let him carry me down the stairs, and place me gently on the cool ground. "We'll be back in a couple hours. Make sure she doesn't get to sleep." Matt told Charlene and left.
Charlene shuffled and I felt her sit beside me. Placing her hand on my forehead she spoke,

"We're leaving tonight."
♠ ♠ ♠
Surry guys.
I haven't been writing much lately... :\

This story is coming to a close... unfortunately.
But I'd like to let you A7X fans know, that I have a new story being posted very soon.
If I had the summary up by my next update, I will definitely post the link here.
If you'd like to know, A7X+Shinigami(Death Gods)= badass motha fuckasss.
I'm excited to write it. ^-^

Anyways lovelies, please comment!

That's the new story. Check it out.