Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



"We need milk and pop tarts Meghan, and I always go shopping, so you go do it."

I rolled my eyes, staring my cousin down with false hatred. It was the morning, and I was never one to be cheery so bright and early. Being sent to get groceries did nothing to lighten my mood. I wanted sleep. Sleep made everything better. When I slept I didn't think. Not thinking, not remembering, not living was so appealing. I was never one for suicide though, so sleep was the next best thing.

"Fine, whatever."

My attitude had gotten worse it seemed as time went on. I expected Brian to show up any day now, taking me back to California where he would torture me, beat me, and finally kill me. Every time I opened my hotel door I expected him to be standing there, grinning at me maliciously before he grabbed my collar and hauled me off to his creeper white van.

Very cliche.

Grabbing my wallet and carelessly throwing on a pair of black flip flops, I began my walk to the nearest grocery store. Charlene and I had been smart enough to get a hotel near everything we'd possibly need, such as food. We maintained our stay by digging into Charlene's forgotten savings. She'd been planning on going to University, but never made it. Instead, she got a job as a manager of a clothing store back home, liked her pay, and forgot about school. I told her multiple times to go back to school, but my words were unheard.

At least the savings were going to good use now.

I entered the store, relieved at the freshness of the air conditioning. I was use to hot weather, but that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the goodness of the magic of air conditioning.

The store wasn't entirely busy, a few workers scattered, stocking shelves or sweeping the floor.

I found my chosen items quickly.

I walked to the check out with a quick pace, the aura of the store suddenly making my stomach turn to knots. I felt uncomfortable, unsafe. I looked around me quickly before I placed my items down, waiting to see anything threatening, which I didn't. Shaking my head, I shuffled through my wallet, handing the cashier my credit card.


Screams erupted as the gun shots continued, debris starting to rain down on everyone in the store. I jumped and clutched at my ears, wanting the ringing to go away. I let myself drop to the ground. People around me wouldn't stop screaming, the loudness was making me dizzy. I tried to crawl towards the doors, hoping that by some amount of luck I'd get out alive, unnoticed by the criminals.

"Oh Meghan, come back here!"

'Too late.' I thought, freezing.

Another gun shot rang out, more screams.

I gasped, pulling my knees to my chest, trying to catch the breath that had been taken right from me. Tears of fear brimmed at my eyelashes, ready to fall. I was prepared to die, shot in the back. I couldn't look at him as he killed me. My heart would shatter the moment I saw pure hatred in his eyes. I'd rather die without a broken heart, if it hadn't already been broken into thousands of pieces the moment I saw him kill those strangers.

I was lost in my own thoughts, not noticing the change of environment.

The store was quiet and still. No one squirmed, no one spoke a word. Curious, I looked up to my left, regretting it.

There stood a tall, muscular man. His face was covered with black, a mask no doubt to hide his identity. But through the material of the mask, and through the way his eyes seemed to twinkle down at me happily, I could tell he was smiling.

"I only wanted to get some free stuff and cash, and look at this. I found something even better!" The man laughed, letting his large weapon rest on his shoulders. He was extremely intimidating. He looked a little too muscular to be Brian. As I let my eyes lock with his, I noticed his eyes were not the same color as Brian's. Close, but no cigar.

It wasn't Brian.

The man looked down at me for a couple of my erratic heartbeats before he broke eye contact.

"Have you told anyone?" He spoke only to me, without looking at me. His eyes scanned the area, nodding towards someone. I quickly shook my head no, understanding what he meant. He knew Brian.

"What was that?" He asked, looking at me once more. The anger in his voice made me flinch, pulling my knees even closer. I muttered a quiet 'no'. That was enough for him.

"Well, we're busy right now, and you haven't made any mistakes... yet." He started, crouching down beside me. He reached forward, letting his large hand softly brush against my cheek. I flinched again. He sighed.

"Get out of here." He whispered, forcefully pulling me up, no doubt leaving a bruise. I stood, shocked, but moved quickly as he nearly threw me towards the automatic doors.

As soon as my body exited the building, the gun shots ensued.

I cried as I ran down the street, too afraid to call the police and save the people still trapped inside the store. I was selfish. I could have saved them. But I couldn't stay guilty. I didn't see their faces as they died. I chose my life over theirs.

My body collapsed underneath me as I entered my small new home. The rug I fell onto scratched up my arms, my legs, the stinging bringing more tears to my eyes.

I'd never been this emotional. Pain never had affected me like this before.

"Meghan..." I looked up to see my cousin standing with a police officer. His uniform gave him away. He looked down at me, no doubt with sympathy in his eyes. I turned away, pushing myself to stand and shutting the door behind me.


"Don't say it. Don't tell me you went to the police." I said, fuming. I looked straight into her brown eyes, wishing that I could hurt her. But I never would.

"She's told me everything, but I need Brian's last name, and address." The man spoke to me, trying to approach me. I quickly backed away, shifting my glare onto him.

"Do you realize what you've done?! I almost got killed again today, and my life was spared because I hadn't told anyone about Brian! They were waiting for it, and now I'm good as dead. It doesn't matter what you do." I said, pushing past the police officer and Charlene, making my way to my bedroom where I would begin packing.

"Just give me his last name and his address and we'll get someone on him."

I ignored him.

"Please, tell me."

"Haner, 345 Anderson, Huntington Beach, California. But it doesn't matter, because I know he has at least two other guys out to get me as well, and I don't know shit about them, so screw off."

The man left, closing the door behind me. I was left in silence, left in my misery. All because of my cousin, trying to look out for me. Now I was as good as dead.

"You are as good as dead hun, and you were doing so well." A new voice spoke from my window. I jumped, turning so I could look at the intruder. A man stood there, his bright blue eyes gleaming. He looked familiar. He had a face that someone wouldn't forget. He was awfully tall, and I knew that I stood no chance, no matter how skinny he was. But I couldn't help but make a break for it.

I quickly turned towards my door and dived over my bed, scrambling to get out of my bedroom to scream for help. My sheets tangled around my legs, making me fall to the floor. Of course, my kind of luck.

My cheek throbbed, my vision fading in and out. My head had collided with the floor, falling when the sheets had trapt me.

The blue eyed man didn't hesitate to grab me quickly before Charlene decided to check on me.

Blinking, I shielded my eyes from the bright sun when the blue eyed man pulled me out my window. Deciding it would just be easier for my eyes to be closed, I kept them shut.

Before I completely went unconscious, I felt the blue eyed man pull me over his shoulder, and I felt myself being put against something cold.

And then everything was black, my thoughts disappeared, and I was in bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Even if I pushed myself to write more, this probably still isn't all that long. XD
Oh me.

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Keep it coming!