Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 14

Breakfast was at the diner, the only really good place to go around here. Tricia welcomed us the moment we walked into the place. She sat us down and gave us all menus, even though she knew we were all going to order the biscuits and gravy with eggs. It was the house special. Everyone who came in for breakfast ordered the gravy.

“Biscuits and gravy.” was said 4 times.
“Coming right up.” Tricia said.

She whisked away to give their orders to the chef, Marcus. When she came back she had a tray with 3 glasses of milk and a coffee balanced on it. She placed the glasses in front of Matt, Jeff and me and the coffee in front of my aunt.

“So is it true, what’s going around town? Someone threatened Ms. Riley here?” Tricia asked, after looking around to make sure no other table needed help. I looked up at Jeff, who looked at Matt.
“Yes, it’s true.” Aunt Marylyn answered. Tricia gasped.
“Why would anyone want to hurt this poor child?” Tricia asked, tapping my head.
“We don’t know.” A voice behind Tricia said. It was Mr. Hardy. Behind him were my Uncle Paul and my Dad.
“Let me get another table added to this one.” Tricia said.

Mr. Hardy and Dad pulled the table to connect with ours. Dad sat down next to me, putting in between him and Jeff. Jeff’s hand grabbed mine under the table. I squeezed his hand slightly, letting him know I was okay.

“You poor girl. Don’t you ever get a break?” Tricia asked, sitting in a chair at the head of the table. “First your momma dying, then that Ron boy and now this.”
“Plus I was abandoned.” I added for her benefit.
“Abandoned? By who?” Tricia asked.
“Social Worker.” Dad mumbled. Tricia’s mouth fell to the floor.
“Well, you know what, I hear a lot of things around this here diner, and if I hear anyone just mention Riley, I’ll let ya’ll know. This is the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. If anyone wants to hurt this one, they’ll have to go through me first.” Tricia took Dad, Uncle Paul, and Mr. Hardy’s orders and brought them three coffees. Then she left to check on her other tables.
“See sweetie, even the waitress loves you enough to protect you.” Dad said.
“Hey Dad, I was just thinking earlier, and I want to know what all of you think.” I looked around at everyone, but looked a second longer at Jeff. I really wanted his opinion about this the most. “What would you guys say if I changed my last name?”
“What do you want to change it to?” Aunt Marylyn asked.
“Calaway, of course. I mean, it is my family’s name. I’m not a member of the Mitchell family anymore now than I was when my mother was alive. They never wanted me.”
“I think it’s a great idea.” Mr. Hardy said.
“Absolutely.” Matt agreed.
“If it’s really what you want to do.” Dad said. I turned to look at Jeff.
“Go for it. Then you’ll really be finished with your past, and you’ll be able to move on with your future.” he said. I nodded, knowing he was right. There was a moment of silence where I was relieved I was able to talk to them about my decision.
“You still going with us up to OMEGA Ri?” Matt asked me. I quickly swallowed the bite of gravy in my mouth.
“You know it.” I answered him.
“We need to get you an outfit then. I’m sure Matt can make you something by tonight to match our style.” Jeff said.
“Matt make me something?” I asked, looking at him.
“I didn’t want you to know, but I taught myself to sew.” Matt informed me. “Cheaper than going out and buy tights every week. All I need is some fabric and I’m good to go. I made that shirt for you. The one you’re wearing now.” I looked down at the black shirt with fishnet sleeves. It was a really nice shirt.
“Thank you Matty.” I said. “I love it.”
“I can tell, otherwise you wouldn’t be wearing it.” Matt said.
“Think you could make up something for me?” Dad asked suddenly. Matt looked bewildered for a moment.
“Uh, sure I guess.” he said, grabbing his milk and taking a quick drink.
“We’re all going to be at your event tonight.” Mr. Hardy said. “We all agreed this morning. It’s too dangerous for you kids to be out on your own.” I froze. My first night and I’d have to be seen by my family, my father even who’s already a professional.
“You okay Ri?” Jeff asked, grabbing my knee. I shook my head, then nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said, though I wasn’t sure I’d convinced everyone. I didn’t even convince myself.
“Nerves?” Dad asked. I nodded my head again.
“Don’t worry, we’ll train you with the basics before we go.” Matt said.
“We’ll all pitch in.” Uncle Paul said. “We’ll do it by your old trampoline.”
“Not a good idea Paul,” Mr. Hardy said. “That thing’s probably rusted and broken down by the weather and age.”
“Okay, we’ll make our own ring then. What time do you have to be there by?” Dad asked.
“We need to be there by 5 to get everything set up and to get ourselves together.” Matt said. “The show’s at 7 though.”
“Plenty of time.” Dad said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I noticed he had worry lines on his face, something I never seen on him before. I decided to ask him about it later. The rest of breakfast went by with people talking amongst themselves. I decided to talk to Jeff about something.

“Do you think we should tell them now?” I asked, looking over at him. “It’s better to get it all done with one shot and the sooner we tell them the better.”
“Yeah I know that.” Jeff said. He looked behind me and I knew he was looking at my dad.
“Don’t worry; it’ll be fine with him. He’s probably expecting this just as much as Matt and Aunt Mary were.” I said. He grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles.
“Okay, let’s do this.” he said. Everyone had finished eating by now. Jeff and I turned back to our families, butterflies flying in my stomach.
“Uhm, everyone.” Jeff said nervously. The chatter stopped at once as everyone looked at Jeff. “R-Riley and I have something we want to tell everyone.” I noticed his skin go slightly green as he thought of how to tell everyone.
“Jeff and I,” I started for him. “Jeff and I are…”
“Are you two dating?” Dad asked suddenly. I gulped and nodded, as did Jeff.
“So it’s finally official?” Uncle Paul asked. We both nodded again.
“About damn time.” Dad muttered. I looked at Jeff, who still looked slightly green.
“Are you okay?” I asked him. He just nodded and slumped into his chair.
“You know that’s an even bigger reason for us to not approve of the two of you sleeping over right?” Mr. Hardy said.
“We understand.” I told him. Jeff grabbed my hand and placed it on the table.
“Need some advice on that monster I call my brother?” Matt asked me.
“No, thank you Matt. I think I know Jeff just as well as you do.” I said, laughing at the disappointed look on his face.
“I’m going to go gray before my time.” Dad muttered, rubbing his face with his hands. He looked at Uncle Paul, then Aunt Mary, then to me. “There’s something you need to know as well honey.” he said. “I’m engaged.”
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okay just catch everyone up..Riley is about to turn 17, so this is in 1993...I'm actually a little behind on my dates b/c in 93, Mark was already I'm a little

but yeah Riley's getting a step-mom! how do you think that makes her feel? comments=<3 here!! XD lol