Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 1

“Hey, who are you?” a voice asked. I turned around and saw a boy about my age watching me.
“Riley.” I replied with a small voice.
“Riley? Isn’t that a boy’s name?” the kid asked. I became defensive automatically, but didn’t say anything. I knew he could help me.
“It is, but I was named after my grandfather.” I said instead of cursing the kid out.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked, walking up to me. I immediately flinched away. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” he said. “I just want to talk. Get to know how you landed up at the end of our driveway.”
“Am I at the end of you’re driveway?” I asked, looking toward where the boy came from.
“Yeah you are.” he said, looking the same way.
“I-I’m sorry. I’ll j-just leave.” I said, standing up and running.
“Hey wait!” the kid called, but I didn’t stop.

It was one thing to pass out in front of someone; it was entirely different to do it on that person’s property. I continued to run, not knowing if the guy was following me, and not wanting to turn to check. After about 5 minutes I couldn’t run any longer. I collapsed onto the ground. I heard a car start to drive by me on the street, so I tried to hide myself, hoping the car would pass.

“There she is Dad!” I heard a voice call. It was the kid from up the road. The car pulled up beside me and car doors opened.
“Where you from girly?” the older man asked me.

I couldn’t respond. For one, I didn’t exactly know. Even if I did, I couldn't talk. I was too out of breath and to tired.

“What are we going to do with her Dad?” a new voice asked. It sounded like another kid.
“Take her to the hospital.” the older man said. I was too exhausted to respond. The older man lifted me up and put me in the backseat of the car. The boy I met up the road jumped in beside me while the other two got into the front seat.
“What’s goin’ on here Gilbert?” A voice from outside said.
“Nothin’ to worry about Paul,” Gilbert said. “Just Jeff thinking he seen something headin’ this way.”
“But Dad,” the kid beside me, Jeff, started protesting. Gilbert made a shushing noise.
“Do you want the police involved?” the kid in the front asked.
“Shut up Matt.” Jeff said. My fuzzy brain was still able to put two and two together. Paul… police... this Paul guy was a police officer. I quickly sat up, only to be forced back down by Jeff.
“Shh.” he said.
“Need... Paul.” I said. “Need… to… see... him.”
“Why?” Jeff asked, shocked.
“Might… be… family.” I said, trying to sit up again. “He might be my u-uncle.” Jeff looked to his brother with surprise. Matt tapped his father’s arm and told him what I just said.
“Are you sure?” Gilbert asked me.

I nodded, not realizing he couldn’t see me. Jeff said I was sure. Gilbert turned the car off and got out. I heard a knocking sound then a door opening. There were a few minutes of silence.

“That’s her.” Gilbert’s voice said suddenly, making me jump. I couldn’t lift my head, but someone grabbed my chin and tilted my head for me.
“She looks like my brother.” he mumbled. “But it’s hard to tell. Bring her inside. What’s her name?”
“Riley.” Jeff spoke up. “She didn’t tell me a last name, just Riley.”
“Stay in the car.” Gilbert said.
“Dad, can I walk home? Mom should be home by now.” Matt’s voice asked. A car door opening and closing told me that Gilbert agreed.
“Help me get her inside Jeff.” Gilbert said. Jeff grabbed my arm, but I pulled it from his grasp.
“I can walk.” I said, forcing my head up and forcing my legs to move. What I wasn’t able to force, however, was my legs to support my weight when I stood. I started collapsing again, but was caught by Gilbert or Paul.
“I can walk.” I heard Jeff mimic sarcastically. I winced as Gilbert carried me into a bright house.
“Paul, what’s going on?” a female voice asked.
“Nothing Marylyn, the Hardy boy, Jeff, found this girl. She’s claiming to be my niece.” Paul said.
“She’s not too certain, she’s exhausted.” Gilbert said. They laid me on something soft, a couch. I instantly started falling asleep.
“She can stay here tonight. I’ll call my brother in the morning and ask him about her.” I heard Paul said. I felt a blanket get tossed over me, and the feeling of warmth swept me away.
“Goodnight Riley.” someone whispered. I didn’t know who it was, but the person moved hair from my forehead as I started falling asleep.
“Come on Jeff. Let’s leave her alone. I’ll bring you back up tomorrow.” another voice said. The person touching my hair left. Soon, the only thing I knew was darkness.

~Time Elapse: 2 years~

Bright lights were the only thing I could distinguish. I stirred and rolled over in my bed. I was not ready for the day.

“Better wake up Riley, Jeff’s on his way over.” My aunt was saying. At the mention of Jeff’s name, I quickly sprang from the bed and threw on the clothes that were lying out on my dresser.
“Make your bed too young lady!” my uncle’s voice called from the living room.
“Okay Uncle Paul!” I called out. After tying my shoelaces, I quickly made my bed and went into the living room just as a knock sounded at the door. I ran to it and threw it open, knowing it was Jeff. It wasn’t, but I knew who it was instantly. Officer Malcolm, my uncle’s partner.
“Reggie, what are you doing here?” Uncle Paul asked, standing up and walking up to the door.
“Riley, go outside and wait for Jeff.” Aunt Marylyn said. I started making my way past Officer Malcolm, but he stopped me.
“Jeff’s not coming over you guys. His father found his mother in bed this morning. The cancer finally beat her.” I didn’t know what he said, but I just knew it was something to make Jeff stay home.
“Oh no! Are you certain?” Aunt Marylyn asked, her hand over her mouth. Officer Malcolm nodded, running his hand through his balding hair.
“Yes, I’m sure. He called the police station to get them to send an ambulance, and he wanted me to let you know, since he knew Riley was expecting Jeff and Matt to come over.”
“Aunt Mary, what’s going on?” I asked finally.
“Sweetie, Jeff and Matt aren’t going to be coming over for a while. Their mother…” her voice trailed off. She cleared her throat and continued. “Their mommy went to heaven.” she finished.
“You mean… she died?” I asked, knowing what it meant when parents tell their kids that. Aunt Marylyn looked confused on how I knew that. “My mom told me that there is no heaven, that when people leave the earth they just die and they’re put in the ground to rot away.”
“Now listen to me missy,” Uncle Paul said. “There is a heaven, all the good people go there. Mrs. Hardy is definitely in heaven. She died yes, but just her body died. Her spirit lives on and is in heaven.” I didn’t believe him, but I didn’t want him to know that. They were trying to un-teach everything my mother told me, but it never worked. Mom tried to make it to where everything she taught me I wouldn’t forget it.
“Can I go see them?” I asked my uncle.
“I think it would be best if we leave them alone for a while.” Uncle Paul said. I nodded, but seen something out of the corner of my eye. I looked around Officer Malcolm and saw Jeff standing behind him.
“Jeffy!” I shouted, running around the police officer and running down the front stairs. I slipped and fell, scraping my knee, but didn’t even notice. I was used to it since starting to hang out with Jeff and Matt, and I’ve been in worse pain.
“Riley, my mom…”Jeff started saying.
“I know.” I said. “Malcolm told us.”
“What am I gonna do?” Jeff asked, resting his hand on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him while he cried.
“It’s okay.” I whispered to him. “It’s okay Jeff. People die all the time.” Jeff’s head snapped up. “Okay that was the wrong thing to say.” I mumbled. “I just meant it’ll be fine. S-she’s in heaven. She’s in heaven and she’s being taken care of.” I shivered as I said that, mainly because I didn’t believe it, but Jeff seemed to believe it and that’s what I wanted, for him to feel better about things.
“Jeff, I think you need to go back home. You need to be with your father and brother right now.” Uncle Paul’s voice said from behind me.
“I know, I just needed to see Riley. She’s my best friend.” Jeff said, sniffing. I released him and watched as he started walking back toward his house.
“Hold on Jeff.” Officer Malcolm said. “I’ll give you a ride back. I need to get back to the station anyway.” I watched as Jeff got into the back of Officer Malcolm’s car.
“See you tomorrow Reggie.” Uncle Paul said as his partner drove away. The officer honked and drove down the street.
“Those poor boys,” Aunt Marylyn said after they left. “It must be tough losing their mother at such a young age. Imagine being 9 years old and losing your mother.” I didn’t say anything, but I knew how it felt.
“Riley, I’m proud of you.” Uncle Paul said to me. “You put aside what you believed to help console you’re friend. That takes a lot of maturity.”
“Thanks Uncle Paul.” I said, not looking at him.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” Aunt Marylyn asked me.
“I know how it feels to lose my mom, but not like that.” I said. Both Uncle Paul and Aunt Marylyn nodded in understanding, but they didn’t truly understand. Only Jeff and Matt knew how I felt now. How it felt to lose your mother, the woman who took care of you.
“I’m sorry” I mumbled before running back into the house. I ran into my bedroom and locked the door.
“Riley,” Aunt Marylyn’s voice called through my bedroom door. “Riley, there’s something we need to talk to you about. We were going to tell you tonight, but we thought it would be a better time now.” I walked back to my door and opened it. Letting my aunt and uncle in, I sat down on my bed, playing with my fingers.
“We got a call from my brother last night.” Uncle Paul said.
“Daddy?” I asked, perking up. Uncle Paul nodded.
“He’s coming in to see you this weekend. He’s on a break from his job, so he decided to come up here to see you.”
“I get to see my daddy!” I shouted happily. “If Jeff, Matt and Mr. Hardy are feeling better can they come over?” Uncle Paul and Aunt Marylyn looked at each other before Uncle Paul said “We’ll ask Gib if it’s okay, but don’t hold your breath.” I nodded, showing I understood, but I still couldn’t help but feel excited. I was going to finally meet my daddy.
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Okay... just the beginning. What will happen with Riley meets her dad? What will happen to the Hardy's now? Stay tuned for updates. =D