Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 15

I sat frozen in my seat. Dad was engaged? How…when…to who?

“Wow, congratulations Mark.” Mr. Hardy said. I couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Riley.” Jeff said, shaking me slightly. When I didn’t respond he shook a little harder. “Riley.”
“Riley, look, I know that was sudden but,” Dad started talking and it snapped me from my trance. I should be happy for Dad. He’s getting a wife.
“That’s awesome Dad,” I finally said, my voice a little to high pitched. “That’s really great. Congratulations.”
“Riley, are you sure your okay with it?” Aunt Mary asked me. I nodded my head, looking up at Dad.
“Yeah, Dad deserves to be happy.” I said. “I don’t make things much easier on him, so he needs someone…”
“Whoa, what did you mean by that?” Dad asked. “Riley, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, including getting signed to the WWF and everything else.”
“I’m baggage Dad, admit it.” I said.
“I can say with all out honesty you are not baggage.” Jeff said, squeezing my hand. “You don’t deserve what you’ve been through.”
“You know, you all talk about what I’ve been through, but you never talk about yourselves. Jeff nearly got himself in trouble because of me on numerous occasions. You’ve had to search for me in the middle of the woods at night because I ran away. You’ve had to make sacrifices for me.”
“We’ve never had to sacrifice anything for you Riley.” Mr. Hardy said. “You’re just as much a part of this family as you are the Calaway’s. This right here is one big family, and you’re the biggest part of it. You’re the one that brought us all together like this.”
“Amen to that girl.” Tricia said coming up to our table. “You know your aunt and uncle didn’t even think twice about these boys right here until you came along?”
“Really?” I asked, looking around at everyone. Everyone but Matt, Jeff, and Dad nodded.
“They wouldn’t remember, but it’s true.” Uncle Paul said. All we were was neighbors to each other. Only said hello to each other every once in a while. After you came here and became friends with Matt and Jeff, we started to realize how great they really are. It was a really big loss for everyone when Mrs. Hardy passed.”
“Yeah, it was.” Aunt Marylyn said. “She became one of my dearest friends during the little bit of time we started talking.”
“She felt like a mother to me.” I admitted. Frank squeezed my hand again as Dad wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “Why does it seem like any mother I have, they always end up leaving?” I asked, tears forming in my eyes.
“It’s not you Riley,” Tricia said. “It’s life in general. The Lord needed your mama just like He needed Mrs. Hardy.”
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure Jodi will be there no matter what.” Dad replied. I just nodded, staring at the floor.
“Hey, you know what will cheer Riley up?” Matt asked suddenly.

He stood up from the table and walked toward this side, pulling my chair out from the table and grabbing my hand. He pulled me from the chair and toward the door.

“C’mon Jeff.” Matt called, walking out of the diner.
“Where are we going?” I asked Matt as he practically dragged me down the sidewalk.

He didn’t reply. Jeff finally caught up with us and grabbed the wrist of the hand Matt was holding. Jeff worked my hand free and let go of my wrist, allowing me to regain my balance and run at my own speed.

“Here we are.” Matt said. “I need to get some supplies for tonight.” Jeff and I came up level to Matt, and seen he ran us to the arts and crafts store.
“What do you need to get?” Jeff asked.
“Fabric. I need you and Riley to help me pick it out, since we’re all three going to be dressing in it.” We walked into the store and Mrs. Periwinkle, the owner and only employee in the shop, was stocking shelves.
“Well, Matt and Jeff Hardy…. and Riley Mitchell, what a surprise. I expect you came here for some fabric Matt?” Mrs. Periwinkle asked.
“Yes ma’am,” Matt replied politely. “We need to make newer ring attire for our match tonight.”
“Well, since you’re my best costumer, I’ll give you a whole roll for the price of a yard. You’re the only person who buys some of the fabric anyway.” Mrs. Periwinkle said.
“Thank you ma’am.” Matt said, walking over to a shelf filled with fabric rolls. There were many different colors and patterns.
“Well, what do you two think?” Matt asked, looking over at Jeff and me. I didn’t know what to say.
“I like this.” Jeff said, pointing to a purple and green zebra pattern.
“Uh, I don’t think so.” Matt said. I didn’t reply. “What about this one?” Matt asked, pointing to a camouflage roll of fabric.
“We’re not in the army bro.” Jeff said. I still didn’t reply.
“Penny for your thoughts Riley?” Jeff asked suddenly.
“You guys know me, I don’t care.” I said quickly. Jeff and Matt looked at each other before turning to face me fully.
“Riley, do you really want to do this?” Jeff asked. “If you don’t we totally understand, right Matt?”
“Right.” Matt replied.
“No, I want to do this, I just don’t care about what we wear.” I replied. “I’ll wait for you outside.” I said.

I walked out of the shop and leaned against the wall. I knew I ruined things for them, and I hate myself for it. I don’t know what came over me. I was actually excited to get to spend time alone with Jeff and Matt, but I suddenly felt really depressed. The door opening brought me from my thoughts. Matt walked out first, carrying a long tube wrapped in brown paper. Jeff was soon after, carrying a bag that looked like needles and thread.

“Ready to go?” Matt asked me, hoisting the tube on his shoulder.

I just nodded and started following him back toward the diner. Jeff fell into step beside me and grabbed my hand, swinging it back and forward while smiling at me. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“I love you.” he whispered lightly. I just smiled more and wrapped my arm around his lower back, leaning my head against his shoulder.
“What’s that stuff?” Mr. Hardy’s voice asked as we drew level to everyone.
“Supplies.” Matt answered. “We need to get home so we can get ready. I have three outfits to make tonight. Riley, do you care about showing a little skin?”
“How much exactly?” I asked nervously.
“Just midriff, maybe a little leg and cleavage.” Matt replied.
“Uh,” Jeff, Dad, Uncle Paul, and Mr. Hardy all said at the same time.
“I don’t think so.” Uncle Paul said.
“Mid riff is fine, and a little leg, no cleavage.” Mr. Hardy said.
“Not too much leg.” Dad spoke up.
“I’m okay with the mid riff, but at least an inch above the knee, and no cleavage.” Jeff said.
“I was just joking guys, jeez. I’m not gonna make her show THAT much.” Matt said, looking flustered. “You know I think of Riley as a sister.”
“Let’s go, I’ll help you work Matt.” Aunt Marylyn said, heading toward the parking lot.

Jeff and Matt rode with their father while my own and I and my aunt rode with my uncle. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of what I was about to do. I was about to do what I’ve seen so many times before. I was about to manage a wrestling tag team.
♠ ♠ ♠
probably not as long as normal, but I kinda have writer's block. lol

next chapter, WRESTLING EVENT!!!