Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 10


“I’m getting out of bed.” I said, throwing the blanket off my cold but sweating body.
“No you’re not missy.” Aunt Marylyn said. “You’re sicker than a dog right now.”
“I’m fine.” I said. Jeff had baseball practice and I never missed them. He was still into the wrestling thing, but he was still playing baseball for the school.
“No you’re not Riley.” Uncle Paul said from my door. “I know you want to get to the practice, but I’m sure Jeff’ll forgive you for missing this one.” I groaned and laid back in bed, realizing I wasn’t going to win anything today.
“Fine.” I said, closing my eyes. I was asleep soon.

~POV: Matt~

“You ready to get started Mike?” I asked, walking through the woods toward the area Riley, Jeff and I worked on a few months ago.
“Let’s do it!” Mike said, jumping on my back. I laughed and fought him off.
“C’mon man, we gotta do this before Dad gets home from picking Jeff up.” I said. I wiped at my forehead. “How fuckin’ hot is it out here today?” I asked.
“90 something.” Mike answered.

I nodded, taking off my shirt which was drenched with sweat. Now I was just in a pair of shorts and my shoes. I was going to work on burning the brush we piled up. My friend Mike Klouse was going to burn it with me, so I could have it done by the time Dad realized I had done it.

“This is the pile?” Mike asked, looking at the pile Riley built up. She packed it good. Only a few pieces had flown free since April.
“This is it.” I said. Mike, who I just noticed was carrying a can of gasoline, unhooked the stopper and started tilting it toward the brush pile.
“Hey Mike, I just want the brush burnt, not the entire acres.” I said. Suddenly a breeze went through the trees. It was the first one I felt all day, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.
“Sorry Matt.” Mike said, screwing the stopper back onto the can.

I pulled out a piece of paper I had in my pocket along with a lighter I found in the house. I flicked the flame to life and put it to the paper, catching it on fire. I quickly tossed the paper on the brush pile, which caught fire instantly.

“There it goes.” Mike said, watching it. I grabbed a tree limb that had fallen and poked at the pile, making sure to keep the flame going, but under control. It was a few minutes before the pile was halfway down.
“Dude, this is going perfectly.” Mike said, leaning against a tree. I nodded my head just as a gush of wind blew. The burning brush flew everywhere, catching trees and grass on fire.
“Holy shit!” I shouted.
“Dude, call the fire department.” Mike said.
“No man, just help me get this out. Dad and Jeff will be home soon.” I said, reaching up and grabbing a tree limb that wasn’t burning.

I started swatting at the fire, getting some retaliating and flying onto my chest and shoulders. I kept swinging the limb until it completely burned down. I reached up for another one, and froze when I seen Mike heading back, carrying a bucket. He threw the contents of it onto the fire, which did nothing at all.

“We need more.” I shouted, swinging the fresh limb at the fire.

Mike ran back toward the house, and after 5 minutes was back again with the same bucket filled with water. I continued to swing at the fire, not caring that I was getting burnt.

~Riley POV~

“Uncle Paul! Aunt Marylyn!” I shouted. No one answered.

I got out of bed and walked through the house. No one was home. Out of nowhere I heard sirens sounding from the distance. That’s when I smelt it; wood burning.

“Paul, Marylyn!” I shouted, running outside. I seen smoke coming from the Hardy’s’ land, about where the “arena” was going to be.
“Oh no.” I thought. I quickly ran back into the house and pulled on my shoes. I slammed the front door shut and ran to their driveway.
“Matt! Jeff! Mr. Hardy!” I shouted when I seen the fire engines all over the place.
“Ma’am, you can’t be in here.” A fire fighter said. I was held back as I looked around. I seen flames everywhere, along with many jets of water.
“Riley!” a voice behind me called. I turned and seen it was Jeff, his father behind him. My heart froze, Matt wasn’t with them.
“What’s going on?” Jeff asked.
“I don’t know.” I answered honestly. “I just got over here. I smelled wood burning and seen smoke coming from over here.” I looked and seen Jeff was still in his baseball uniform. He had just gotten home from practice.
“Matt!” Jeff shouted, looking around. I looked around as well, but couldn’t see the eldest Hardy son anywhere.
“Matthew Moore Hardy!” Mr. Hardy shouted. I was terrified.
“Sir, my son.” Mr. Hardy said to a passing fire fighter.
“There’s a young man in there pretty badly burnt swiping at the fire, saying it needed to be out before his father got home. Are you his father?” the fire fighter asked. Mr. Hardy nodded, stunned. I breathed a slight sigh of relief. Matt was okay, burnt, but alive.
“Where’s my brother?” Jeff asked, trying to walk toward the woods. The fire fighter stopped him, and after a look from his father, Jeff decided it would be best to just wait. Out of nowhere I sneezed and coughed.
“What’s with the outfit?” Jeff asked me finally.
“I’m sick.” I groaned. “I woke up and was feeling terrible. Aunt Marylyn and Uncle Paul forced me to stay in bed. I got up to look for them when I smelt the wood. I thought it was a forest fire.” I admitted.
“We did too.” Mr. Hardy said. He reached his hand over and felt my forehead without warning. “You get inside and lay on the couch, you’re burning up with fever and clammy.”
“I’m fine.” I said, coughing again.
“Riley, for once please don’t argue with him.” Jeff said.

I shuddered from a cold chill, and then went into the house. I tried to listen to what was going on outside, but I couldn’t hear anything. After what seemed forever, Mr. Hardy walked through the front door, Matt and Jeff following close behind him. Mr. Hardy looked pissed.

“You stupid son of a bitch you could of burnt the whole woods down.” he shouted at Matt suddenly. I jumped and squeaked. “I’ve been working a hundred years on this place and you could of burnt all hundred acres I got and the house you stupid mother fucker! Who do you think you are I ought to kick to put my boot up your ass.”
“Riley, let’s go to my room.” Jeff said suddenly.

I stood up as quickly as I could, grabbing Jeff’s arm when I got dizzy. We went to Jeff’s room, where he grabbed clothes to take a shower with. I laid on Jeff’s bed and covered my cold body. I heard Mr. Hardy shouting more at Matt, who hadn’t said a single word. I don’t know what was being said, but I know that Matt was in a lot of trouble.

“Damn,” Jeff said, coming back into the room, his hair still dripping wet from his shower. “I’ve never heard Dad yell that much.”
“Neither have I.’I said, sitting up. When I got dizzy, I laid my head on the pillow. “Sorry, I took up post on your bed.” I said, closing my eyes.
“It’s fine.” Jeff said. “You’re sick. I understand, just don’t give me your germs.”
“Deal.” I said. I yawned and shuttered again. I hated being sick. I got the worst colds known to mankind.
“So, is this why you weren’t at the practice today?” Jeff asked, sitting on the bed beside me and pulling on his shoes. I nodded, yawning again.
“I’ll let you sleep.” Jeff said, standing up and stretching his arms and neck.

I closed my eyes and was instantly asleep again, but before I was completely shut off from the world, I felt the blanket get pulled up to my chin. I buried myself deeper into the mattress, and was lost to the world within seconds.

~One year later~

“One... Two.” I counted, smacking my hand down, when I seen Jeff’s shoulder lift up, I stopped the count quickly.

Matt looked to confirm it was a two count. I held up two fingers and he nodded. He threw Jeff against the “ropes” and Jeff ran toward Matt, who gave Jeff a huge clothesline.

“Hey Riley.” A voice behind me said. I turned and saw our friend, Shannon, standing behind me.

He walked up and stared at the match happening in front of us. Matt had just dropped his elbow on Jeff’s arm. Matt quickly pinned Jeff, cueing me to start counting again. I reached two again when Jeff’s shoulder went up again.

“They’re pretty good.” Shannon said, watching the two on the trampoline.
“Why don’t you get in there one day?” I asked.

Shannon shook his head. Yes, Shannon is a boy, and he’s one of our best friends. He had an equal amount of love for wrestling and sports that Matt, Jeff and I had.

“When are you going to get in there?” Shannon asked, leaning against the trampoline. I grabbed his arm to pull him up, knowing if he stayed on there long he would end up getting pinched by a spring. Believe me, that hurts like hell.
“Please, me fighting Matt or Jeff, I’ll end up dying.” I said, watching as Jeff put Matt into a headlock.

I watched as Matt fought, finally looking like he passed out. I reached and grabbed his hand, raising it and letting fall. I did it again, and it fell a second time. As I raised his hand again, he started shaking it, trying to get momentum built up. I quickly took my place beside Shannon again. Matt threw Jeff against the ropes again, and this time tackled him to the ground. Matt covered Jeff again, and this time I got the full three-count.

“And the winner is, Matt Hardy!” I shouted. Matt held up his hands in victory while Jeff rolled beneath the ropes, sitting on the edge of the trampoline.
“Shannon Moore.” Matt said, sitting on the trampoline beside Jeff. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d come over and say hey.” Shannon said, shaking Matt’s hand. Matt nodded and jumped off the trampoline, landing in the grass. He started heading toward the house, Jeff right behind him. Shannon and I followed, bringing up the back.
“When are you going to get in on a match Shannon?” Jeff asked, taking a gulp of water from a bottle he was carrying.
“I don’t know man.” Shannon said. “I might not be good enough.”
“You let us be the judges of that.” I said, patting his shoulder. He smiled and shook his head. I noticed Jeff tense up suddenly. He rolled his eyes and turned away, walking into the house.
“Come on Shannon, we’ll go work on your technique.” Matt said, leading Shannon back to the woods. I watched them go, hearing the front door slam again. I turned and seen Jeff standing on the porch, staring at me.
“What?” I asked. I’ve never seen him give me that look before, like he wanted so badly to say something, but was second guessing himself. He’s never second guessed what he wanted to do ever.
“Nothing.” he said finally.
“Jeff, what’s wrong?” I asked, knowing it was more than nothing. He wouldn’t be looking the way he was right now.
“It’s nothing.” Jeff said, not looking at me.
“Well, I better be getting home. Tell Matt and Shannon I’ll see them tomorrow?” I said.

Jeff nodded and went back into his own house. I stared at the front door for a minute before grabbing my things off the front porch. I walked home quickly; Dad was going to be there today. He had some time off. I walked into the front door when the phone rang.

“Hello?” I said as I answered it.
“That was fast.” Jeff’s voice said. “There was something I wanted to talk to you about; I just couldn’t bring myself to say it. Matt and I have jobs with WWF.”
“Really?” I asked, shocked.
“Yeah, we got hired as jobbers. We just show up, get our asses kicked, among other things, we get paid and we come home.” Jeff said.
“Wow, you guys are getting there.” I said. They were closer to becoming the wrestlers they wanted to be.
“Yeah, we wouldn’t have made it without you Riley. We want to take you out to celebrate tonight.” Jeff said.
“Yeah Riley, come out with us tonight!” Matt’s voice said suddenly. I laughed.
“Okay fine.” I said. “I’ll go.”
“Hey Riley, we also want you to come up with us for our first gig.” Jeff said. “You deserve to be up there as much as we do.”
“Okay.” I said. “But how can I get in there, I can’t show up with you two.”
“Your dad.” Jeff said. “I’m sure he’ll let you come up and backstage to see him.”
“I can ask him if he’s here.” I said. Footsteps behind me had me turning around, and Dad was standing right there.
“Thanks Riley.” Jeff said. “See you later.” he hung up the phone, and I lowered our phone back onto the base.
“Jeff?” Dad asked. I nodded.
“He and Matt got in the WWF as Jobbers.” I informed him.
“Isn’t Jeff 16?” Dad asked. I nodded.
“You know he’s underage?” Dad asked. I nodded again.
“I’m not going to say anything. I’ve seen the kid on that trampoline, he’s got talent.” Dad said. “He’s got the most talent in a kid I’ve ever seen. Him and his brother.”
“Thanks Dad. Hey Dad, they want me there with them on their first show, do you think you can get me up there and backstage?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I’m not sure if I want to.” Dad said. “These guys are tough and they’ll ask questions.”
“Don’t they know I’m your daughter?” I asked.
“They know I have one, they just don’t know it’s you or how old you are.” Dad admitted.
“Are you ashamed you had me?” I asked, knowing he was.
“I’m not, really I’m not.” Dad said. “I just don’t know how to tell people about you.” he said. I just stared at him.
“I can’t believe this.” I said, throwing my hands into the air. “You are ashamed of me. What did I do? Is it the way I dress, the way I look, what?”
“Riley, I’m not ashamed of you.” Dad said. “It’s just I really have no idea how to tell people you’re my daughter. How the hell can you tell someone you had a baby at the age of 15?”
“Just tell them.” I said. “If they judge you, then that’s them, at least you were honest with everyone.” He thought for a minute, realizing I was right.
“Okay.” he said finally. “You can come with me.” I jumped and hugged him.
“Thank you Daddy.” I said, kissing his cheek.

I picked up the phone, excited to tell Jeff the good news, but when Mr. Hardy answered and said Jeff and Matt went out to Charlotte, my happiness burst. It then hit me; I was going to lose him. He would be super busy doing jobs for the company, there was no way I’d be able to hang out with him the way we used to.

“I’m going to lose my best friend aren’t I?” I asked, putting the phone back down and turning back to Dad.
“It’s a rough business with a lot of sacrifice.” Dad said. “I had to give up having you with me to make it to where I am, plus your aunts and uncles and your grandparents had to sacrifice a lot too.”
“So everyone has to sacrifice something?” I asked.
“If you want to get anywhere in life, yes, you’ll have to make a lot of sacrifices.” Dad said. I sighed, knowing he was right. If I wanted to get anywhere with my writing, I’d have to sacrifice a lot, possibly even my friendships with Matt and Jeff.
“So, Jeff’s going to be at the Raleigh show this Tuesday right?” Dad asked.
“I think so.” I said. “He didn’t say. He wants me to go out and celebrate with him and Matt tonight.”
“Then go, have fun with your friends while you still can.” Dad said. “Paul and Mary are going to be out anyway and I actually have a date tonight, so you would have been home alone. Go out, have a good time.”
“You have a date tonight?” I asked, shocked. “With who?”
“No one you know, she lives up in Charlotte.” Dad answered.
“Well, you have fun tonight too.” I said. He smiled and shook his head, leaving the room.

~8:00 PM~

“Come on Riley!” Jeff shouted from the living room. I was in Dad’s room helping him get ready for his date.
“One more minute!” I called, straightening Dad’s tie and collar. “There.” I said stepping back. “You look good cleaned up.”
“I look like a monkey in a monkey suit.” Dad said, looking over the suit he was wearing.
“Well, if you didn’t want to wear a suit maybe you shouldn’t have made reservations at a fancy expensive restaurant.” I said, tugging on the hem of his jacket.
“Blah blah blah.” Dad said, rolling his eyes. He pulled on his arm cuffs and then his collar.
“You’ll be great.” I said, standing on tip toe to try to kiss him on the cheek. Of course he was too tall, so he ended up bending slightly for me to reach him. “You’ll have fun.” I said. “It’s nice that you’re taking her to a sit down place. You two can talk and get to know each other better.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Dad said, pulling on his collar one more time.
“You guys ready in there or what?” Jeff’s voice called, followed by a light knock on the door. I opened the door, and Jeff walked into the room, closely followed by Matt.
“Hey Mr. C. Lookin’ good.” Matt said, looking Dad over.

Dad rolled his eyes. He hated being called Mr. Calaway or even Mr. C. It made him feel old.

“Thanks Matthew.” Dad said, tugging on his collar again.
“I think we can go without the tie and button.” I said, seeing how uncomfortable Dad really was. I took off the tie and unfastened his top button, but seen the cotton of his shirt was still stretching beyond its limits.
“How long have you had this suit Dad?” I asked, undoing another button.
“About a year.” He said. Undoing the second button loosened him up more, so he was able to actually breathe now.
“I think you need to get a new one again.” I said, tossing the tie in his bed.
“Riley, you’re not ready to go.” Jeff said, looking at me. Uncle Paul had let Matt and Jeff in while I was helping Dad get ready for his date, so this was the first time I seen them since they got here. I noticed they were wearing pretty conservative outfits, which surprised me.
“Where are we going?” I asked, looking them over to try to understand better.
“Charlotte.” Matt answered. “We’re going to go to the bowling alley then go to eat.”
“So, I need to look conservative, to go bowling?” I asked, my eyebrow rising slightly. They both nodded. I looked at Dad, how just shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay then.” I said, walking into my bedroom.

I only had one outfit I could wear, and it was in the very back of my closet, so after digging around for a minute, I finally pulled it out. It was a pair of black slacks with baby blue colored shirt, simple but conservative. I decided to just wear my sneakers, no need to put on high heeled boots when you were going to be changing into smelly bowling shoes right? I combed out my hair and put it in a simple ponytail. Flattening loose strands of hair, I walked out and into the living room where everyone was waiting.

“You look really nice sweetie.” Dad said, kissing the top of my head. I looked at Jeff, who was staring at me with his mouth half open.
“What?” I asked, concerned I didn’t look right. “Is it too much? I can change...”
“No, you’re fine, I mean, you’re perfect.” Jeff stammered.

I’ve never heard him stammer like that, not even to Melody Carmichael. They dated about 2 weeks before they broke up. She ended up cheating on him with an older college guy.

“Thanks.” I said, uncertainly. Jeff just blushed slightly and turned around, walking through the front door as fast as he could.
“What’s wrong with him?” I muttered to Matt, who looked just as confused as I did. Matt just shrugged, but Dad chuckled behind us.
“What?” I asked, turning around to him. Dad just shook his head and grabbed his car keys.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Dad said finally, following Jeff out the front door.

Jeff was already in the car, and it appeared he was beating his head against his fist. I couldn’t help but smile at that, but the smile quickly vanished. Something wasn’t right. I didn’t know what, but I just knew something was going on, and I couldn’t figure it out.

“Let’s go.” Matt said.

I got into the back seat, right behind Jeff, while Matt got behind the wheel. It was a long silent ride, but oddly not awkward. I barely noticed that we passed the bowling alley, and ended up outside a theater.

“Where are we?” I asked, nervously.
“Follow us.” Matt said, getting out of the car. He went into the theater, leaving me standing outside with Jeff.
“What’s going on?” I asked, looking at the huge building.

Jeff just shrugged and followed his brother into the building, dragging me behind him by holding my hand. That’s when I felt it again, the same skip of the heart beat I felt at Christmas when we got the trampoline. The skip I felt when Jeff sat next to me and the same skip I keep feeling whenever he touched me or even looked at me anymore. I was confused on why I felt like this, but I couldn’t think of it right now, in fact, I was too wrapped up in seeing where I was going to think of anything right now. Matt and Jeff led me through the lobby to a grand flight of stairs. They started climbing the stairs, prompting me to follow.

“Here we are.” Jeff announced, his normal bounce was back, which I was thankful for.
“Where are we?” I asked, looking around. The door looked ancient with many different patterns.
“You’re party.” Matt and Jeff answered at the same time, opening the door.
“SURPRISE!” a roar greeted us. I was shocked. Inside were my aunt and uncle, along with my father who was beside a woman about my height, so she was about a foot shorter than him, probably a couple inches shorter than me. What shocked me even more, there were so many other people there I didn’t know, but I still knew who they were. My dad’s other brothers: David, his wife Mellissa, Michael, and Timothy, his girlfriend Samantha standing beside him with her arm around his waist. On Dad’s other side was an elderly couple, who I knew to be my grandparents.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking around the room, amazed. There were banners that said “Welcome” and even one that read “Family is measured by the love in your heart, not by the blood in your veins.”
“This is for you.” Dad said. “Well, it’s for all of us, but the surprise was for you.”
“Why?” I asked.
“You’re family.” my grandmother, Catherine, said. “We’re welcoming you to the family, and meeting you finally I should add.” she gave Dad an annoyed look, then turned back to look at me.

I still couldn’t believe it. I was finally meeting my long lost family. I smiled, but inside, I was terrified, and even confused. My uncles and aunts came running up to me, and I was hugged all around. I was finally led to my grandparents, who both took a firm hold on me.

“You’re the first born grandchild.” my grandmother said. “I wouldn’t have been ready back then, but I am now. Call me Grandma Cathy. Just plain grandma would make me sound like an old foggy.” I laughed and turned to my grandfather, suddenly nervous. I remembered a comment Uncle Paul and Dad said about him a while ago.
“Riley,” grandpa Frank said. “Welcome to the family sweetheart.” He said, hugging me harder than the first time.

I looked and seen the amazed look on my Dad’s face, but there were tears in his eyes as well. My own eyes welled up, knowing I had a place in this family. I turned and looked at the Hardy’s, my other family. Mr. Hardy was standing in between his two sons, both a considerable amount taller than him now.

“Thank you.” I said to them, running up and trying to hug the three of them at once.
“Thank Jeff.” Mr. Hardy said. “He’s the one who put this all together.”
“You did?” I asked, looking up at him. He just shrugged, but I seen the slight pink in his cheeks from his blush. I stood on tip-toe and wrapped my arms more securely around his neck.
“Thank you so much.” I said. “You really are my best friend, and you always will be.” I felt his arms wrap around my waist, and my heart nearly exploded. It just felt so right being in his arms like this, and it scared me. We quickly separated and I turned back to my family.
“Let’s get this party started.” Dad said suddenly, he turned and pressed a button on a stereo I didn’t even notice. A party beat started pounding from the speakers, and before I knew it, Jeff had me in his arms again, swinging me around. I threw my head back and laughed, quickly grabbing his neck to keep my balance.
“Party time.” Jeff said.

I nodded. My family joined in, but I knew this wouldn’t last. It was like the Cinderella story my mother told me before she died. Once the party was over, everything would go back to the way it was, except I knew I would end up losing the most important person in my life, my best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just for reference, Mike's last name is pronounced like cloud, just with an S sound at the end. Mike Klouse *I didn't know how to spell the name, Matt talked about him during a video I was watching on youtube*

A whopper of an update I know..I kinda went overboard, but wait until the next party scene, which I have to thank/remember to kill my brother for giving me the idea
*BTW UnholyInsanity if you read this, as you can probably tell know, this isn't the part I was talking to you about, but it's coming up soon :D* and just to let ppl know, Paul, David, Timothy and Michael are the names of Mark *The Undertaker's* real brothers, I'm not sure about Mellissa and Samantha yeah and Cathrine and Frank is the name of his real just to let ya all know :D

Jodi is the name of Mark's ex wife, I'm adding her b/c, obviously, she's important to yeah lol