Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 11

“Hey Mark!” a guy called.

Dad turned around and waved. I turned, and froze. It was Shawn Michaels, my current favorite wrestler.

“Dad!” I squeaked. Dad laughed and stopped, letting Shawn catch up.
“Hey Mark, who’s this?” Shawn asked. I could barely breathe. I was standing with Shawn Michaels!
“This, uh, this is my uh…” Dad said. I looked at him. He was nervous; it was finally coming out around here that I was his daughter.
“Niece?” Shawn asked.
“No, Mike.” Dad said. I looked confused, and obviously they seen that. “Riley, Shawn Michaels is his professional name.” Dad explained. “His real name is Michael Shawn Hickenbottom.”
“Oh.” I said, understanding now. “Can I still call you Shawn?” I asked. “I already have an Uncle we call Mike.”
“No problem sweetie.” Shawn said. I smiled and blushed.
“So, she’s not your niece, who is she?” Shawn asked Dad.
“She’s my daughter.” Dad said finally.
“You’re daughter? I heard you had one, I just didn‘t think she was so grown up. What were you a teen or something?” Shawn asked. Dad nodded.
“Ooh.” Shawn said.
“I honestly didn’t even know about her until she was seven, and I didn’t get around to actually meeting her until she was nine.” Dad said.
“How is that?” Shawn asked.

I couldn’t stop staring at him. I barely heard Dad explaining everything to him, or Shawn’s comments. This was a dream come true.

“Hey Shawn, when you get a minute I want to talk about our match tonight.” a voice said. I turned and looked, it was Razor Ramon.
“Okay Scott.” Shawn said. “Nice meeting you Riley, but if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.”
“See you later Mike.” Dad called.
“Bye Shawn.” I called after him. I turned and looked at Dad, who was looking at me with an amused expression on his face.
“You’ll get over being star struck soon.” Dad said, picking up his bag and walking toward the locker room.
“Sorry, you can’t come in here.” Dad said. “Men’s locker room. If you want we can go find a woman you can hang out with for the day, just until we can get you to your seat.”
“My seat?” I asked.
“Yeah, you get a front row view of what wrestling really is.” Dad said, holding up a ticket. I stared at it.
“Can’t I go sit now?” I asked. Dad looked thoughtful for a moment.
“Yeah, I guess you can.” He said finally.
“Riley! Mark!” familiar voices called behind us. I turned and saw Jeff and Matt walking up to us.
“Who are you?” Dad asked, walking away. I watched him leave, stunned.
“What’s with him?” Jeff asked when he reached me.
“I don’t know.” I said, and then it hit me. The sacrificing Dad was talking to me about. This was part of it.
“Uh, I’d better go catch up with Dad.” I said quickly. I didn’t even wait for them to reply; I just turned around and walked away. I caught up with Dad halfway down the hallway.
“What did they say?” he asked when I walked up.
“Nothing, I walked away before we could start talking.” I replied.
“I’m proud of you.” Dad said. “You remembered the sacrifices I told you about didn’t you?” I just nodded. I knew Jeff and Matt would have been hurt by what I did, but I also knew I would have been hurt even more by them if they did the same thing to me.
“Besides, they’re jobbers right now, they can’t do all that right now.” Dad was saying. “If they want to prove they belong here, they need to do as their told to begin with, and if the company decides to invest time in them, then they can do whatever the hell they want.” I stopped listening as Dad walked me toward an entrance. He showed a security member my ticket, and led me down a long flight of very steep stairs.
“Here you go.” He said, indicating a seat in a corner, right beside where the announcers sit.
“Thanks.” I mumbled.
“Honey, you did the right thing.” Dad said.
“Just because it was right for you doesn’t mean it’s what was right for me to do.” I said, instantly regretting that the words even left my mouth. Dad didn’t reply, he just turned and went up the stairs, stopping after climbing only two. He turned back and reached into his pocket.
“In case you get thirsty or something.” Dad said, handing me a ten dollar bill.

I took it and shoved it into my pocket, making a mental note to give it back to him after the event was over and we were at home. I turned to watch him leave, but he was already gone. The seats started filling up fast, soon I was surrounded by screaming fans, and even a guy that smelled like cabbage, pickles and sweat behind me. I didn’t really get into the show, even when I seen Jeff walking down the aisle, getting ready for his job. He seen me in the front row in my corner, but didn’t smile or anything. He stared for a minute before turning around, facing his back toward me. I didn’t watch the match. I don’t even know how he was up against. I kept my eyes on the floor, even noticing that someone had actually smeared gum on the barrier they had up to keep fans out of the ring. Before I knew it, it was time to leave. I stayed in my seat, waiting for Dad to come get me.

“Riley, c’mon.” a voice said. I turned, and was amazed to see it was Matt waiting for me.
“Where’s Dad?” I asked, standing up and walking toward him.
“He had to leave, so he asked me to make sure you got home okay.” Matt replied.

He seemed oddly distant, and I wondered if it was because of what I did earlier. We walked quietly, meeting up with Jeff at the car. Jeff didn’t say anything as Matt and I walked up. I refused to look at either of them anyway. I quickly got into the backseat of Matt’s car, putting on my seatbelt and hugging my knees to my chest. I pressed my eyes into my kneecaps, seeing little bright lights flash through my brain.

“You did good Jeff.” Matt said after a while. I tuned them out, not wanting to hear what they were saying. After a while, I felt a hand shake my shoulder.
“Are you okay Riley?” Jeff’s voice was asking. I didn’t reply, and I still refused to look at him.
“Riley, we’re not mad about what you did back there.” Jeff said suddenly. I looked up, surprised.
“Really?” I asked.
“Really, your dad explained everything before he left.” Matt said. “And I agree with you Riley. Just because he had to make sacrifices to get where he is now, doesn’t mean we have to make too many, especially when it comes to you. You know you can still join in with us. Be our manager and what not.”

I thought about the comment for a minute. It would be nice to be able to be with Jeff and Matt while they worked, and not have to risk losing them. Everyone was silent the rest of the ride. I was quiet mainly from being lost in my own thoughts.

“You know what, why don’t I give it a shot.” I said suddenly. Jeff turned and gave me a confused look. I saw Matt’s eyebrows draw together as well. He was just as confused as his brother.
“Give what a shot?” Jeff asked.
“Hello. What did Matt say before we stopped talking?”
“You could be our manager.” Matt answered, and realization dawned on his face. “You’ll do it?” he asked, looking into the rear view mirror at me for a quick second.
“Why not? I don’t want to lose you guys, and this way we can still help each other the way we promised each other we would.”
“Are you sure?” Jeff asked. “What about your writing?”
“I can work on that anytime.” I said, shifting myself around. It was starting to get uncomfortable riding with my knees in my chest.
“You’re absolutely sure?” Matt asked. “We don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do Riley. You know we don’t.”
“I know, that’s why I wouldn’t have said I wanted to if I didn’t want to.”
“Huh?” Jeff asked. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t have said I wanted to because I knew you two would ask if I was sure and you would know if I was doing it for myself or for you guys.” I cleared up.

Jeff looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. He still didn’t get what I was talking about, but it was okay. I knew what I was going to be doing, and I knew it was just as much for me as it was for them.

“We’ll start working with you on it tomorrow night, while we’re doing the OMEGA show.” Matt said, making a turn. I didn’t realize we were already home. Well I was home anyway, Matt and Jeff still had a minute drive to get home. “It’s really easy. Just stand there looking pretty and encourage us to keep going.”
“Alright.” I said, opening my car door. “See you guys tomorrow.” I said. They both waved and I was about to shut my door when I stopped. I had just looked up at my house, and froze in horror.
“Matt, Jeff.” I whispered. They both looked at the house, and jumped out of the car, Jeff actually hitting his head on the roof because of how fast he stood up. The three of us stared at the front door, which was wide open.
“Get back in the car Riley.” Matt said.
“No, my uncle, my aunt.” I said, looking around. Uncle Paul’s car was gone, but Aunt Marylyn’s was still here, which didn’t really mean anything.
“Riley, please, just stay here.” Jeff pleaded. I shook my head, deciding right now was a good time to be stubborn. Matt and Jeff both gave me an exasperated look.
“Fine, but stay behind us, and run if we tell you to.” Matt said.

I nodded, knowing I couldn’t really agree to that for the fact that if something happened to any of these people, I would be devastated. Matt reached into the backseat of his car and grabbed a baseball bat. It must have been one of Jeff’s old ones. Matt crept toward the house, Jeff and me following right behind him. There wasn’t any noise coming from the house, but that’s what worried me the most.

“Did Paul have to work tonight?” Matt asked.
“No.” I whispered. “But he and Aunt Mary could have gone out or something.”
“Let’s hope so.” Jeff muttered.

We were walking up the front steps now. Jeff grabbed my hand, and my heart skipped a beat again. What was wrong with me? Matt had reached the front door and indicated to Jeff and me to wait here. Jeff stopped, but I tried to keep moving. Jeff wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me against him, keeping me outside. Even though we were possible walking into a break in at my house, being in Jeff’s arms like this felt so right. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

“Oh my God.” I heard Matt’s voice shout out.

That did it. Throwing caution aside, I ran into the house and ran through the house. I found Matt at my bedroom door.

“Matt! Riley!” Jeff shouted, running and catching up with us.

We turned to look at him, and my heart froze with terror. Hanging from a candle lamp Aunt Marylyn had hanging in the hallway, was a dead cat, but not just any cat. It was Pickles, the stray cat I took in just two days ago. I turned back to my bedroom and looked inside. The scream that escaped my lips was from pure terror. Bright red letters covered my walls, saying stuff like “You’ll pay for what you did.” The thing that scared me the most, however, was the large symbol that was on the wall just above the head of my bed. It would have been pretty neat, if I hadn’t known what it meant.

“Riley, come on.” Jeff said, grabbing my arm and dragging me back through the house. Matt grabbed my other arm and led me out of the house faster. They gently placed me into the back of Matt’s car and drove down the street toward their house. They made it there within a second.
“Dad!” Matt called as he walked into the house. Jeff was half carrying me to the couch.
“What happened?” Mr. Hardy asked, looking between the three of us.
“We need to call the police.” Matt just said, running to the kitchen to where the phone was.
“What’s going on Jeff? Riley?” Mr. Hardy asked.

I couldn’t speak. The image of the symbol was burned inside my brain. I started shivering uncontrollably.

“Do you know where Paul and Marylyn are?” Jeff asked his father. Mr. Hardy shook his head.
“As far as I knew they were at home waiting on Riley to get home.” he answered out loud. I groaned and started sobbing.
“Jeffrey Nero you better tell me what’s going on right now.” Mr. Hardy said, placing his arm around my shoulders.
“We get to her house and the front door’s wide open.” Jeff started explaining. “We noticed Paul’s car was gone, so we got worried. We went into the house, and remember that cat Riley took in two days ago?” When Mr. Hardy nodded, Jeff continued. “We found the cat hanging from a candle lamp in the hallway, dead. His stomach was slashed open. We look into Riley’s bedroom and…”
“The cops are on their way, and your aunt and uncle are safe Riley. They went to the diner an hour after you left with your dad.” Matt said, walking into the room. I breathed a sigh of relief.
“You walked into Riley’s room and what else Jeffrey.” Mr. Hardy demanded. Jeff took a deep breath and looked at Matt.
“There was writing all over her walls.” Matt picked up for Jeff. “Stuff like threats and even a symbol. An ancient symbol we learned people put above someone’s head after-after killing them.”
“Someone put a death threat on Riley’s wall?” Mr. Hardy asked, his arm tightening on my shoulders.

I barely saw Matt and Jeff nod from the corner of my eyes. We sat there in silence until we heard sirens coming down the long driveway leading to the Hardy house.

“Riley?” a familiar voice called after Mr. Hardy let them in. It was Officer Reggie Malcolm, Uncle Paul’s former partner. Officer Malcolm was promoted to detective a couple years ago.
“Thanks for coming so fast Reggie.” Mr. Hardy said.
“I heard it was Riley and Matt explained everything; there was no way I was putting this off.” Detective Malcolm said.
“Still, it was pretty fast getting here from town.” Mr. Hardy said.
“Now, I need to be told exactly what happened.” Detective Malcolm said.

Jeff and Matt retold the story. I was still too dazed to think properly. Out of nowhere I felt a hand grab mine and the heart flutter that followed told me it was Jeff before I even looked up and into his eyes.

“RILEY! RILEY!” a frantic voice called from outside.

I heard the door bust open then felt a pair of hands grab my head and neck, strangling me with a hug. I knew it was Aunt Marylyn. I endured the minute of cut off oxygen because I was just as happy to see her and Uncle Paul as they were to see me.

“Are you guys okay?” I asked, when I was finally able to get oxygen flowing through my lungs.
“We’re fine.” Uncle Paul’s voice said. “We were worried about you. A death threat? Who the hell would do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“RON!” Jeff shouted suddenly. “Ron knew what that symbol meant, plus he has reason for wanting to hurt Riley.”
“We don’t know it’s him. We might end up making him a Red Herring.” Matt said.
“We’ll find out who did this to you Riley, don’t worry about it.” Uncle Paul said. “I want on the case Reggie.”
“Can you put your personal feelings aside?” the detective asked. Uncle Paul nodded, standing straighter than I’ve ever seen him stand.
“Okay,” Detective Malcolm said. “You’re in, but the first indication that you can’t handle it, I want you to back off.” Uncle Paul nodded and saluted him.
“I can’t go back to that house.” I whispered.
“We know.” Jeff said, sitting on the couch beside me. “You’re staying here.”
“I don’t think that’s wise.” Detective Malcolm said. “The person would know she would stay here, and possibly target the house.”
“I don’t care about that.” Mr. Hardy spoke up. “There are enough men around here to protect her. I ain’t letting her out of my sight.”
“Neither am I.” Jeff spoke up, walking to stand next to his dad. Matt stood behind Jeff, nodding his head.
“Riley’s a sister to us.” Matt spoke up. “There’s no way we’re letting her out of our sights until everything’s cleared up.”
“Very well.” Detective Malcolm said. “Paul, I want you to stay around here and protect your niece, if you see anything or heard anything funny, call me immediately.”
“I will Reggie. Riley’s like a daughter to me, and there’s no way I’ll take any risks with her life.” Uncle Paul said.

I was starting to unfreeze, so I was able to process what was being said. Everyone was standing up for me, putting their lives on the line for mine. I felt tears well up inside my eyes, and actually leak down my cheeks.

“I don’t deserve you guys.” I muttered, standing up and running into Jeff’s bedroom, throwing myself on his bed.
“Riley, you deserve a lot more than you think you do.” Jeff’s voice said after a couple of minutes. The bed sank a few inches as he sat down, causing me to roll over and my back touched his leg. “You deserve more than anything or anyone. You’ve been through so much, but yet you can still be this vibrant person. You radiate light around us, even in the darkest corner. So don’t say you don’t deserve us, it us who don’t deserve you.” I felt the bed lift up as Jeff stood up. I looked up just in time to see Jeff’s back as he left the room.
“Jeff.” I called before he could get too far. He stopped and turned back around.
“Yes?” He asked. I froze, I wanted to tell him this so badly, but I just knew I couldn’t. He shook his head and turned back around, walking down the hallway.
“I called Mark.” I heard Uncle Paul say. “He’s on his way back right now."
"Okay, thanks Paul." Jeff said.
"How's she doing?" I heard Matt ask.
"Probably terrified." Aunt Marylyn said.
"She's holding up the best way she knows how," Jeff said. "by worrying about everyone else but herself when she's the real one in any danger."
"That's Riley for you Jeff." Aunt Marylyn said.
"So we're staying here tonight?" Uncle Paul asked.
"Absolutely." I heard yelled in Mr. Hardy's voice at the same time Matt and Jeff yelled "Hell yeah."
"Like we said Mary." Matt said. "She our sister now, nothing is going to hurt her as along as we're around."
"Exactly." Jeff said. I heard two sets of footsteps walking away, then heard Jeff continue. "So how are we doing this?"
"Paul and Mary can have my room for the night." Matt spoke up.
"Riley can take my room." Jeff said.

My heart froze. If I took his bed, he'd be left on the couch, and he couldn't sleep on couches. They're too lumpy for him and he gets grumpy when he's tired.

"No Jeff, you sleep in here." I called, standing up and walking into the hallway.
"No Riley. You can't sleep on a couch, you get grumpy." Jeff said.
"So do you." I challenged back. I saw a shadow of a smile that disappeared instantly. "Besides," I pressed on. "You have a match for OMEGA tomorrow night."
"You have managing training tomorrow."
"How hard is it to stand around a ring and watch you guys wrestle. What is it so hard to clap my hands or slap the ring?" He full on smiled that time, and it stayed a little longer. I kind of planned for that with my last comment. He looked better when he was smiling.
"Well, we have to think of something." Mr. Hardy said. "One thing isn't negotiable though, I'm going with the three of you to your OMEGA whatnot."
"Why?" Matt asked.
"Do you think I'm letting you kids out of my sight after what happened tonight with the person still at large? I don't think so Matthew." Mr. Hardy said. I laughed and Jeff snickered.
"Okay sorry." Matt mumbled. He turned and went do the hall into the living room.
"So what are we going to do?" Jeff asked his dad. "We both can't sleep in the living room because I'm sure you two don't want two cranky teenagers in the morning."
"I guess just this once I'll make an exception." Mr. Hardy said, sighing. "The two of you can sleep on Jeff's bed tonight."
"Really?" Jeff asked.
"Yes, but don't make me regret my decision." Mr. Hardy said.
"We won't." I promised him quickly. I knew if Jeff said it he wouldn't believe it.
"This is going to be a fun night." I thought I heard Jeff mutter. Whether he said it or not, I agreed with the comment completely.
♠ ♠ ♠'s been a while since I and everything, just haven't had to time or the want to to finally chapter 11 is up and good to go! :D

just a few I said before, I'll be using the real names of the wrestlers, so yes, Hickenbottom is Shawn's real last

and just a little shout out..THANK YOU JEFF...I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON!!!

You see, Jeff Hardy was forced to leave the WWE for a while...he has two herniated disks in his back...a neck injury and RLS *Restless Leg Synrdom* his last match was a cage match with the stipulations being the loser had to leave obviously Jeff lost, but his brother Matt posted a blog explaining good luck Jeff and I hope you feel better soon...

Quote of the Day: Your's truly, Jeff Hardy....Our's truly, this life...