Status: Finished! Sorry, I don't do sequels, mainly because I never stick to them. Make your own sequel in your mind, and make lots of sex? :D <3



So the plan was, I ruin their trust. If I try to make a break for it during lunch time, they'd catch me, possibly beat me, and start feeding me just in my room. Therefore, I could use the utensils for digging through the wood, or whatever I chose to do. But there was a flaw to my plan.

They could decide to not feed me in punishment, or kill me.

I huffed, taking the cool fork into my hands. I fumbled with it a bit, trying to take my time so I could plan out my idea carefully. My macaroni sat untouched on the table, waiting to be eaten. I could feel Matt's harsh stare, pretty much meaning that I was taking too long and that if I didn't hurry up he would beat me. Hopefully, he wouldn't. If he touched me I'd probably shatter into a million pieces like a watermelon dropped off the top of the building.

I only use that expression because for one, I love watermelon, I love explosions(even if the small sort), and me becoming many pieces would be very, very messy.

Finally, I let the fork drop the already cold macaroni on my tongue and immediately my stomach begged for more. Before I knew it, I'd shoveled most of it into my mouth without much thought. I didn't even get to think about a plan. I stopped myself quickly, staring at the few pieces left. Swearing, I looked up to see if Matt had noticed. Apparently he had.

Matt sat across the table, newspaper dropped in front of him, his one eyebrow as far up as it possibly could. I couldn't red his eyes through his opaque sunglasses, but I could tell that he thought I was screwed in the head. That must have been a sight to see. I probably would have laughed at myself if I had the chance.

I quickly looked away from him. I felt a blush creeping onto my face. My hand instinctively came up to cover myself, not wanting him to laugh at my behaviour.

When I heard a small 'clink' sound in front of me, I looked up again to see that keys had been thrown on the table.

"Matt, go get groceries. I'll watch her." Brian's familiar voice brought me away from the keys, and up to his face. It seemed to be set in stone, a constant scowl. Without a glance from Brian, Matt stood up and left, snatching the keys up in the process. Brian took his seat quickly. He let himself fall into a casual posture, his arms crossed across his chest. He made himself look a lot less approachable, like his arms had put up a barrier made of steel. It was unbreakable, and not even my puppy dog eyes would break him, like they always had before.

Sighing, I sat back into my seat, not feeling the urge to eat the last few pieces of pasta. My stomach churned at the idea of eating, and the idea of being in the same room as this new born monster. Momentarily I let the picture slip of Brian morphing into some large gelatinous monster. I had to bite my bottom lip in order to not laugh in his face. Brian probably noticed, and he began to watch my every move, but not uttering a word.

The walls were boring, and so was the black and white asymmetrical painting behind Brian's head. The floor was cold against my barely covered feet. The bottom of my jeans covered my heels, and that was about it. My toe nails were getting too long; it was slowly beginning to disgust me. The paint on my big toe was almost gone, while the rest were bare. The floor was also dusty, probably from the cigarette smoke that had collected and fell from the roof or something.

I regretted the thought of smoking, seeing as I hadn't had one in a while, and that would have been splendid at the moment.

And as if he read my mind, Brian lit up a cigarette, smiling at me while he took in a haul. I frowned at him, sitting further back into my seat. My eyes penetrated his, glaring as hatefully as I could. I should have never gotten into the habit of smoking, seeing as it was horrible for me.

Brian rolled his eyes, reached into his jacket, and tossed his packet at me. I grinned, quickly grabbing my on cancer stick and lighting it with his discarded lighter that sat on Matt's newspaper.

My body instantly melted, feeling the nicotine take effect quickly.

I welcomed the head rush.

Smiling, I grabbed one more smoke out of Brian's packet and tossed it back towards his direction. It landed in his lap I guessed, since it didn't land on the table and he hadn't reached to grab it.

My eye fluttered closed, and for a moment, I was back at home, enjoying that smoke while watching some TV. My body was relaxed, and I could distantly hear Charlene's Asian music playing in the background. I could smell the smoke, and the scent of our last dinner. The couch felt amazing against my strained and tired back, my legs happy to have the warmth of a blanket wrapped lovingly around them.

Until I opened them again and saw Brian staring blankly at me.

I scoffed, hoping that I was dreaming again.

"How're you enjoying that?"

"It's good, thank you. Now can I go home?"


I muttered under my breath, taking another haul of my smoke. Brian stood up and reached behind me. Curiously, I stared at him as he drew closer to my face. His eyes glanced down to my lips for a moment, and I saw him move forward closer to my face. I jerked backward, not understanding what he was doing.

He snapped out of whatever had come over him fast. He was back into his seat with an ashtray in front of him before I could blink.

I couldn't help myself. I stared at him with a million questions flying around my head like a rampaging caged bird. Although, if I had a rampaging caged bird in my skull, it would hurt a lot more than my thoughts.

The quiet was enough to make me want to scream. The smell of the smoke was not calming anymore, nor was my failed attempts at taking large, lung destroying puffs. Brian's eyes still dropped down to my lips occasionally. It'd began to bother me. My questions sat impatiently on the tip of my willing tongue. But my lips were the unwilling ones. They wouldn't budge. My vocals cords felt like they'd frozen in place as well.

"As weird as this sounds, I want to kiss you, even if you have become a bitch."

"Excuse me? I'm not the bitch you psycho!"

"Clearly you are a bitch, seeing as you turned you back on your boyfriend. I loved you, and you just ran. You wouldn't even let me explain!"

"I was fucking scared you idiot!"

Brian stood up quickly. My back was soon leaning over my chair, my torso touching the counter top behind me. He hovered over me closely, his face extremely close to mine. I heard my back crack. It was relieving for a very short period of time. Slowly I began to ache.

"I'd understand if I pointed a gun at you, or if I had done this to you. But I never would have thought about doing that to you. You betrayed me."

I managed to take a quick haul in my position. I stared widely up at Brian, trying to plead without words. If he had kept me like that for much longer, my back would have surely broken.

I watched as his eyes glanced at my lips once more.

My legs started to give out, not being able to hold my back up anymore, causing even more pain. I cringed, tears starting to collect. I struggled to keep a grip on the slippery floor, trying my hardest to keep from injuring my back anymore. I hissed in pain and groaned in protest.

"Let me go Brian. Please." I pleaded. A tear dropped onto the counter top underneath me.

I was let up slowly, his arms wrapping themselves around my back for support. I let my arms slip around his neck to keep my up. Even in a standing position it was hard to stay up.

Brian's lips left mine sooner than I could think about them being there. My fingers played with hair on the back of his neck. His hands massaged down my spine, healing whatever damage he'd caused.

But as soon as he felt me stand up by myself, he let go of me. He stood awkwardly at the door until Matt came back.

By that time I was already on the second cigarette I'd taken from Brian and had definitely had enough of this house.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

Matt nodded, being the one that usually took me to the bathroom. At first he didn't trust me to be alone in the bathroom, but I'd earned his trust. For then at least.

Then a thought crossed me.

Did I really want to break that trust?

He could save me.

Matt opened the door for me, letting me walk in by myself. I actually did my business while in there. I thought about what I should do.

I'd decided that no, ruining Matt's trust would not be a plan worth acting on.

But either way it worked out for me. Seeing as Brian announced that he was limiting my time upstairs and that now my meals would be brought down for me, and I could only pee once a day. I silently cheered.

Now to figure out how I was going to pry that board from my escape.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you likeddd it. :]
